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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Katydid

  1. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I've had four abdominal hernia repairs, the last was repaired during my 2nd lapband operation = opened up from 2 inches below bust to belly button but it hasn't stopped the reflux, in fact it's worse than ever. Anyone else have this problem? I'm on Nexium tablets but they're not helping and have tried Somac. Gasbusters for the wind made me really ill. I'm supposed to wear a CPAP mask for sleep apnea but can't because of the reflux rush. I'd appreciate any information.
  2. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Tammy, Welcome, It's a great thread and you'll learn heaps and maybe even teach us some things.
  3. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Wade, Fantastic news! Very pleased for you and understand exactly how you're feeling. Who is your doctor? Which hospital? The doctor would've explained that it's all keyhole surgery etc. I had to be opened right up because I had two abdominal hernias to be repaired which turned out to be one big one but I'm fine now and I never thought I'd ever fit into some of the clothes I'm wearing again but I am. Best wishes. You'll really notice the difference in no time.
  4. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi jbflorida, I sympathise with what you're going through. I have the same problem, sometime so bad that I have to pb before I get relief. Oddly enough I also get that stuck feeling with liquid too.
  5. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Pigglet, Sorry to hear of your setback after the fill. I have to admit mine was due to eating more than I should've but I'm surprised it didn't come back up as usual. I'll have to try harder today and also cut out the soft drink as they might be the real culprits.
  6. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Pigglet, Let me know if it works please. How have you been since your fill? Any problems? I'm still having gas pains a lot which is uncomfortable and down right annoying. I actually put on a kilo yesterday, don't understand how, when most everything comes back up. My clothes need downsizing though which is good.
  7. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Everyone, I was talking to another lapbander yesterday who was banded in May "08 and she told me that if a teaspoon is put into the stubby for a short while the gas goes out of the beer and it's easier to get down. Might try that when it gets into the hotter days. Wade, how did your appt go with your doctor? Any news? Best wishes to all, Katydid.:tt1:
  8. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Pigglet, glad to hear your fill went well and that you have no leaks. I'm really not eating much at all anymore. I am taking a multivitamin tablet once a day and have felt less tired. I notice a lot of people on the US sites drink a lot of protein shakes so I might look into that. Like you, my clothes are feeling loose but I've not lost anymore weight. Smashed my car on Friday (backed out of the garage forgetting to close the door = distracted by parents having a scrap) not happy at all. I guess I'll get some walking exercise now eh!!! Sob, sob, sob.
  9. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Harplayer, You'll learn lots of interesting things on this site. I was banded on 9th June 08 and have gone from a size 22-24 top down to a size 16 and pants from 18 to a size 14 (Australian sizing). I've lost a total of 23kilos so far (not sure what that is in pounds, will have to find a conversion site). My bloated look has gone and my neck hasn't been this small for years. It's amazing how much confidence I'm getting back already. I have another 18.5 kilos still to lose but the benefits are here already. The negative bits = PBing, gas and reflux are not much fun but what's a little discomfort when the positives are so great. You have a lot of good things ahead and you'll be amazed how much your outlook on life will change too. Best wishes, Katydid.
  10. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Elayne, I'm in Western Australia and I'm totally amazed at all the tests everyone has to have over there to be banded. All I had to have done was a full blood count 3 days before surgery. No psych tests or anything else. I do know a few people that had to lose a certain amount of weight themselves before their surgeon would operate but not all the proceedures you have to go through over there. I guess we are lucky in that regard. Best wishes, Katydid.:thumbup:
  11. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Pigglet, How did you go with your docters appt? Everything OK? What a fantastic result you've had, from a size 26 to a size 16 is fabulous. Good on you, even more so because even though you've still felt hungry you have shown control. Congratulations.
  12. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Wade, Might be an idea to buy yourself a blender if you haven't already got one because most people have to steer clear of solids for a few weeks after the op. It's not that bad and the vegies steamed and pureed are quite tasty. Soups are good too, although not chunky ones for awhile. I even had ice creams and custards in hospital which I thought was unusual but great. In a few months time you won't even recognise yourself. Best wishes.
  13. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Wade, Vomiting or Progressive burping as it is called on some of the lapband sites, is nothing to be afraid of, as it lets you know that you've eaten too much or too fast. Today I had a small portion of chicken casserole for lunch. Tiny pieces of chicken and slowly eaten and all is fine. The band can be removed at a later stage if you want it to be. I was 112 kilos and am now down to 88.5kilos. That's a loss of 23.5 kilos and people are noticing. I need to get down to 70 kilos. Another 18.5 kilos to go. I've only had one fill so far. I think I'll have to be more alert and eat earlier so I don't scoff. Everything is go, go, go all the time. Try not to get discouraged as it will be worth it in the end. When is your op date?
  14. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi AThinnerDenise, My banded stomach must be huge then if that's the case. It sounds awful but I bring up heaps. Sorry for the gross subject. My surgeon says not to eat after 6.30pm to stop the reflux and gas but that's not possible in this household. I don't finish work until 6pm.
  15. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi FeistyLori, Thanks for the information re-pineapple juice. I'll try it. I had a feeling the PB was Public Burping which is soooo embarrasing and loud. Why is it called Progressive Burping? Is it because with each burp a little more food goes down? Strange.
  16. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hello, I was banded on 9th June 08 and I have the same feeling and the only way it is resolved is to throw up either voluntarily or forced. Horrible either way. I have to train myself to eat before I'm at the starving stage and eat slower even then. By the way, what is PB? I'm from Perth Western australia.
