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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Newgette

  1. I think you are expecting results way too fast. This is the same thing I did three years ago when I was banded. Once you start to get your fills you will notice a definite restriction as to how much you can eat....Believe me, your body will reject it if you eat too much. Even after a few fills I didn't feel any restriction. Just be patient and your weight loss will suddenly start to happen. I've been at my goal weight for two years now and getting banded was the best decision I ever made. Good luck.

  2. Yes...They had trouble finding my port and after a couple of fills that missed...the doctor said the port is a bit sideways. He finallly hit it without having to xray and now I'm having very good results. It was very frustrating during that initial period though but now I'm thrilled.

  3. Nope nothing at all!! And guess what my period is on ... ladies you know exactly what I mean!! food CRAVINGS GALORE!! I just wish I could not eat as much ... of course my will power sucks! And I don't know what to do ... I was doing so good before 1500 calories a day and the nutritionist said that I should bump that to 1800 till I take some more weight off... But I just wish I wouldve known that alot of times first fills don't do the trick I mean I feel nooooooooooooooooooooooo restriction at all! :cheers2: If anyone could please help me with this any in sight would be greatly appreciated! I don't know what to do ... I just dont wanna regain all my lost weight ... 2nd fill is in 3 weeks from now. But I need soome help I am really down! Thanks LOVE AND BLESSINGS APPLES!:smile:

    I know how you feel. The same thing happened to me. After the 2nd fill I still felt no restriction al all. I was even concerned that somehow the band wasn't even there! I voiced my concerns to my Dr and he inserted a needle to draw out the Fluid to measure how much was actually in there and quess what??? There was no fluid in it! They had missed my port on both fills. Apparently my port is a bit sideways. The dr then filled me with 6cc's and talk about restriction! Wow...it is definitely working now like it should be...44 lbs in the past few months. My husband and I both had it done on the same day so it's been a fun kind of competition between us. Voice your concerns to you doctor and I'm sure things will change for you. Good luck.

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