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Posts posted by Carrie_C

  1. You're absolutely right, once I tell my sister the whole family would know and I don't want the added pressure. Luckily for you your husband is supportive, mine is not. He thinks I just need to exercise and eat better. Thanks again for the response.

    Your husband will most likely come around. My husband wasn't very supportive either at first, but now he is. I don't know if your husband has a weight problem too, but mine doesn't. He is actually the opposite, he is small and wants to gain weight. People who don't have a weight problem have no idea. But once you start losing, he will probably be more supportive.

  2. I'm sorry you are having so much trouble. I lost 70 pounds the first year and haven't lost anything in a year. I would like to lose about 40 more. I probably need a fill, but mine are always too tight. I have pretty good restriction, but I need to exercise more. Lately I have also been eating junk. I am just glad I haven't gained any back. Have you been exercising? Maybe that would help.

  3. Yes, keep drinking something warm in the morning. I wouldn't get an unfill unless you start not being able to keep anything down. I also have to drink something warm in the mornings, and sometimes even later in the day. I think I just produce too much mucus or something. But drinking hot tea has been a life saver for me.

    • Who did you guys tell? At first, I only told the people closest to me, my husband, my mom, my mother in law, and a few other family members. I worked at a doctor's office at the time and I didn't tell any of the people I worked with I was having it because they were all so dramatic and judgemental. After I started losing, people would ask me how I was doing it. I didn't want to lie, so I did tell a few people the truth. But I never did tell my coworkers. I worked there for a year after my surgery and they never knew.
    • What are you regrets about not telling? I don't have any regrets about not telling my coworkers. I'm glad I never told them.

    • What are your regrets about telling? I don't have any regrets.

    • What's the purpose of telling? I told the people closest to me because I needed their support. If I knew people who weren't going to be supportive, then I didn't tell them.

    • Should I wait for results then tell? That's up to you. While I don't think you necessarily have to tell everyone you know, maybe you should tell some people just for their support. Like someone else says, people judge no matter what. I tell anyone who asks now that I had the surgery. But I can understand not telling in the beginning.

    Are you able to eat in front of people without having to explain your eating habits? What do you say to explain them? Most of the time I can eat in front of people without explaining anything. The question I get asked about most often is why I don't eat bread. I just tell them I don't want to eat it. It is harder in the beginning eating in front of people. I would just tell them I was trying to lose weight, which wasn't a lie. Most people are usually on some type of diet anyway, so no one really thinks any different.

  4. I'm still here! That's great! I have just stopped losing. I haven't lost anything in months. I can barely eat anything early in the day, but I can eat too much in the evenings. I don't want to get a fill though because then I won't be able to eat anything early in the day. I have started working out about 45 minutes each day. I hope it helps. I'm so frustrated. I don't know what else to do.

  5. I am not against any birth control that does not destroy the baby. Once the sperm meets the egg, it becomes a life. If there is a birth control that stops the egg from meeting the sperm, it should be used. If it destroys the egg and sperm together after they met, then it should be banned.

    I am against public funded sex education because some of what they teach is not acceptable to me. They may teach about birth control that can kill the baby. They may encourage abortion as a choice a pregnant woman can have. They don't teach abstinance until marriage. But most of all, this issue is for the parents to teach to their children, not the schools. I have always felt that schools should keep to teaching academics only. This is another example of where the gov. takes on the responsibility of the people to do what is expected of them. If the parents knew that their children were not going to learn about sex in school, they would then have to be the ones to teach them about it. But because they think they'll just learn about it in school, they don't ever bring the subject up with them. The government, once again, enabling parents to not be responsible for their own childs sex education. Just like they enable people to be dependant on them for many other things in life that they should take care of themselves.

    Birth control that you are talking about banning is very reliable. If hormonal birth control were banned, there would be a lot more unplanned pregnancies because nonhormonal birth control is not very reliable at all. This would only increase the abortion rate.

    Not all parents talk about sex with their children, no matter if there is sex education in school or not. And teaching abstinence until marriage does not work. How many of us can actually say we waited until we were married to have sex?!

  6. I think you will do great. At that moment it will be a beautiful thing. :blink: A wanted and loved baby entering the world is a beautiful thing.

    I'm still pro-choice :blush:

    Thanks! (I'm still pro-choice too) :Yawn:

    I have to have a c-section in a couple more months and I don't even want to be concious for it! lol let us know how it goes :sad:

    Thanks, she says she wants to watch it, but she gets grossed out very easily, so she will probably be the one passing out when she watches it!!

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