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Posts posted by AnotherVice

  1. I made a very big commitment today. I usually start my day with a glass of Pepsi and then consume at least a two liter of Mt Dew throughout the day, if not more. When it comes to food well, I never measured, portioned or counted calories. Today I woke up and new it was my day to make my first big change. I have had nothing except Water to drink today! It's 4:30 and I've not touched a drop of anything else. I think I might be getting a caffeine headache, but I'm not giving in. Not this time. I skipped Breakfast, I rarely eat it. For lunch I had two chicken slider sandwiches and some fruit. So, I've ingested 460 calories plus 40 more for the miracle whip. I am so proud of myself! I want to get myself in a healthy routine now so that it's habit after surgery.

    What apps do you guys use to help with your daily routine? I saw a Drop It, but can't find it in my App Store. Do you use an exercise app? What are your favorites? What ones don't work?

    My surgery is in December.

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