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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Carrie_C

  1. Carrie_C

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I have seen Jennifer on the last few appointments. I really like her.
  2. I can't stand Sarah Palin. She never knew what she was talking about half the time. Now her daughter is all over the news. A while back, Bristol was interviewed and said that abstinence isn't realistic. Now she's all over the news again preaching abstinence only. She said that her words before were taken out of context. Whatever. You could clearly hear her saying during the interview that absinence only education isn't realistic. I guess her mother chewed her a new one for saying that so she had to come back and say something different. It seems she takes after her mother.
  3. Carrie_C

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    My surgeon didn't do my adjustments or followups during my first 3 months. I always saw Brooke.
  4. Carrie_C

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    When is your adjustment?
  5. Carrie_C

    Why do women have anal sex?

    Me too, I can't believe how many women said they like it. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but it is shocking!
  6. I just don't think it's going to be possible for her to get a fair trial, no matter where it's moved to.
  7. Carrie_C

    How obvious is your port?

    I'm only about half way there, but I have lost a lot of weight in my stomach, and my port doesn't show at all. I can feel it if I try, but my husband says he can't. I am looking forward to bikini days!
  8. Carrie_C

    Only lose 50% of desired amount of weight?

    So true!!!!!!!!
  9. Carrie_C

    Melting body and getting naked

    From my experience, most guys just really don't notice or care about our flaws!
  10. I don't know if anyone has started this, but I thought it would be nice to have our own space. I get really discouraged reading about how some are losing really fast in the other thread and I thought it would be nice to start our own thread. I am losing slow, but I am still very happy to just be losing.
  11. Carrie_C


    Congrates! I bought a pair of 16's last week and they are still a little tight, but I am determined to get in them really soon!
  12. Carrie_C

    Hair coming out

    I have had my band almost a year and my hair started falling out about 3 months later. I was told it is from the shock of the surgery and the weight loss. My hair is better now, it still falls out some, but it has started growing back. The doctor told me it could actually take 2 years for it to get back to normal.
  13. The first thing you should do is call your insurance company and ask if it is covered. Then you should go to a seminar to get all the information you can. There is titanium on the back side of the port. But I haven't heard of anyone having any problems form it. I have been banded a year this month. My weight loss has been slow compared to some of the others, but I still believe it is the best thing I have ever done for myself. But you have to get it in your head to do it. No matter how much exercise equipment you buy, it won't matter if you aren't commited to using it and eating right. The band helps with portion control, but there are ways to eat around it. Cookies and chocolate still go down just fine and I can eat as much of that stuff as I want. So you still have to be motivated. Good luck!
  14. Carrie_C

    Only lose 50% of desired amount of weight?

    I am right at the 50% mark for me, and I have no plans to give up now! If anything, it has motivated me more to get to goal.
  15. Carrie_C

    Better Sex!!??

    My exboyfriend was like that. We were together 5 years and I swear he never gave me an orgasm once. I agree that older men are better in bed. My husband is 10 years older than me and he is the best I have been with. All younger guys care about is getting off.
  16. Carrie_C

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    So patty, do you think it is wrong to get married but not have children?
  17. Carrie_C

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Yea, I know what you mean, I was the same way so that's why I thought I needed a fill, but then all of a sudden I had a lot of restriction again. So I don't know how we are supposed to know when we need an adjustment.
  18. I have had a miscarriage also, but I didn't feel so much grief. I was planning an abortion, so I felt more relieved than anything. But everyone reacts differently.
  19. I don't really think about it as ignorant, I just think it is a little silly.
  20. Carrie_C

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Well, Tiffany called today to reschedule my appointment. This is the 3rd time it has changed. But it is better anyway. It has been rescheduled until the next week, so I can see how I do up until then.
  21. Carrie_C

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I wish I could help, but I have the opposite problem of always being too tight. I am scheduled for a fill next week, but I think I will cancel it. I have barely been able to eat this weekend. My weight loss has started picking back up so I don't think I need the fill right now.
  22. Carrie_C

    May 2008 Slow Losers

    I now realize what your were talking about and it makes so much sense! I have sold a bunch of my clothes on ebay (and made really good money) and I am taking the money I made off them and buying new smaller sizes. I am loving it!
  23. Carrie_C

    May 2008 Slow Losers

    That's great! I knew it would be a slow process for me as well. I have always lost slow so I didn't expect it to be any different with the band.
  24. Carrie_C

    Better Sex!!??

    Maybe you should get a toy. :smile:
  25. Carrie_C

    The band with IBS?

    I have had IBS all my life. I was also worried about how the band would affect it. I am so much better! I used to have constant nausea and I was so worried about it being worse with the band. But it is much better now. I can't explain it. Maybe it has to do with diet changes and not eating as much. I do still have problems with diarrhea and constipation, but I feel so much better than I did before I got the band.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
