I had my 1st appointment today. Had kind of decided I would get a bypass but after meeting with my surgeon she said the sleeve is the best for me. Did not even discuss the bypass. Which is ok with me I was not set on one or the other wanted to rely on the doctor expertise. However I had a real set back. I have to get a surgeon for my diverticulitis which surprised me and enlightened me. I knew I was having episodes way more than I should but did not realize how dangerous it is. So I have to go to a colon rectal surgeon to see if surgery is called for in my case. So when I left I called and made my appointment for Thursday. If surgery is needed then it will set my surgery back 2 to 3 months. I think it may be a blessing I went there just because I didn't not realize of serious the diverticulitis can be. So if nothing else I am grateful for that. But my journey has begun and it is so exciting and scary.