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Everything posted by Carrie_C

  1. Carrie_C

    Self Sabotage- Are you guilty?

    I am also guilty of this. I had surgery in May and I did really good at first. But for the last few months, I have really gotten off track and I eat way too much junk now. I have only gained a few pounds, but it is still depressing. I also have lost motivation to exercise. I always have a stupid excuse. I am going to see the surgeon Monday, and I really dread getting on the scales there. It will be very embarrassing for them to see I haven't lost anything in a few months.
  2. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    For the children's sake? See, that is the problem with people like this woman. She knows that she can have as many kids as she wants even though she can't afford them because she knows there will be people like patty who will feel sorry for her and the kids and will help her out. That is what makes me so mad! They know that having kids means a free ride. I know lots of people like this, including my younger sister. They don't care how many they have because they know that the kids are their meal ticket. I am just waiting for someone who feels really sorry for her (like patty) to come along and build her a custom house and give her a nice giant vehicle for free!!
  3. Carrie_C

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    It sounds like you need some more fluid taken out. I have been too tight as well so I know how terrible it is. We aren't supposed to get sick at my job either and I work in a doctors office!
  4. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    patty, weren't you also married and had the help of your husband? She doesn't even have that. She seems to have no one to help her.
  5. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    patty, she was married for like 7 years and was unable to have children during that time. I believe she said that's why she got divorced, because she became obsessed with having children. And do you really think she can finish college with 14 kids?
  6. Then why do you think this girl didn't deserve medical care afterwards?
  7. And you seem to care nothing about the mother. So I guess we are even.
  8. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Yea, I say we all pitch in and donate enough for a hysterectomy!
  9. Yes, I am upset about the situation because the girl didn't receive adequate medical care. How many times do I have to tell you that??? I am a nurse, and it upsets me very much when people in this profession act as unethical as these people did. As far as the baby is concerned, it is a very sad thing what happened to it. I think abortion all together is sad. But as I have stated, abortion is legal and this girl had the right to make the choice she did.
  10. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Well, I think she did say on the interview last night that she was finished, but I think it's only because there aren't any embryos left and she is broke. I also find it disturbing that she said she is going to raise her kids on student loans. How in the world can she do that? I receive student loans and they are barely enough to cover tuition and books, let along pay for 14 kids!!
  11. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    patty, do you really think she will be able to go to go to college with 14 kids? College is hard enough without kids. This situation wouldn't bother me so much if she had some resources and support for these kids. It seems she has no one to really help her. The children are the ones that will suffer because of her selfishness. It also bothers me that these children don't have a father. I found it funny when she said in the interview that they did have a father, he was just not involved with them! What's the difference?! It is not fair to bring children into this world and chosing for them to not have a father.
  12. I agree with you. What this woman did is not God's plan.
  13. Show me where in my post I said that. Again, you have twisted my words for your own benefit.
  14. "That your dismay at the situation has nothing to do with the baby, but rather that the mother shouldn't have been subjected to having to view her live baby stuffed into a biohazard bag? I hope I'm understanding correctly and not twisting your words." Did anything in my post say that?? NO!! FOXNews.com - Doctor's License Revoked Over Botched Abortion That Led to Live Baby Being Thrown Out - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News I am very well aware of the procedure for a late term abortion, probably more than you are. She WAS given drugs the morning of the procedure and told to wait in a recliner for the doctor. She should not have been given anything without the doctor there. She was given the laminaria 3 days before, not the day before. An ambulance most definitely should have been called and she should have been taken to an ER because the unlicenced worker didn't clamp the umbilical cord and she bled out. She was just sent home. She could have very well bleed to death. The main problem with this situation is the doctor and staff were very unethical and untrained people. It has nothing to do with abortion being right or wrong.
  15. Carrie_C

    Good shampoo and conditioner for curly hair

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I do have to wash my hair everyday because I use hairspray. It is the only thing that will control the frizz. I have tried everything for curly hair to keep it from frizzing, but everything actually makes it worse, except Rave hairspray!
  16. Carrie_C

    Good shampoo and conditioner for curly hair

    Thanks so much for the invite! I will check it out!
  17. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Did anyone see the interview tonight? She's crazier than I realized!
  18. Carrie_C

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Only Brooke did my first adjustment. But it probably won't be enough for you to notice. It takes 2 or 3 before you really feel it.
  19. Since you really want to know why I think that situation was so bad, I will tell you. There are many reasons. I am not concerned I might change my mind, that is stupid. Weather you like it or not, abortion in this country is legal. And as you have pointed out many many times, it is legal during all 9 months of pregnancy. I am not "pro abortion". Being prochoice is very different, even though I'm sure you will argue about that. I think it is sad that this girl had an unwanted pregnancy in the first place. It is unfortunante that she felt she had no other choice to make. I don't know why she waited so long to have an abortion. I don't believe in late term abortions, but maybe she didn't know she was pregnant until right before this happened, I don't know. Whatever the reason, she had every right to make the choice she did. She went into the clinic to terminate a pregnancy, not deliver a very premature baby, which is what happened. What happened at that clinic reminds me of something that would have happened in a back ally clinic back in the day before abortion was legal. This sort of thing should not be happeneing today. This girl had a right to a safe and accurate medical procedure done by licensed medical professionals. And that is not what happened. A lot of the reasons I think this was so bad has nothing to do with if abortion is right or wrong. It has to do with the way things were done. She should not have been giving those drugs without the doctor there. There should have been a doctor in that clinic at all times. She should not have been sent out to sit in a recliner. She should have had a licensed RN taking care of her. She should have had an ambulance called for her and been taken to an emergency room. She should have received adequate medical care, and that is not what happened. That is the main reason I think this situation was so bad. So there is my reasoning. I am sure you will pick it apart.
  20. Yes, I do know what you will say, because I have been through this with you before. Will anything I say about the reasoning really change your mind on the issue? I didn't think so.
  21. Carrie_C

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I am scheduled at GBI on Monday at 1:40 with Brooke.
  22. What good would it do if we told you why we think it was a bad situation, you still wouldn't agree and you would just continue to argue.
  23. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    She said she didn't consider food stamps welfare!
  24. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    There are pictures and a video of the babies on msn now.

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