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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Carrie_C

  1. I know that vertigo has to be maddening. I have been dizzy before but only when laying down. That seems to be such an odd time to feel dizzy. You should be able to lay down if you can't do anything else. I am glad that you are feeling some better even if it isn't 100% just yet. Sorry about the donut. I bet that was uncomfortable.

    That is great Carrie! That is one less thing to worry about. I will be thinking good thoughts for you!

    Thanks! I feel worse too when I lay down. It is weird. I went for a pelvic ultrasound yesterday and I got the results today. The doctor said I have a fibroid in my uterus. I also have 2 large cysts on my left ovary. He thinks that is what is causing all the problems. I am having surgery on Monday and he will drain the cysts and clean out my uterus. He said I could also have endometriosis or scar tissue, but he won't know for sure until he does the surgery. I am glad to finally know what is going on. I am also having my colonoscopy on Friday. YUCK!!!!

  2. You would not do very well only drinking Protein shakes and not eating. I don't think you could do it for very long. And even if you did, that's not how the band works. liquid is going to go right through and you are going to be starving all day. And I doubt you would even lose any weight. Most of those shakes have tons of calories, more than a meal. My doctor says no Protein Shakes at all. Most are just empty calories.

    As the earlier posters said, PBing is not the same as throwing up. I have PBed a lot, mostly from eating too fast or not chewing. I will burp and it comes up, or I will get the hiccups and it will bring it up. Sliming is not the same as throwing up either. That usually happens when you don't chew good. You just get a lot of thick salava.

    As for eating in public, if you feel like something is getting stuck, you can just excuse yourself to the bathroom. You aren't going to projectile vomit. Good luck!

  3. "Had to ask my boyfriend to let me wear his boxer-briefs while we were walking to a concert because I was chafing so badly in the dress I was wearing."

    I HATE that! I am looking forward to the day when my thighs don't rub together so badly that I get sores.

  4. I hate the sterotypes associated with being fat. I hate it when a fat person on tv says they ate too many donuts or something. I have been overweight forever, and I NEVER sit around and eat donuts! This show has the sterotype that fat girls can't get dates. That's just crazy. When I was my heaviest I still got plenty of dates. I'm sure there are a lot of thin girls who don't get a lot of dates either. It's like the girls are blaming it all on their sizes, when in reality that probably has little to do with it. I met my husband when I was at my heaviest!

  5. Does anyone else have this? I was at the ER today because I was so dizzy. They said I have this and gave me some medicine. I feel a little better, but still a little fuzzy. I have been feeling like this since Tuesday. Does it get better?

  6. in my galbladder research I found that a lot of people have symptoms even after surgery./QUOTE]

    Yes, that is true. I had mine out in 2005 and I still had problems for a long time. I had like a squeezing feeling where my gallbladder used to be. That went on for a long time.

    I also have insomnia. I take Lunesta sometimes and it helps, but it is so expensive I can rarely afford to buy it. We used to get samples where I work, but we haven't gotten any in a long time.

    Corliss I know what you mean about missing work. I have been out so much lately I'm surprised I still have a job. Lucky for me, my bosses are pretty understanding. I was in the ER again today. This time for vertigo. I have been dizzy and had a headache since Tuesday. I didn't know what was going on. They did a CAT scan and it was normal. They said I have benign positional vertigo. It is awful.

  7. I had my gallbladder out 3 years before I got the band. If you are having so much trouble, maybe you need to see a surgeon and have your gallbladder removed. You will feel a lot better.

    As for me, I am having a colonoscopy next Friday. And then I am having Laprascopy surgery the following Monday. I am wondering if I have to have all of the Fluid taken out of my band for surgery.

  8. If it's a work day, I get up and eat either a small amout of oatmeal or grits with fake butter and splenda. I usually can't eat much at all in the mornings, but I try to get a little down. Then after I get dressed and get ready to go, I will have coffee. Some doctors don't want you to have it, but some, like mine, think a little is ok.

    We take lunch at 12. I usually can't eat much then either. So I will just try to eat something light like tuna or Soup. Soup isn't the best choice, but sometimes it's all I can get down. I usually start getting hungry around 2 or 3. I will have some yogurt or some crackers.

    I am usually starving when I get home. I can eat more in the evenings, so I really have to watch my portions then. I will cook some kind of meat with 2 vegetables. I am one of the lucky ones, I can eat any type of meat. My husband and I eat the same dinner most of the time. Sometimes he wants pizza, which I cat really eat very well, so I will fix him pizza and I will have fish and rice. I try not to eat anything else after dinner. I think that is what has helped me lose a lot, not eating at night.

    If it's a non work day, I will usually eat breakfast and then my husband and I go out to eat that night. My doctor also says no snacking, but I do at times. I will have a hand full of chips or some candy. You have to indulge sometimes or the cravings will kill you. Every now and then I will eat ice cream. The key is to balance everything out. If I find myself eating too much one day, I will really keep an eye on my portions the next day. Water is also very important. I drink it all day. Get the bottled water and just refill them. They work great. I also drink a lot of tea. Exercise is also key. I try to get 30 minutes most days. It seems overwhelming at first, but it's really not as hard as it seems. Good luck!

  9. Ok, I missed something somewhere. I'm not really sure what this thread is about, but I am also snow white and was raised in the ghetto. In fact, I just moved from there not long ago!

  10. I do think that it is strange that only two out of hundreds came forward to say that they were molested. One would think that there would have been more if he was doing that..again..MHO..for which I am sure some will disagree.

    I agree. It seems to me that there would have been more to come forward.

  11. Carrie, I understand it being uncomfortable hearing bad about someone you like--I really do. And I know bad has been said about both. The difference I see, is that is seems Britney is openly trying to make changes---and I hope she succeeds, and raises healthy happy boys.

    The reference I personally made to her was in regards to a suspected blood disorder, and that as a celebrity that possibly she felt a need to hide it. When it is something she has no control over if she does have it. I mentioned it in comparison to MJ's having vitiligo for instance, why would his fans desert him over a health issue like that?

    I didn't take what you said about her as bad. I actually don't think I remember it, lol! But now that you brought it up, maybe they don't tell people about their medical conditions because they want to keep it private. Maybe they don't think there's anything wrong about it, they just want some privacy. I can understand that. I haven't told a lot of people that I have a band.

  12. Yeah, just across the bottom to fix problems created by my full face CPAP machine. The mask was really too little, so I would pull it really tight to keep the seal around my mouth. Wearing it that way for a while started moving my lower teeth. I no longer wear the CPAP and decided to get my mouth fixed while my insurance would still pay for it.

    How are you feeling? When are you having your tests done?

    I am feeling much better thanks. I will probably be having some tests next week. I know I have to have a colonoscopy. Then if that's normal, they want to do the exploratory surgery. But I probably won't know anything else until next week. I had to find a new doctor. Long story, but the gynecologist I had was a real bitch. My primary care doctor has taken over.

    I had braces taken off in December. I only had them on the top to close a huge gap. I have been having to wear a retainer all the time because when I leave it out for a few hours, my teeth start to separate and the gap tries to come back. So now I will have to have a wire put on the back of my 2 front teeth to keep them closed. I really need a new body!!

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