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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BrandNewLisa

  1. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Awww, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom ajoneen, you and your family are in my prayers.
  2. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Thanks SugarBean for making me feel not so stupid, I was totally wondering wtf the CLAW was!!!! I just thought that I didn't read back far enough!
  3. Yes, you read it right. My boss, an extremely vain, narcissistic man, is traveling to Mexico tomorrow to have a Lap Band procedure. Of course he has to go to Mexico, no US surgeon in their right mind would perform it here. In his words, he refuses to get fat. Or have stretch marks when he dies. Am I wrong to be offended by this? Insulted? I have been totally honest, he knows how I feel, but I have a feeling that since I am going through all of the Lap Band drama myself, he is going to try to turn to me for "support". I can't guarentee that I can give him that. He is turning a procedure that to me was a life saving option, into a vanity move. And I resent him for it. How can I get passed this????
  4. Thank you for your input Jaymie, I totally understand that this is a personal choice. I know for a fact that a few people in my life feel that I have made a mistake, and judge me for it. I am trying to be as accepting as possible with my boss, I really am. I just went thru so much to get my surgery, and he makes a decision, a quick phone call, and now he gets the Band. He is a thin man. I know I am not supposed to judge, which is why I think I posted here for guidance to begin with. Yeah, I resent him a bit. But, it is what it is I guess.............
  5. Thanks you two for your opinions, I appreciate and respect you for offering them. My issue is not with discrimination, I am not crying anything. My issue is soley with his reasonings for proceeding with this entire process. With a BMI under 28, he is definitely not a candidate in the US, and I honestly think that is for a reason. My boss and I have talked at length, and it is soley because he is a snacker. Period. He noshes all day long, and feels that he can not stop. He feels that the band will correct him when he goes wrong, and we all know that it is so much more than that. I understand and respect his struggles, because weight issues are so individual. We all have our crosses to bear, and I do not judge him for his. That does not mean that I am obligated to agree with him. Please do not judge me for feeling that he is taking the wrong path. I merely posted my feelings here looking for feedback, not judgement. Thanks all!
  6. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hey everyone! I have been gone for a few months, but I think of you guys everyday. I am glad to see that everyone is doing so well. I see struggles here and there, but you are overcoming them. Your courage is exactly what I need to see right now, I am so glad that I am back. I have not been off the food wagon so much as off the exercise wagon. I have one of those jobs that can steal your life, but I love it. Unfortunately, that leaves little time for me (ha, surprise surprise). I am still losing, but very slowly. I am 70 pounds down, and it has changed my life. I feel and look like a totally different person. Yet, I am still disappointed. I just knew that I was going to be the model Lap Band patient, eating all of the right things, exercising daily, and I fully expected to be down 100 pounds by now. Had I excercised like I was supposed to, I would have been. Oh well, I am going to let the past be the past, and start fresh for 2009. I want to start that by reminding myself that what I have done already is huge, and the future holds nothing but more positive change. Things that I am thankful for: 1. I finally got braces! At 34, I have wanted them my whole life, but could never afford them. I have always been so self conscious about my teeth, I have severe crowding in the front. Time to release another ghost! 2. I am wearing a size 18 pants, and I started this journey at a size 28. 3. I am wearing heels for the first time in years. My knees and ankles would never support the weight. By the way, heels make me feel hot! 4. I sat in a lawn chair a few weeks ago on a rare warm day, and stood up without it suctioned to my butt. Huge! 5. My diabetes meds have been cut in half, and my doc expects that it will self resolve within the next 50 pounds. Down with needles! 6. This may be tmi, but in the shower, I find that I can easily reach every area of myself, without acting like a circus performer. It is amazing! 5. I am being seen. I have worked at the same location for a year and a half, and people that I see everyday are all of the sudden making conversation with me. Speaking to me. Seeing ME. 6. Even tho I am down only 70 pounds since surgery, I am almost 100 pounds down from my highest weight. I did a self imposed liquid diet prior to surgery, just to make sure that my liver was okay. I was paranoid that they would open me up and change their mind. I topped out at 352, and had surgery at 326. I need to remember and Celebrate this, every day! Okay, I am sure that there is much more, but I wanted to just say hi to everyone, and to remind myself why I started this journey in the first place. I want to be healthy, happy, and needle free. Thank you for letting me vent!!!!!
  7. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Scrappy-Amazing job on the 100 lbs, you look fantastic! Amanda-Glad to see that your hubby is still around! That had to be scary, make him earn it ever single day! And huge props on the Triathlon! You are my new Idol!!!! Cathy, vnj on the 50 lbs! I am 5.6 away myself, and I can not wait until 50 lbs. are gone forever! Special K, you know that you are near and dear to my heart, welcome to Twoterville! We are sooo happy to see you! Okay all, how tight is tight enuf, but not too tight? I had my 3rd fill on Thursday, 9.5 in a 14cc Band. I am tight, nicely tight, but I am afraid that I am not getting enuf food in. I had maybe 1/3 of a cheeseburger for lunch today, and maybe half a small side salad. On a good day. But is this really enough? I am super tight in the mornings, drinking only a Protein Drink and maybe half a bar for bfast. But I feel amazing, and soooo totally not hungry. Is this my sweet spot? Have I gone too far???!?!???................ Thanks for any input you may have!!!!!!!!!!
