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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Carrie_C

  1. For me it was gaining 20 pounds over christmas and not being able to take it off because all I wanted to do was eat. I could barely fit into my clothes anymore and I refused to buy bigger ones. I had one pair of jeans that I could still get on and I wore them ALL THE TIME because there was no way I was going to go through the nightmare of buying new jeans. Plus my Dad was recently diagnosed with diabetes and I knew I was next. I was also very active in high school. I never was skinny, but I could wear a size 7. The sad thing is I thought I was huge back then! I didn't even realize how good I looked.

  2. Yes, I can tell my clothes are feeling much looser. I have been taking my measurements. I am going to take them again on Friday and see if there is a big difference. I guess I am just being really impatient. And I guess there is also this little voice inside my head asking "What if this doesn't work?"

  3. I was banded on May 22. I had my first fill about 3 weeks ago. I am scheduled for my second next week. I really didn't notice a big difference with the first fill. I know that is normal, but I have only lost 12 pounds and I just feel like I should have lost more. Most of the weight I lost was during the first week of Clear Liquids. Since then, I have barely been losing a pound a week. I eat like I am supposed to, Protein first, and I don't drink with my meals. I am exercising just about everyday. I am not hungry much at all, and when I do eat, I eat very little. I just don't understand why the weight is so slow to come off. Someone please tell me this gets better after the second fill!

  4. I say if you feel like doing it, go for it! I think 6 weeks is stretching it a bit. My husband would have died if he had to wait 6 weeks!

  5. I just had my surgery May 22 and I'm not at restiction yet, so it is a liitle hard for me to answer. I have lost 12 pounds, but it has not been easy at all to lose. It has been very difficult. But I have made major life style changes. I now only eat when I'm hungry and I only eat enough to fill full. I no longer drink any type of soda, I eat very little bread, and I work out everyday. It is basically like most other diets with one major difference, I don't get hungry much at all. That used to be my major problem, I stayed hugry all the time. That's why most diets failed for me. I also used to have a lot of cravings for fast food and junk food. But I no longer have those cravings. I'm not sure if that's something to do with the band or not, but not having those cravings now is great. Once I get my last fill, I am hoping the weight comes off a little faster.

  6. You are not alone in the way you feel. I had my surgery on May 22. I have lost 12 pounds, but I feel like I should have lost more. I have a problem with comparing myself to others. If I see someone who had surgery the same day as me but they have lost a lot more weight, I get discouraged. BUT I have changed my eating habits. I now only eat when I am hungry, and I stop as soon as I am full. Chew your food really well and enjoy the taste. You have to learn to make healthy choices. Food is an addiction that all of us have, but we can learn to control it. I would encourage you to go for your first fill. I had mine on June 23. And it did help me some, but the nurse said that most people don't start noticing a big difference until the 3rd fill. And you shouldn't be embarrassed, they see this kind of thing all the time. Make the appointment!!

  7. I don't think there's anything wrong with you. The way I see it, if I am going to go through all the trouble and money to have the band, why would I still want to be unhappy with the way I look once I reach goal weigh? I don't see anything wrong with having a few more things done that needs to be done in order to be happy with my appearance. I plan on having Lipo to remove the cellulite from my legs that I don't lose, and I also want a boob lift. I think some people can go overboard though. Some people aren't going to be happy with their appearance no matter how much PS thay have. But I think for the majority of us that isn't the case.

  8. I was banded 5/22. I am having the same problems as you. I am not drinking enough either. Having to wait an hour after I drink sometimes makes me not want to drink at all, or I forget. I had my first fill last week and it did nothing for me. I have no restriction either. And I have to wait 3 more weeks for another fill.

  9. It could just be ketosis. It can produce a sour smell. It is not uncommon to have while losing weight, especially if you aren't eating a lot of carbs. It is normally not anything to worry about, but you might want to discuss it with your doctor.

  10. You are right, I dated a guy once who couldn't climax that way either. I didn't let it bother me. There are a lot of women who can't climax from penetration alone, and it has nothing to do with the man. So I just look at it that way.

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