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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Katydid

  1. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hiya Pigglet, Lucky I read about the Metamucil in your post as my GP had recommended me buying some. I wish the GPs would do their homework before telling people these things. The Gatorade iceblocks sound like a good idea because I have a real thirst and the colder the better. Best wishes.
  2. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi emma, It took a while to get used to the taste but now I rather like it. Blackcurrant and Lime are the ones I get. My toilet problem is fine now but the dizziness I just can't seem to shake. I don't think seasickness could be any worse than this. Best wishes.
  3. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Wade, That would be my dream too. I'm still feeling giddy but not as bad as I was a few days ago. I'm drinking the rehydrating salts = Gastrolite and also electrolite drinks from the deli. Took my grandaughter to a Chinese resturant for Halloween (all dressed up as Spiderella, she, not me) as we don't allow her to Trick or Treat anywhere else than family. It was back to the old me. My eyes lit up at the menu. I ordered Sweet and Sour Combination, fried rice, Lite Beer and Fried ice cream. It was delicious, as if I'd never had a feed in my life. I couldn't finish the combination, hardly touched the rice, left half the beer but pushed the ice cream down. Soon after coming home it came up, several times. Boy was I suffering and yet dying of thirst at the same time. I just can't be trusted. Give me a inch and I'll eat a mountain. Another learning curve I guess. Working again today, still dizzy as but trying to hold out. Best wishes.
  4. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi everyone, Collapsed twice Wednesday night, found myself on the kitchen floor both times. Now I have a sore back, head, knee and backside as well. Went to the GP Thursday morning, told to get Rehydrating Salts from chemist. Still couldn't keep anything down. Tried to carry on working, so busy, couldn't even stand up straight, kept tottering, so ill and so dizzy, had to close. Daughter took me to surgeon. He took some fluid out, told me to rest. HA!! Have to work today. My electrolytes are haywire. Apparently when your body doesn't get the proper nuitrition this is what happens = dizzy etc. Now I understand why you bandsters over there are told to drink Protein shakes. I had a bowl of mushroom soup last night but made the dreadful mistake of having 2 pieces of bread with it because I was really hungry and I guess because I knew the band wasn't as tight anymore. Bad mistake....it all came up again. It just goes to show that without the band I'd be back to the heavyweight me again in no time at all. Still pretty dizzy today but keeping the salts up. Best wishes to all.
  5. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Couldn't agree more.
  6. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Everyone, Thank you all so much for the kind thoughts, they mean a lot to me. Collapsed twice Wednesday night and found myself on the kitchen floor both times. Now I also have a sore back, head, backside and knee. Went to GP Thursday morning, told me to get Rehydrating Salts from chemist. Still couldn't keep anything down. Opened up for work, couldn't even stand up straight so dizzy. Busy as anything, couldn't do it, kept spinning out badly, so sick, had to close up. Rang surgeon, told to come in. One of my daughters left work early and drove me. He took some Fluid out and said to rest. Not possible, Halloween is tonight. I've been drinking the electrolyte salts but I'm still not over the dizzyness. Apparently, if you're not getting the nuitrition your body needs, the electrolytes go haywire = dizzy etc. I had mushroom Soup for tea last night which was beautiful but I made the mistake of having two pieces of bread with it and therefore brought it all up again. Easy to see that without the band I'd be back to the heavy weight again. Best wishes to everyone.
  7. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi JoannMarie, My first band was not secured at all and slipped badly as I think I've mentioned before. This one has been stitched to the stomach = not a chance of slipping (different surgeon). I was not offered a choice by either surgeon, maybe we don't have the other over here yet. Latest news = I go into hospital this coming Monday for another (5th) hernia repair. The colon and part of the stomach is protruding through. Great!!! I asked about the pbing and the reflux trouble..... he said it is due to the band and when I reach my goal of 70 kilos = 154lbs he will loosen it. That's a long time to wait for relief. I am today, down to 79.5 kilos = 174.9lbs so he estimates in about 2 months. At the rate I've been dropping lately = 1/2 kilo per day = 1.1lb, I think it will be sooner than that. I've not been feeling well after the pushing and probing this morning, very ill and dizzy, so haven't been able to work. Have to work harder tomorrow to catch up. Best wishes to all.
  8. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Wade, Thanks for your good wishes. Yes, I am still being sick. A lot! Saw the surgeon this morning, he said being sick and the reflux is due to the band and when I've reached my goal weight of 70 kilos, he will let some out. This, he expects to be in another 2 months. Fancy having to wait that long for relief!! I have to be at Bethesda at 7am Monday morning for the repair operation. Sooner than I thought it would be. After the probing and pressing of the examination this morning, I've been very unwell = sick snd dizzy, so I haven't been able to do much at all today. I hope you are doing better. Best wishes.
  9. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Everyone, The good news is..... that I am down to 80.5 kilos which is a loss of 31.5 kilos since June '08. I told my Grandaughter the amount I'd lost and she was amazed and said " Grandma, that's exactly what I weigh. So you've lost a whole little persons size". I can't even lift her up anymore, so how on earth could I have been carrying all that extra weight everyday. No wonder I was tired all the time. The bad news is ..... I have a large incisional hernia with the colon and the stomach protruding through. Have to admit that I had a little cry when I heard the news from my GP today. He recommends that it be repaired asap. I see my surgeon tomorrow. Best wishes.
  10. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Saw my GP for the results of my Cat Scan today. Not good news. I have a large incisional hernia with the colon and stomach protruding through. I have to admit I had a bit of a cry. This is the fifth one. I see my surgeon tomorrow but the GP reccommended it be repaired asap. Best wishes. :biggrin:
  11. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi, Phylsizer has started another thread. Maybe the regulars have gone there.
  12. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Wade, 5 kilos is still a good weight loss and it is still early days. I'll be picking the results from the scan up tomorrow as I have to take my mother for a scan on her reconstructed knee, so I may as well just make it one trip. I have an appt with my surgeon on Thursday. I'm hoping he just doesn't say "oh it'll be ok in time." I need it fixed although now is not really a good time but when is a good time?? Best wishes.
  13. Katydid

