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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Bj49

  1. I had GERD really bad before surgery. I also had hiatal hernia repair done. Right after surgery I still had problems, but it has been 2.5 months since surgery and my re-flux is much better. When the weight drops it usually gets better.
  2. Well I made it through my 7 day liquid diet. Yeah, for me. I did not cheat once. Although I'm starving. Tomorrow is my big day. I check in at 7am and surgery is at 9am. My surgeon is using an mechanical arm for my procedure. I was worried at first, but my cousin also had the mechanical arm back in Sept and everything went well. He says it allows him to see better. I'm excited but a bit nervous, just because you never know. I lost 8lbs this week while on the liquid diet.  I actually felt a little better but starving.

    1. Apple1


      I hope your surgery went well and you are feeling good.

  3. Meeting with the nurses and anesthesiologist on the 8th. I need to get blood work done then too. Surgery is scheduled for August 15th @  9:00. I'm excited at this time. and not really nervous yet. It has been long and drawn out fighting with my insurance on coverage. I started this journey February and it is finally going to happen. I just want to be off the medications and my c-pap. I hope the knee and feet pain go away or at least is more tolerable. So thankful for my supportive husband and family.  

    1. pfisher


      Good for you! This is so exciting! Having a supportive spouse and family makes a huge difference. As I'm working through the process to get sleeved, I'm also encouraging my husband who had sleeve surgery in April. He has been off diabetic meds and blood pressure meds since the end of May. He has no cartilage in his knees so they still hurt but he has more energy and generally feels so much better than he did a year ago.

      Wishing you all the best!!

  4. All testing completed, now just holding my breath for insurance approval. I'm at the lower scale of obesity at 35 BMI. Hopefully, they see all the health issues that I have and realize that this is a needed procedure for me. This is a way for me to be able to get healthy and add years to my life. I would love to see my grand-babies grow up.
  5. I think different doctors do different liver shrinking diets. Mine consists of 3 premier shakes, snack ( from the list of course), 2 0z of lean meat, and 1/2 cup of vegetables.
  6. Finally I have my date. August 15 will be my sleeve day. I start my two week diet for liver shrinking on the 2nd. In one month I too will be sitting on the losers bench.
  7. Well after going back and forth with my insurance company after they denied it at first, I was called today from my insurance advocate who says I have been accepted. Yes, finally I am on my way. Excited about leaving some of my medical problems behind with the meds that go with them. Now just waiting for my date.
  8. So I called today to see what was going on. I had to call while working. The person who answered said that it was denied due to insurance not covering the procedure. Which I know is not true because it is listed in my benefit book. I had to talk to three people before they actually looked at my personal benefits when I decided to pursue this procedure. She told me that she would put a note on my file, but I guess she did not. So now I have left phone messages and emails. I guess it is still the waiting game.
  9. The waiting game continues.... my insurance company has had my information for two weeks now. The waiting is the worst.
  10. I had been doing diets forever and prescription meds for the last 3 years. IT had been suggested by my physician 3 times over the last 4 years before I decided to go to the information meeting. I went to that in February. I met with the surgeon beginning of March. Finished going to the doctors and testing last week. so about 2 months which is what they say it usually takes. But my surgeon just had surgery will not be performing any again until May 22nd. Just hoping for insurance approval.
  11. But keep in mind that you have disorders like depression, or eating orders, etc., then it may be more intense. This was the first time I had ever seen a psychologist.
  12. My Psychologist told me that it is her job to make sure that I am competent enough to understand about the surgery and the new diet that I will be living on. She also said that there are some who milk the job of evaluating you for the money. My cousin had a Psychologist that made her do a two hour computer questionnaire before he even spoke with her. She had three days that she had to meet with him. I went to the same place had a different Psychologist and was there 20-25 minutes in which she had enough time to approve me.
  13. The drain tube is stitched in place and it is probably pulling on the site. It should get better once removed.
  14. Bj49

    Looking for BMI Pals less than 36

    My BMI is 35. Waiting for insurance approval now. Looking forward to getting and staying healthy.
  15. I'm looking forward to carrying less weight on my knees and feet. Hoping that some of my many medical problems will be corrected as time goes by. Buying smaller clothes is always a plus but my main goal is to be healthier all the way around.
  16. I think that people sometimes don't see the whole picture. Not only are you becoming a healthier but you have added more years to your life. More years that you can spend with him. He should be proud to have such a beautiful woman on his arm. You look fabulous and it gives me such hope that I will be able to accomplish the same.
  17. Bj49

    Newbie here

    Welcome! Finally finished all the doctor appointments and testing. Just waiting for a surgery date. Unfortunately my surgeon just had surgery and will not be conducting surgery until the end of May. Keeping my fingers crossed that I will be one of the first on the list.
  18. When I decided to have surgery I had decided that I was only going to tell my husband. But I did not tell that to my husband and in turn he has talked to many people about it. So I have told friends and family. My husband is very supportive and understanding. My mother was concerned about the surgery but has come around. I have a great support group with a couple of friends and a family member who have gone through this surgery already.

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