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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Bobthebuilder

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  • Birthday 01/01/1976
  1. Bobthebuilder

    Any other gay sleevers out there?

    Hi Guys! I had my sleeve on March 28th. I had to start my pre-op liquid diet on March 10th. From March 10th until March 28th I lost 26 lbs. Since my surgery i have lost an additional 49 lbs making my total weight loss 75 lbs. One area that I have been struggling with is my energy level. I get exhausted pretty easily now. Does anyone else struggle with this too? I am getting about 90 to 100 grams of protein daily but i am thinking i may need more. Let me know your thoughts! For those of you that are thinking of getting the sleeve...i dont regret it for a second!!! Best thing i ever did! Hope everyone is doing well. Happy PRIDE!!!!🌈🌈🌈🌈 Shawn
  2. Bobthebuilder

    Any other gay sleevers out there?

    Right here....from Nebraska. Pre-op. Have surgery on March 28th for the sleeve.

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