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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Carrie_C

  1. I am going to have a serious talk with him tonight. I am not going to be the type of wife who has to watch her husband 24/7 just to know that he's not doing anything. If I can't trust him, it will be over. I refuse to put a leash on him.
  2. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Yea, I think everyone except pattygreen!
  3. I have asked him why he needs it. Our sex life is pretty good, especially since I have lost some weight. He says that he doesn't know why he looks at it. He says that he is happy with our marriage. I told him last night that this type of stuff is what ruins marriages. He seemed to think it was no big deal since it was just pictures. But it is a big deal to me! smsmithart, I do agree with you, I wouldn't mind it if it was put away and I didn't know about it. I mean, we all do things in private that we don't want others to know about. I don't see this any different. But I don't want it on our computer either. An occasional look at a dirty website or something is fine, but downloading it is going to far. It makes me wonder what else he is doing and I just wonder what else is on this computer that I don't know about.
  4. Carrie_C

    What do you all do?

    Wow, there are a lot of nurses! I am a medical assistant, but I hope to join all of you in the nursing profession in 2 years when I finish my degree!
  5. Carrie_C

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I don't measure anything either. I just eat until I'm full then I stop before it starts hurting. I have tried measuring in the past and counting calories, but it is very annoying to me to have to do that. Plus we eat out a lot and it's hard to figure out how many calories are in food that you don't cook yourself. I have been banded long enough to know when I am eating too much.
  6. Carrie_C

    Mind your own Business???HELP

    Well, I am pretty sure she doesn't have a band. She couldn't have weighed enough to qualify. Plus she still eats really fast and drinks with her meals. And she hasn't missed work in a really long time. Plus, I know how she is and if she had one, she would be telling everyone. She would love the attention. She lost hers taking Phentermine. She takes it like candy. Anyway, I agree that we should all be able to tell everyone about our band without getting judged. But this isn't a perfect world. I didn't tell people at work because they are very two faced and talk about anything anyone ever does. Plus, I don't need the food police. There is one coworker who is really having a hard time with her weight, and I would love to tell her about the band. But I am afraid she will tell everyone else. And I'm not even sure she would qualify. So I just continue to keep my mouth shut.
  7. This has happened to me several times too. It is very annoying.
  8. It is on my screen too. I have already given feedback but it still won't go away. It is a little annoying.
  9. Carrie_C

    too tight=no weight loss?

    It is possibe to not lose weight if you are too tight. If solid protein is giving you trouble, you are probably eating softer foods, which means you are not staying full long and you may even be getting to many calories with the softer food. My doctor calls it 'soft food syndrome'.
  10. Carrie_C

    Mind your own Business???HELP

    I am glad to see this thread because I was wondering what to say too. No one I work with knows I have a band, and this girl at work ask me the other day what I was doing to lose so much weight. I was really taken aback because I wasn't expecting her to ask that. I just told her I had been exercising (not a lie). But another coworker has also lost some weight (she doesn't have a band) and when someone asked her what she did to lose it she said "Pushed back from the table"!! I like that response!
  11. Carrie_C

    Pregnant BEFORE lap-band??

    I don't think there is a doctor who would do it. They shouldn't anyway. I agree with the above poster.
  12. Carrie_C

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I'm sure you won't be far behind!
  13. Carrie_C

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I am still here too. I have also had a lot of trouble lately getting on this site, don't know what is up. I don't watch biggest loser. I tried, but I just can't get into it. slim, when did you have your last fill? I had mine almost 3 weeks ago and it is perfect so far. The weight is starting to come off really good again. I hope to be below 200 very soon!
  14. LOL!! WHY do they call it that?!!
  15. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    I think you should try!
  16. Now that you mention it, I do remember that they were co owners with Erlanger's Women's East for a few years. But they sold their share back to Erlanger while I was working there, I believe in 2000 or so. I don't remember why.
  17. I just asked the exact same question on the other thread!!
  18. Carrie_C

    Why do women have anal sex?

    Ok, call me a prude, but what exactly is "tossing salad"?!
  19. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    She was on ET and she said something about she didn't accept the donated services because they depend on donations, and there weren't any. But I couldn't really make out what she was saying. Did anyone catch that? I agree, her children are wild! I am really worried about the 8 babies being around those children. They also said on ET that CPS had been called on her before but they didn't find any reason to take the kids. I really don't think CPS cares. I know they don't where I live.
  20. It was Memorial Hospital in chattanooga, TN. They are still open, and one of the best hospitals around, they just don't perform women's services anymore. Let me know if you find anything interesting. I would be curious to know why they closed the maternity ward.
  21. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    I can't stand her! I hate even looking at her! When I see her on tv now, I turn the channel! She reminds me of a selfish teenager. She refuses to listen to anyone, even her own parents. It's like she's 16 instead of a grown woman!
  22. Yea, the hospital I worked for didn't preform women's services. They had a maternity ward at one time, but they closed it. I don't know how true it is, but someone said they closed it because if an emergency were to come in and they had to choose between saving the mother or the baby, they would choose to save the baby, and they were afraid of law suits.
  23. I used to work for a catholic hospital and they would not cover birth control on our health paln. They also required that if a patient was on birth control, the patient had to bring it with her because the nurses weren't allowed to give it to them.
  24. I just think it is bad that women feel like they can't tell anyone they are pregnant. I think it is just a bad situation to be in.
  25. It may be bad to say, but I think most women would rather have an abortion than give up the baby for adoption. I know when I was pregnant, I thought about adoption, but there was no way I was going to go through 9 months of pregnancy and then give it to someone else. Not to mention, I didn't even want anyone to know I was pregnant. I think that is the case with a lot of women who have abortions. They don't want anyone to know.

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