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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Katydid

  1. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi AThinner Denise, My surgeon emptied my band just before he operated to repair my last hernia and is not going to refil it for another two months to allow my inards to heal. Problem is that I still have the reflux and constant loud large burping problems. It feels as if it stays in my esophagus and I have to make sure it all comes up so that I can lie down in peace and comfort. That helps the reflux but the burping can continue all day and is so uncomfortable as well as embarrassing. Any suggestions? Best wishes.
  2. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Brydie, I'm an Aussie from Perth Western Australia. This is a very interesting thread and I've been made aware of lots of things I hadn't known before. What Aussie site are you normally on. It is hard to find the Aussie one for some reason. I was banded on the 9th June this year but have had complications with abdominal hernias. I've lost 31 kilos though so I'm still happy I had the banding done. Best wishes.:thumbup:
  3. Hi Slimmy and Viv, I was banded for the 2nd time on June 9th 2008, this time by Dr Kierath. I've lost a total of 31 kilos so far. I have had a series of bad luck with hernias though and am not long out of hospital again for another one. I'm down from a size 22-24 top to a 16 and from an 18 down to a size 12 pants. Never thought I'd ever be wearing those sizes again. Best wishes.
  4. Katydid

    lap band surgery with hernia in abdomen

    Hi Everyone, Not long out of hospital again for the hernia repair. Had to be opened up again but during my stay a MRSA bug (bad one) infected the wound and I had to be isolated. The hospital were afraid it would get into my blood stream and turn me septic. I was a very, very sick girl. My veins collapsed so they couldn't put anymore canullas in...... thank goodnes, they hurt like hell. I'm out now after two weeks bur still have a drain in my abdomen and have a nurse come everyday for the dressing. Feeling very weak but trying to get on top. I saw my surgeon today and asked if there were any other things I could do to prevent more hernias apart from what I'd been told = no lifting, no stretching, resting etc. He very seriously, learned across his desk and looked me in the eye and said "Think good thoughts, go to church and be kind to your mother!" Then laughed and said "Anything that hurts, don't do!" Cheeky bugger. He is not going to refill the band for another 2 months until the wound has a chance to heal. Best wishes.
  5. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi AThinner Denise, I obviously missed your earlier posts when I was in hospital, regarding your esophagus problems. This rings bells for me about before I went into hospital with the hernia problem. Would you mind filling me in re - your symptoms etc and what led to the esophagram please? My band is still empty since the operation but I see the surgeon tomorrow. Hopefully he will take the drain out. Don't know if he will also do a fill but I'd like a lot of questions answered not just swept under the table. Best wishes.
  6. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Mimi and Welcome, You and your family sound like lovely people. This site is a very friendly one and there are lots of answers available for every problem. Best wishes. :thumbup:
  7. Hello, I was banded on June 9th 2008 by Dr. Tony Kierath (Perth) and I'd love to hear how others are going who were banded in the same month. I've lost 17kilos but have been stuck at the same weight for 3 weeks now. Have problems with pain in the chest through wind and burping. Have tried Gasbusters but made me feel worse. Any remedies out there?:lovechoc:
  8. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Pigglet, Wow!! I never knew any of that sort of help exsisted. One place was mentioned but was too expensive. Mum had her heart set on coming here anyway, preferably with her own Granny flat but that fell theough because of Dads stubborness, now they can't get one. Dad has onset dementia and is very forgetful, irritable and stubborn. He keeps wanting to go back to his place in Safety Bay. It gets Mum down and me too but I'm trying to keep my distance from the arguments right now because my tummy tenses up and hurts. Hopefully things will ease up soon. Best wishes. :laugh:
  9. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Wade, So sorry to hear of your sad earlier life. I hope life has been kinder to you since you've been here. Things have been a lot better since I exploded. Much better. I can actually relax, although I have to get on with sorting the business out and catching up on doing last years tax. Next week hopefully. Best wishes. :laugh:
  10. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi April410, Thanks for your kind prayers. Things have been a bit easier lately. My Dad has onset dementia and gets very frustrated and irritable and wants to go to his house, which he can't anymore. Mum gets cranky with him and them I guess I cop it next because I'm not able to rein him in the way I used to be able to. Hopefully when I'm better things will change and get easier. Best wishes.
  11. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi JoannMarie, Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers. I mentioned to Mum what other banders had said about the bug being a killer and that the hospital was trying not to let it get into my bloodstream and turn my body septic. (I didn't realise it could kill a person though, they didn't tell me that part.) Mum just said "Yes, I know." Since then she has been less demanding on me and through the daily visits from the Home Care Nurses she know that I must rest. That is sooo much weight off my shoulders. Two weeks to go eh? You won't believe how the time will fly now. Good on you. Best wishes.
  12. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hello, Thank you so much. I really appreciate your kind thoughts. Best wishes.
  13. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Judy, Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. It made me catch my breath when I read your post. I'm reading a lot of Self Help books while I'm resting. Best wishes.
