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About jaylynnD

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  1. jaylynnD

    NSV happy!!!

    I would almost swear you have the same nutritionist as me. The doctor was great at my six week follow up but the nutritionist made me feel like I was failing the program. I had lost 30 pounds in 6 weeks and I thought was eating fine. Like you no pasta, no rice I didn't even have sugar but I drank some low sodium V8 juice because I was craving it and she fussed at me for that and said I need to stay as long on the liquid diet and push my protein shakes and long as possible because I didn't come to them to focus on what I could eat I came to them to lose weight. I was so taken back and upset when I left. My doctor was wonderful but she was not. I of course thought of a million things to say to her when I left like, no I came to the doctor to give me a tool to assist in my weight loss but I came to her to help me make better food choices and give me ideas of what to substitute for my bad food cravings. I plan on telling her how she made me feel when I go bad in 3 weeks. I honestly left there so discouraged that I almost gave up on myself. Now I'm working on the strength to not let anyone's comments affect my success. Your doing great and try to stay focused on your future and stay positive. You got this!!!
  2. I was sleeved in 3/14. Something I have noticed is if I bend to pick something up off the floor or even if I squat down to pick it up I get lightheaded and dizzy for a couple minutes. I have to wait a minute before moving to prevent falling. It's the weirdest thing. Has anyone experienced this? Everything else is going well. Beginning weight 325 Surgery weight 190.5 Current weight 150
  3. jaylynnD

    Why am I so tired?

    I am also 5 weeks out and the tiredness was also driving me crazy. Just do what you can and listen to your body. By last week I began to feel less tired and now this week I feel the best ever since surgery. If you feel tired don't be afraid to rest. Your body's talking to you. You'll feel much better very soon.
  4. jaylynnD

    Missing food: so emotional

    I'm almost 5 weeks out and oh how I know that feeling. What emotions we all feel. But by week 3 it got better for me. Events are always hard. But they are too getting better. I was getting frustrated the first couple of weeks because I love when my husband and I enjoy our coffee and breakfast together or have our movie dates. I thought, will we ever enjoy and meal together again and the answer is yes. By week three we ventured out. I was able to get grilled fish and no rice add black beans. It was crazy how little I could eat. I left feeling amazing because not only was it the best thing I had eaten in forever but I final felt normal again eating somewhere with my husband and being able to order. I had left overs for 3 days, lol. I mostly cook something for meals that we can both eat and then he has some added stuff on his plate that I can't eat which is ok with me because by the time we start eating together I can only intake what I made for myself anyway so then it becomes not so bad. The hardest thing I still have is not eating and drinking together. I always drank with my meals and that is no more. That parts hard for me.
  5. Just make sure to tell them because they will have to give you a urinary catheter. I'm sure it's happened before.
  6. I know that food tastes good and may not hurt your stomach but it's not so much about that. Even through your stomach is smaller you can still gain weight eating carbs like that. Because you can no longer intact as much, try and focus on the main things you need which is protein and water. This is huge. You can get dehydrated. The bad thing about getting dehydrated I have found is that it really sneaks up on you. I'm 4 weeks out from surgery and have had two big scares with dehydration. I was so focused on foods that I could handle and enjoy and doing protein first that I was leaving out water more then I realized. Now I make water more of a major goals. Just be careful.
  7. jaylynnD

    97lbs in 5 months!!!

    Thank you for sharing. You look great and should be super proud of your hard work.
  8. I was too unsure about watching but I have too watched all the shows. I thought for someone who has had the surgery or thinking about it that it was great. It really shows you a much bigger picture. Many people think you have the surgery and there your are thin again and in a tiny bathing suit. That's not it at all. It showed that battle and continued struggle to not go back to poor eating habits and how important family support is and how hard it is for others to understand what your going through. Also for those who think of additional surgery with loose skin, just how clearly painful that is. Of course for her this transformation was a job too so how much pressure was that and what emotional stress that must have added. I'm sure in most cases they don't do that much skin surgery that fast and all together. I'm sure she was in extreme pain. However, I was proud of her and I think she knows her journey is forever and I really wish her the best and pray that she can stay strong and continue to fight the food cravings. We all know that's an extremely hard lifetime battle we are all fighting.
  9. jaylynnD

    Need help

    I went on the unjury website and found a powdered peanut butter and I add a tsp of that powder to any flavor I drink and it helps and I add ice along with the 8oz of water. Can't seem to drink them unless they are cold. I'm 3 weeks out today. This helps me but I can still only manage to get one down a day, maybe. Before surgery I was fine drinking them. Also I get the starkist tuna packs all different flavors. They are 2.6 ozs and they have any where from 15-18 grams of protein. They have been my go to since week two. Since drinking my shakes have been harder then before surgery. The ranch flavor is really good.
  10. I had a hard time one week out two. I'm 3 weeks out today and couldn't really have any soups or fish until week 2. It will get better. Stay hydrated. That's so important and just drink what you can throughout the day or your protein shakes and then add a little as you can. It gets better I promise.
  11. jaylynnD

    Nausea in morning

    I'm not a fan of taking medicine if I don't need to so I hesitated even getting anything from the doctor but the zofran kept me from being miserable. There are other medicines for nausea but most of them can make you super sleepy and because I have to work the others weren't a option. I just take the medicine when I feel it which is in the morning and then I'm fine.
  12. jaylynnD

    Nausea in morning

    I had my surgery on 3/14, I have experienced the same. By midday I'm ok but mornings are awful and trying to take the vitamins make it even worse. I called my doctor and they called me in zofran which has been a lifesaver. I had a friend who had the surgery and never had any problems but apparently my system must be a bit more sensitive. I got the medicine same day I called them and I hated that I waited several days before calling.
  13. jaylynnD

    Weight loss slow

    Water intact is huge too. Make sure your drinking your water. Remember your body is still trying to figure what is going on. As hard as it is try not to look at the scale. Measuring is also good. I do both. Your could be loosing inches. If you are exercising then you may gain muscle. However, your weight lose is still really good.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
