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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Carrie_C

  1. Carrie_C

    Oprah Speaks for Millions

    Maybe her doctors aren't the ones telling her that, maybe she is telling them that!
  2. I had surgery in May and mine has been falling out for 4 months with no end in sight. Everyone keeps saying it will get better, but it's not. The doctors are no help. I have taken every vitamin I know of and it has not helped one bit.
  3. Carrie_C

    Who says we don't have willpower?

    Yes, some people are very stupid. My husband makes remarks like that all the time and it really makes me mad. We were watching something on tv last night about this girl who weighed 400 pounds and she got a band and now weighs 130. She works somewhere where she helps others lose weight, people who haven't had WLS. She helps them pick out the right foods to eat and helps them with exercise. My husband said, "well she's a hypocrite because she had a band but she is helping these other people who don't have one." I was so mad!
  4. Carrie_C

    Oprah Speaks for Millions

    Yea, I feel the same way. But I am SO glad that I have the band and it helps keep me from gaining it back.
  5. Carrie_C

    Going through or considering divorce?

    Yes, I know that feeling too.
  6. Carrie_C

    Oprah Speaks for Millions

    Maybe we should all send an email through her website and tell her to come here and read!
  7. Carrie_C

    Going through or considering divorce?

    My husband couldn't afford to live by himself either. So I guess we are just stuck together. The house is his, he had it before we got together. He won't even put my name on it. The only thing I would be able to afford would be a tiny shack with my 3 cats.
  8. Carrie_C

    Ladies with large chests...

    It is called cacique microfiber plunge air pushup bra. It has these little air pillows that you can put in for extra lift. I found it on ebay for about $20. It is great. My boobs have never looked so good! They have about any size you need.
  9. Carrie_C

    Going through or considering divorce?

    I know what you mean about being trapped. Although I do have my own income, I doubt it would be enough to live on. I also don't have any insurance on my own either, it is not offered where I work. The only place I would be able to afford would be some tiny dump somewhere. I really plan on starting to save some money so if I ever do get the nerve up to leave, at least I will have a little socked away. My husband is also emotionally unstable. One minute he is fine, and the next it is the end of the world. He has been a real grouch all weekend.
  10. Carrie_C

    losing the hard way????

  11. Carrie_C

    May 2008 Slow Losers

    You are right, we shouldn't be complaining. I have never lost this much weight before and kept it off for months!
  12. Carrie_C

    Going through or considering divorce?

    Well, my husband is the opposite, he wants me to make all the money, work all the time, pay for everything and do everything around the house. What ever happened to the days when men WANTED to take care of their wives?
  13. Carrie_C

    Ladies with large chests...

    I have never had any luck with pushup bras, but I found a really good one at Lane Bryant. I really like it. My boobs look really good in it.
  14. Carrie_C

    May 2008 Slow Losers

    I gained back half a pound this week and I am not happy. But I am not surprised. All I have been eating is junk. People just keep bring sweets into the office at work. It is very hard this time of year. Right after Christmas I plan on hitting the treadmill hard.
  15. Carrie_C

    Going through or considering divorce?

    A lot of people wonder why I don't want kids, and the answer is I would not bring a child into this mess. That is one thing I am thankful for. That would only make it more complicated.
  16. Carrie_C

    Going through or considering divorce?

    My husband doesn't have a job around the house either. He REFUSES to do housework. He thinks his only job around the house is to make messes for me to clean up and then gets mad because I'm mad. He does absolutely nothing around the house. I work just like he does, but somehow everything is my resposibitily. I work 10-12 hours a day, but I still have to come home and cook and clean up while he lies on the couch watching tv. When I complain about it, he says "other women do it". That makes me SO mad.
  17. Carrie_C

    Going through or considering divorce?

    The hardest thing for me is, I am a christian, and I believe marriage is supposed to be forever. I took my vows very serious. So that is the main reason it is so hard for me to leave.
  18. Carrie_C

    Going through or considering divorce?

    My husband starts arguements with me everyday over stupid stuff. He doesn't even try to get along. It's like he's not happy unless we are fighting.
  19. Carrie_C

    Oprah Speaks for Millions

    The main thing that bothers me about Oprah, other than being against WLS, is everytime she gains the weight back, she makes such a big deal about it, like it is the first time she has done it. Then when she loses it again, that is a big deal as well. It's like everything is about weight to her, nothing else is important.
  20. Carrie_C

    Oprah Speaks for Millions

    Why does she always put herself on the cover of the magazines? It looks like she could put some plus size models or some real people on the cover.
  21. I have tried everything, but mine is continuing to fall out.
  22. Carrie_C

    Question to benefit my wife

    With her BMI of 32 she probably wouldn't qualify for the sugery now. (Unless she is self pay and the doctor agrees to do it). But aside from that, I would just contine to support her in what ever decision she makes. If she doesn't want it, you shouldn't push her to get it, because it is not for everyone. I would just tell her that you support her either way. You should also continue to lead by example by going to the gym, eating healthy, etc. Other than that, I don't think there's much else you can do.
  23. Carrie_C

    Need advise from the Ladies

    Yea, that's a good idea!
  24. Carrie_C

    Need advise from the Ladies

    That's great!!

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