    hernia surgery after lap-band

    Wow, I've just noticed the date when this question was asked = Feb '07!!!! How did you get on with the operation and hernia? I'm really interested to know as hopefully, it might help me too.
  14. Katydid

    hernia surgery after lap-band

    Hi heymybaby, I have just been confirmed having my 5th abdominal hernia. Not happy! The 4th & 5th were repaired during my rebanding in June '08. See the surgeon on Thursday. My abdominal wall is tissue thin after being cut so many times. My surgeon doesn't like using mesh because he says there are too many complications. Can't be much worse than 5 ruddy hernias! I empathise with you about the nightly vomiting. The reflux and blocked pain feeling is not much chop either. What I've found helps, is to actually empty the stomach completely, whether it's the natural vomiting or having to help it along. I can't get any relief until then. I also get a decent nights sleep with no reflux afterwards. I take Mersindol liquid and Nexium tablets for the reflux but a new GP told me that they won't help at all because it is a mechanical problem. What do you mean by "tweak the band?" I have also been having trouble going to the toilet = as in not going. After 7 days I finally went and for the week after that I dropped so much weight but haven't been again since. I've lost 68 3/4 lbs since June. Have the people at your work had the surgery themselves or is it just things they've heard? Best wishes.:thumbup:
  15. Katydid

    lap band surgery with hernia in abdomen

    Hi Sharon160, I've had, including this new one, 5 abdominal hernias. The last two were repaired during my rebanding in June. I've read every now and again on another thread about people having their reflux problems fixed by having their hernias repaired. My reflux has been awful since the last op. I'm finding it hard to understand how a hernia would cause the heatburn and reflux. I know it's the intestine breaking through the abdominal wall that causes a hernia and if it goes out and back in again it's sort of ok but if it gets stuck, then that's bad news. That's what I was told at my Cat Scan on Friday. I'd like to find out how it causes the rest of the problems. I see my surgeon on Thursday. Best wishes.
  16. Katydid