  14. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Pigglet, Your poor friend. I know how she feels, burning the candle at both ends, being pulled in every direction and not having time for herself and even if she does, feeling guilty about it. When I was bringing my girls up, my folks had a bad habit. Whatever they gave me, furniture or money or whatever, they always kept tabs on it. I could never get rid of anything unless I asked them if they wanted it back. It kept me very beholden to them. I swore I would never, ever do that to my girls and I never have. I also told my folks when the girls grew up that if they ever GAVE them anything at all, to let the strings go and give it feely. They were rather shocked but it sank in. I bought my Grandaughter the fortnightly set of Dora the Explorer last year and the other day my daughter said to me that Stephanie doesn't use them anymore so was it ok to sell them and buy something else with the money. I said why ask me? They're Stephanies to do as she pleases, not mine. I guess it was nice of her to ask but not necessary. I still have the drain and have it seen to each day. Asked if I could drive to Safety Bay to pick up more of Mum and Dads stuff today and was given a horrified "NO" by the Home Care Nurse. Are your folks with you? Are they elderly? How is your weight loss going? I lost a kilo this morning. Have no idea how because I'm doing nothing at all expect resting and have no fluid in the band. The reflux has eased a lot thank goodness. Best wishes.
  15. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Denise, I think you're right. Mum never comes to see me in the hospital because she can't stand being around sick people. I think that maybe she should've this time, just to see the state I was in. I don't think she realises how rough it was and still is. If I'm up to it I have to have anaemia, diabeties and 2 separate tests to see if I still have that goddam bug early next week. Can't stay up for too long, get very giddy and headaches. Trying very hard to stay positive. Thanks for your thoughts, I appreciate them. Best wishes.
  16. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi IndigoGirl, Thanks for your good wishes. My brother was killed in a car accident, so I'm the only one. Other relatives are on the other side of Australia. I have three daughters, two work full time and study and one is ill with OCD = Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. After the spat yesterday I said ........ "I was sorry I can't do what you (Mum) wants me to do but if I don't look after myself properly this time round I'll never heal properly and I don't want anymore surgery." Things have been ok today, so far so good. Best wishes.
  17. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Pigglet, You're a funny bugger. I had to hold my poor tummy to stifle the giggles. During the last spat with Mum I told her very straighforwardly that.... "I'm sorry I can't do what you want me to do, I feel very guilty as it is but I have to do what I'm told this time round or I will never heal properly and I don't want anymore operations. They're too bloody painful!!" Today things have been ok, don't know how long it will last but so far so good. Best wishes.
  18. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Wade, Thanks again. It's going to take me awhile to pick up this time round. Have to have anaemia, diabeties and 2 separate tests for this bug if I'm up to it early next week. Still get quite giddy. I've only put on 1 1/2 kilos, so I'm not growling at myself for that. I can eat a lot easier but still know when I've eaten too much. It doesn't come up very much now though which is great. Reflux is still there mainly at night. Gas too but not as painful as it was. My little (9yrs) Grandaughter is sleeping over tonight and has her heart set on watching a dvd with me tonight. I'll try to sit up but not sure for how long. Best wishes.:laugh:
  19. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hello Everyone, I'm finally back on deck. Had a very rough time in hospital with the (5th) abdominal hernia. Caught a Multi Antibiotic Resistant Organism in the wound, had to go into isolation, very, very, ill. Veins collapsed so they couldn't put anymore cannulas in... thank goodness, they ruddy well hurt. I was in for 2 weeks and am now home but have a nurse come every day as I still have a drain in my abdomen. Still not really well and get giddy if I stand for too long. The band was emptied on the operating table and has not been refilled as yet. I see the surgeon again next Wednesday, maybe to get the drain out. Have only put on 1 1/2 kilos = 3lbs so I'm not growling at myself. Still have the wretched reflux and gas though. Life is a bit hard at home as my mother can't stnd being around sick people and hates cooking. We've already had a few spats, which doesn't make me feel very good but I'm too ill to get up and do what I'd normally be doing = looking after Mum and Dad and taking them to their physio appts etc. Mum doesn't believe in resting although I've been told to do absolutely nothing until the new year to give my insides a proper chance to heal this time and after that I'll have to follow a strict lot of does and don'ts after that. That is going to be hard as since Mum and Dad have moved in with me, I'm the chief cook and bottle washer so to speak. I've had to close down my beloved business for good this time as I must listen to my body after these last problems. I really don't want anymore surgeries - too old for the pain now I've found. Sorry for the whinging, must get back to bed. Best wishes. :thumbup:
  20. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Welcome Chris, You sure have done well. I never used to like Mangos, mainly because they were so sticky but in the two weeks prior to going into hospital I found I had a real taste for them after all, yum. One of the nurses actually told me of a recipe. One mango, pureed, vodka and topped off with champagne. She says it's magic. Won't be trying it for a while yet though. Best wishes.:thumbup:
  21. Katydid

