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Everything posted by Carrie_C

  1. I don't know, I don't think it's jealously with him. He has never had a problem being overweight, in fact, he has the opposite problem, he is very small and wants to gain weight and can't. I think the main thing is he is very old fashioned. He doesn't think it is 'natural' to have something around your stomach and to have a port under your skin. He is very set in his ways. I have learned to just live with it, and hope he changes his mind when I get to goal and look really good.
  2. Carrie_C

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    You will feel much better in a few days. I am going for a fill tomorrow, wish me luck; my last 2 have been too tight.
  3. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Oh, I'm not sure. You may be right. But I saw one of the lady's from the PR firm on tv talking about how she holds all her children each day. BLAH BLAH
  4. Well, I think that is part of the problem with my husband. He loved me when I was bigger and he never thought I had a weight issue (love is blind I guess). So I guess that's why he's not been very supportive.
  5. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    I can't say that I blame them for dropping her. I don't see how they could have represented her in the first place! How could anyone say it is ok to do what she did??
  6. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Yea, it's that way here too. The state considers the money they are paying as child support that the father isn't paying, but should be paying, so that's why they go after him. In fact, here, if a woman signs up for welfare (not foodstamps) she has to tell them the name of the father and if she refuses, they won't give her any money. But if she tells them, they give her a check each month and go after the father, because they consider it child support that needs to be coming from him. If a woman is receiving child support from the father, then she is not elgible for a welfare check. It kinda makes sense to me.
  7. Carrie_C

    Should I get a fill or not?

    I just wanted to thank everyone for all the advice. I have been following the band rules now and laying off the junk since I posted and I have decided that I do need a small fill, so I am going in Moday. I just hope it's not too tight like my last 2 have been.
  8. Ok, I didn't do so well over the holidays and I am really starting to feel like a faliure. I havn't lost anything in over a month. Part of that is my fault, I have been eating a lot of junk food and not exercising. I admit that I used the holidays as an excuse to eat. I didn't gain any weight over the holidays, but I didn't lose any either. Now I am wondering if I need a fill or if I should just wait it out. I still have pretty good restriction in the mornings, but in the evenings I feel like I don't have much restriction at all. It is confusing to know if I need a fill because junk food goes down so easy and that is what I have mostly been eating. I did much better today however, I started with my protein first and then ate a few veggies. I got full pretty fast and I haven't gotten hungry. So I am confused. I think the fill would help get me back on track, but I don't want to get one if I don't really need it. I am very depressed and down on myself right now, so please help me!
  9. The counselor during my psch eval told me that after being banded, good marriages get better and bad marriages get worse. I so believe that now. My husband gives me no support and doesn't even get excited for me that I am losing. The only small amout of support I have had (outside of here) has been surprisingly from my mother.
  10. I know what you mean. But what makes me mad is my husband because he thinks I should still be able to eat like I did preband. He gets mad when I only eat a little of something. And he will bring donuts in here, like I can eat them. Anything with bread gives me trouble, and he knows it, but he will still bring the stuff in her anyway. WHY DOES HE DO IT???!!!!
  11. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    patty, I think you are living in la la land. Your ideas sound good, but they are just not realistic. Especially with todays economy. You mentioned a stay at home mom could sell on ebay. Well, I am an ebay seller and things are not selling well for me at the moment. My husband works 40+ hours a week, I work 30 hours, sell on ebay, plus I took out some student loans for nursing school, and we are still having a hard time making ends meet, and we don't even have any kids together. (He has a son from a previous marriage that doesn't live with us). Our house payment is a month late right now. What also makes me mad is even if we were to try to get state assistance right now, we wouldn't qualify because we don't have any kids. That's what makes me so mad about the sytem, a woman with a bunch of kids has it made and doesn't have to work, but people with no kids that don't make enough money can't get any help at all. I can't even get any pell grants for school because we 'make too much'. Well, all I would like to say is I would like to see all of this money that we supposedly make, because it's sure not in my wallet. As far as state assistance is concerned, I see nothing wrong with people getting it who truely need it and are having a rough time. And I see no reason to pay it back. If you really needed it at the time, I don't think you should have felt you needed to pay it back. At least you didn't stay on it for the rest of your life, like most do. When I was younger, my parents did receive food stamps, but that was because we really needed it. My parents always worked and payed taxes. That is the kind of people who should receive state assistance, those who are working and trying to better themselves. Not people who just keep having kids and milking the system. Nursing school is ok. It is definitely a challenge. I will be glad to finish. I feel like I have been in school my whole life. You are never too old to go back to school. There are women in my class a lot older than you. In fact, most of us are older. There are very few really young people.
  12. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Maybe I can get me some EBT cash as well......
  13. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Actually I just got my braces off and the retainer is making me talk funny, so maybe that would be enough to work?
  14. Yea, the award is you get to wear smaller clothes!
  15. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Yea, I agree. I am in nursing school, so maybe I can get some disablity for the next few years until I finish?
  16. I agree, I think CPS needs to get involved as well.
  17. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    patty, in todays time, what woman can afford to stay home and not work?? It is nearly impossible unless all of our husbands are millionairs! And mine sure isn't! I think daycare is good for kids. It is good for them to be with other children and learn social skills. You can't watch your child 24 hours a day. Of course they are going to miss you at first, but eventually they get used to it. I also think children are better off not being with their parents 24 hours a day 7 days a week. They need to get used to living in the world. I think it makes it easier on them when they grow up. You said the gov. takes our kids at 5 to go to school? You make that sound like a bad thing! That's so funny! Kids have to go to school!
  18. I think the reason some may appear snobbish is because some new bandsters are complete fools and post threads that say they ate a double cheeseburger the day after surgery and want to know if that's bad.
  19. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    patty, why don't you believe in daycare???
  20. I have no idea what you are talking about.
  21. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    I would also like to know why she is disabled. She supposedly has a lower back injury. If that is the case, then how does she pick up all those kids??
  22. She said in the interview that when she was working she worked all the time, double and triple shifts to save for the treatments. But she couldn't have made very much at the job she did, and I still don't see how she saved enough for so many. I think there is more going on than we know.

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