    lap band surgery with hernia in abdomen

    Hi normajean, Haven't been on this thread before. Your question caught my eye straight away. Yes, it can be repaired at the same time, athough instead of having keyhole surgery for the lapband, you are opened up. I have had several abdominal hernia operations over the past 3 years and the last was 9th June '8 when I was rebanded. Unfortunately It's just been confirmed that I have another one. Your recovery will be slower than with keyhole though. Best wishes.
  17. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Everyone, Had the Cat Scan done today. Forgot that they use a chemical dye injected. I Hate needles. :biggrin: Won't know the results until Monday. Had a lovely piece of battered fish for dinner last night, really enjoyed it......but couldn't hang on to it. :wink_smile: Tried the very last beer I had in my fridge the other night............Nope, like a rabid dog again, so it went in the chooks food. Happy little chooks. I'm down to 81.5 kilos now. A loss of 30.5 kilos since June 9th. 11.5 kilos to go to my goal weight. I'm hoping this hernia problem is not going to stuff things up for me. Hope everyone is doing well. Best wishes.
  18. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Lorilei, Wow, what an amazing recovery. Good on you. With your attitude and the knowledge you have, you're going to do great. Please tell me what a "Lift riser" is? I gather it is something that helps you get up somehow. Best wishes.:thumbup:l
  19. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Janet, Sor sorry for your loss. I lost my younger brother too and it really is devastating. There is nothing anyone can say but knowing others are sending lovely thoughts and feelings to you does make a difference. Best wishes.
  20. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Wade, Good to hear that you're going so well. Jealous as anything about the beer though. I only have to have a few sips and I start looking like a rabid dog foaming at the mouth. Lately I can't even have my bubbly with strawberries either. I work from home. Have a fancy dress business, so I'm on the go all the time. Also running Mum and Dad everywhere takes up a lot of time too. I've found that if I have a completely empty stomach, I do get quite a good sleep. Shame it's got to all come up though. I even made mushroom and beef Soup yesterday, pureed as well. It was delicious but I must've eaten too much as it all came up as usual. Has a small portion for lunch with lots of sips of Water afterwards and so far so good, no problems. Best wishes.
  21. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi emmaf106, Yes it does!!! It has now been confirmed, however I had to go back to the GP and get a referral for a Cat Scan for Friday morning as the radiologist wants a more intensive look at what's happening in there. The intestine is coming out from the bottom of the scar (1cm from my belly button) inside that is, in the abdominal wall and pushing up to the right side of my midriff area. Horrible thought. The stomach muscles have had it too. Just what I wanted to hear..............NOT!! :grouphug: I see the surgeon next week. At least I'll have all the scans ready for him. Best wishes.
  22. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi pj_txlady, I'm back from the ultra sound scan and yes it is another hernia coming from the bottom of the scar in the abdomen 1/2 inch from my belly button, with the intestine rising up into the right side of the midriff area. I had to go back to see another GP for another referral to have a Cat Scan done (Friday) as the radiologist wants a clearer look at what's going on. I hate all the waiting = just tell me what's wrong and get on with it!!!! I know they have to be sure. It's getting very hot over here and I really don't want to have to start wearing the big brace again. Sorry, forgot to answer your question. 18 months after the first banding went badly wrong, I found another surgeon who sews the stomach around the band so that it will NEVER slip. When he went in, he found that my stomach and liver had joined together, so he couldn't re-band and only had 1mm to divide the two organs. I'd paid the $1,927.00 gap over the private insurance and Medicare fees previously but when I walked into his surgery after discharge, he was so happy "to see me breathing and walking" that he refunded his gap fee. Never, ever heard of a surgeon giving money back, ever. I bought security doors with the money and I know call them my "Kierath doors". Anyway, I was supposed to "do nothing" for six weeks. Unfortunately my house was under renovation and I didn't want my mother to shift furniture and she wouldn't wait for help, so I got up and did the worst thing I could've done = shifted wardrobes etc. I knew something would happen but I was just too cranky with my mother for not waiting that I went at it like a bull until..........PAIN, TEARING, OUCH. First hernia and since then it's been ongoing.
  23. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    G'Morning Everyone, (well it is over here in Oz) Saw the GP yesterday and the dreaded word was spoken again = Hernia 5th one. Repairs of the 3rd & 4th which ended up joining were done during the lap band op on 9th June this year, so it didn't last very long. I go for the scan confirmation this morning. I am absolutely dreading being opened again. I can't help but think that maybe all the horrendous PBing I've been doing has pushed it all out again. The GP advised Mylanta for the reflux which I tried last night but ended up PBing 6 times before my stomach was empty and I could get to sleep albeit propped up. I don't know where it all comes from. He also prescribed nausea tablets but I don't get nausea so I'm not taking them. Better get ready for the confirmation scan. I feel like I'm going to the gallows. :grouphug: Best wishes, to all.
  24. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi winsprettywoman, Disregard that last post from me please. I must've been on another planet. That method certainly did help me with cigarettes but I forgot that it was after giving up, then hurting my back that I put all the weight on. So erase it completely please. Best wishes.:grouphug:

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