  17. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    OOPs sorry, don't know what happened there. Double up.
  18. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Wade, Good to hear from you. Try not to get turned off by the negative stuff, that's just part of the whole package and it's a total new learning curve. I was banded on 9th June 08 and I still haven't learnt to eat before I'm starving. This is where I fall down because I just grab anything, a potato pie, Maccas (no chips) or a Hot Dog on the run and because I'm starving, I eat too fast and therefore it comes up again. I am slowly coming to realise that I can no longer eat red meat, or sausages as they wil not stay down no matter what. Grilled fish is great and better for me anyway. I've gone from a size 22-24 top down to a size 16 and size 18 pants to a size 14. My face is no longer bloated and has lost the "Bullfrog/Toad" look I used to hate,especially my neck. I used to try to hide under big loose clothes and hated going out anywhere. The clothes I wore today, I haven't been able to fit into for four years (lucky they're a classic style) and I have to admit, I felt pretty darn good. I still have a lot to lose but I'm hopeful it will happen. I was an emotional eater, whenever I was sad or going through a bad time, I'd eat just to fill the empty whole inside me. Oddly enough, the extra weight that put on, made me feel even more down. Now I can't use that escape route anymore I have to look deeper into myself and learn how to adapt to stresses in other more healthy ways. I honestly couldn't have done this without the band. I'd tried every method going and always fail. This was my last chance and it's working. It will for you too. Best wishes, Katydid.:rolleyes2:
  19. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Wade, Good to hear from you. Try not to get turned off by the negative stuff, that's just part of the whole package and it's a total new learning curve. I was banded on 9th June 08 and I still haven't learnt to eat before I'm starving. This is where I fall down because I just grab anything, a potato pie, Maccas (no chips) or a Hot Dog on the run and because I'm starving, I eat too fast and therefore it comes up again. I am slowly coming to realise that I can no longer eat red meat, or sausages as they wil not stay down no matter what. Grilled fish is great and better for me anyway. I've gone from a size 22-24 top down to a size 16 and size 18 pants to a size 14. My face is no longer bloated and has lost the "Bullfrog/Toad" look I used to hate,especially my neck. I used to try to hide under big loose clothes and hated going out anywhere. The clothes I wore today, I haven't been able to fit into for four years (lucky they're a classic style) and I have to admit, I felt pretty darn good. I still have a lot to lose but I'm hopeful it will happen. I was an emotional eater, whenever I was sad or going through a bad time, I'd eat just to fill the empty whole inside me. Oddly enough, the extra weight that put on, made me feel even more down. Now I can't use that escape route anymore I have to look deeper into myself and learn how to adapt to stresses in other more healthy ways. I honestly couldn't have done this without the band. I'd tried every method going and always fail. This was my last chance and it's working. It will for you too. Best wishes, Katydid.:rolleyes2:
  20. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Pigglet, I agree with ozscot1, definitely have it checked out. I didn't know how they checked the Fluid until now, good to know. For the past four weeks I didn't lose a gram and I was not happy at all. I still throw up a lot especially if I eat red meat but the scales wouldn't budge. Somehow in the last few days I've lost 2kilos and I've done nothing different. I hope it keeps moving. Try to have time for yourself, I know how hard that is to do but it really is important for your sanity. If you ring Centrelink, they will send you out a Carers information kit to let you know what help is available. I've just received mine but haven't fully gone through it yet. Still clearing My folks house out. One thing I've discovered that I'm not happy about, is that I can't drink beer anymore. I love a cold beer on a hot day, a cold day too for that matter. I've tried having a stubby on two occassions since I was banded and both times it came up and was all frothy. Not nice. It's as though I'd poured it into a seive and all there was, was froth. So sad. I can however, handle a bubbly with strawberries slowly. Very nice but I still miss my beer. Best wishes to all. Katydid.:rolleyes2:
  21. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Cherry Blue, My computer has been on the blink, wretched thing. Had a scan done over and around the long scar (had hernias repaired at the same time as the banding) fluid showed up which may be the cause of the pain. Last time I had the hernias repaired the doc drew 5 syringes of blood from my abdomen over a few weeks. Still can't keep much down but I'm trying. Only lost 1 kilo over the last four weeks. Hope you're doing well.
  22. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Cherry Blue, Soothing to the soul to know that I'm not the only one out there who slips ups. It's mainly the constant stress for me. I have both elderly parents who have both had knee replacements within the past 5 weeks (Dad is still in hospital) and they're moving in with me. I'm also having to quit my business to be able to care for them which is sad. I'm having such pain in my abdomen right across from the port and such a lot of chest pain through wind and reflux through the night. That stresses me out too because I can't seem to pick up. Sorry for the "poor me" whinge, feeling somewhat down tonight.:thumbup:
  23. Katydid

    Watch that stress

    Cherry Blue I know what you mean. I've had heaps of stress lately and although I can't eat everything in sight anymore I can drink bubbly. This obviously doesn't help with the wind caught in my chest = burping so I'll have to find another way to ease the stress load.
  24. Katydid

    Is anyone NOT exercising???

    Hi Billiedaycare, I was banded on the 9th June 2008 and know exactly what you mean about feeling tired all the time. I mentioned it to my surgeon but he really didn't have an answer, so I asked if vitamins would help. He then suggested maybe soluble ones. Trouble is, I'm having trouble with wind pain in the chest and usually bring everything up. I tried Gasbusters capsules yesterday and ended up having an even worse night. I thought I'd have heaps of energy by now.
  25. Katydid

    How can you tell if the band slips

    Hi Scarlet 121, I've been waking from painful wind and reflux as well. Dr Kierath told me not to eat or drink after 6.30pm. That is not always possible. My GP recommended De-Gas tablets but the chemist said that Gasbusters were even better. I've just had my first one, so I'm hoping they will work. I also take Nexium 40 for reflux (prescription). Hope you feel better soon.

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