    Any June 2008 Bandsters?

    Hi Wade, Pigglet, Thanks for your best wishes and concern. I had a very rough time in hospital and spent two weeks in there, most of it in isolation as I'd caught a Multi Antibiotic Resistant Organism in the wound. A "staff" infection that is very hard to treat. I even had a gastroenterologist in to see me. Very ill. My veins collapsed so they couldn't put anymore cannulas in... thank goodnes, they were so ruddy painful. I came home Monday night and have a nurse visit everday as I still have a drain in my abdomen. Feel very weak and get giddy if I stand for too long. The band was emptied before surgery and has not been filled at all yet. I see the surgeon next Wednesday to maybe get the drain out. Bethesda in Claremeont is a beautiful hospital and I had magnificent views from my large windows of the river and all the boats and yachts sailing around. It was very calming. It's hard being at home because I feel guilty that I can't look after Mum and Dad and take them to their physio appts etc and Mum hates having to cook. She does not like being around sick people at all and we've already had a few spats. Sorry for the whinge. Have had to close my business completely. Rotten time of the year to have to do it but had no choice. I'm told I have to take it really easy until at least the new year and evn then follow what I can and can't do so that the hernias don't break through again. That is going to be sooo hard. Must go back to bed now. Best wishes.
  22. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Phyllser, Yep, you're spot on. That was the thread I looked at. Thank you for understanding. I have to be at the hospital at 7am tomorrow so this will be my last post till I get home again. Not sure when that will be, it depends what he finds in there apart from the hernia. Oh lord, I'm not looking forward to the pain again. Anyway, Best wishes to all.
  23. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    WARNING Anyone suffering from Reflux or Indigestion ignore the adverts for these on this site = Reflux Remedy Report ..........Get rid of heartburn and reflux with these simple cures.. They do not work. They guarantee money back but fail to refund it. They claimed it was $19.95 US on special but charged my credit card $46.95 AU. It also took them around two weeks to process it. I had to ring my bank to find out what it was as it was not even under the companies name. People like myself who are in agony try anything and everything for relief. To have these rip off merchants on here is not an honest thing to do to us. 29 pages of printing that I could have read anywhere about these problems were printed out and also about other "remedys" they have for many more ailments. Beware
  24. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi phyllser, I really do appologise for saying that you have started another thread. I'd browsed the links to see what else was on the site and on one of them it said "phyllser has started a new thread". I didn't open it, just thought thought it was yourself. Or were they talking about this thread. Did you start this one? Either way, I should've checked it out before opening my big mouth. Sincere appologies. Best wishes.
  25. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Lynnt, The dizziness is still with me but I'm drinking losts of electrolite drinks for rehydration. My blood pressure was ok when the GP checked me the other day. I was sure that it would be anything but normal. Bst wishes.

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