  8. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Good evening Charlie! Welcome back Fenton, your Angels missed you! You are the testosterone that binds our estrogen, lol. And I agree with everyone above. Sorry, I am so exhausted that I am finding it hard to be super inspirational and perky, so I 2nd everything already said! Sorry for the piggyback ladies! I am also finding it so hard to stay on track right now. I am a Recruiter for an international biopharmaceutical company, for contract and contract to hire positions. Due to an FDA rejection of a mere product label, I received an order yesterday for 120 people to start tomorrow relabeling the products! Suffice it to say, I am getting my butt kicked right now! I worked from 7am-9pm yesterday, same today, and I am scheduled to work 6am-12am'ish tomorrow. Yikes! My boss knows that we are working on fumes right now, so he is kind enough to buy us lunch and dinner. Every day. And if I say anything about my boss, it will be that he is sooo not hesitant to spend money! Last night, steaks. Yeah, I said steaks. Big, juicy, perfectly marbled and aged Kansas City cut bone-in Ribeyes, Filets, whatever we wanted! Today, I get to my branch from my offsite office to find pizza as far as the eye can see. Along with a rather extensive selection of deserts he ordered from the white tablecloth steakhouse that provided us dinner for the night before. Ugh, is he for real? I nibble on just about everything, and I have been eating my steak since yesterday, 3 meals pretty much covered it. I can say that I am still very pleased with my portions, just not with what I am putting into my mouth. And what is even worse is that I am missing, actually missing, my workouts. I haven't had any exercise since Sunday due to the hours that I am putting in. When I get home I have time to bathe, breath for 10 minutes, and go to bed. I am just really afraid to break my schedule, since it was so hard to establish one in the first place! Sorry that I am rambling, but I am pretty much delirious right now. I just had to make the time to post before I passed out for the night. It is one of my goals, to read everyday and to post as much as I can. I find that it makes a huge difference. And as for the Couch to 5k, you guys have intrigued me! I never pictured myself as a runner in any form, at least not in this life. But I dl'd a few podcasts, and they are really interesting. I am seriously considering giving this a try, at least when I have five minutes to myself. And please forgive the sleep deprived of any typos in advance, I am sure that there are many.....
  9. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hey Shamrocks! Yes, it has been rather quiet today, I prefer to assume that we are all out running around and burning calories! I must say that today was a pretty good day for me. I think I hit a milestone this morning. I woke up at about 9am (ewww, early for me on a Saturday), and as I lay in bed, I started to think about what I was going to do to get my exercise in for the day. That was actually my first thought. LOL! That is a huge 'lol' for me. Most Saturday mornings are spent by me trying to decide which pork product I am going to fry for bfast to go along with my french toast and home fries. At least pre-band anyways. I must say that I was totally stoked! I actually got up, got dressed, and walked my dog for a half an hour, kicking up a serious sweat in the sweltering Ohio humidity. I am not, completely NOT, a morning person. This was a huge step for me! And then, to make the day even better, the women of my family went to an early lunch, and then caught the matinee screening of 'Sex and the City'. Ten of us had a blast at lunch, and then even more fun watching my mom and her sister squirm at the rather graphic sex scenes. Good times! I hope all you ladies had a great day as well!
  10. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Oh, and Penny, 50 lbs. gone forever!!! Congrats on hitting this huge milestone. You rule!
  11. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hey ladies (I can say this since our esteemed leader Fenton is MIA on vaca)! NYCM-I have been saying prayers for your MIL, I hope all is well. Scrappy-WTFG on the weight loss! 100 lbs. is a huge benchmark for all of us, congrats on being so freakin close that you can touch it! Amanda-Thanks for the inspiration. It is so much needed by all of us. We all stumble, what separates us from the rest is our ability to get back up. And no one can do this like the Shamrocks!!!!! I just want to say that I don't post often, but you guys are a daily presence in my life. I read, and take everything you guys say to heart. Whenever that plate of fried chicken is on my radar, I think of you guys and say NO! I just wanted to say thanks to everyone. You guys are doing soooo very well, you are my inspiration every single day of my life.
  12. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Thanks you guys for the feedback and encouragement, I knew I could count on this group of wonderful people to get me through. Harley, you are right. Confession is good for the soul, and I feel lighter since I posted. Putting it all into words makes it real, which makes it much harder to deal with. But I feel so much better, which is huge for me. I felt very sloth-like after my weekend binge, all gross and bloated. Ewww to say the least. To think that 6 months ago I would have felt happy,full and satisfied.........lol! Thanks for the kind words Penny, I need as much as I can get right now!
  13. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Ok, I have been in and out of the site 5 times trying to type this, but here it goes. I seem to have zero problem sharing my successes, but failures? Admitting my failures pretty much equates to Chinese Water torture in my eyes. I had a horrible weekend. Ugh, and I feel totally skeevy right now. I had maybe three or four sodas, which I NEVER drink anymore. They were diet Dr. Peppers, but soda all the same. For dinner yesterday, I had 4 White Castle slyders. Yes, I said it, 4. That's right, a righteous 640 calories at one meal. I really thought that I was passed that. Who woulda thunk it. Yet, even though I was able to smash four slyders late last night, I ate applesauce for breakfast this morning way too fast and almost got stuck. Oh fickle, fickle restriction, you torture me so...... Granted, in the grand scheme of things, this weekend really was not too bad. In my previous life, I could have eaten 4 double cheeseburgers, a large fry, chicken rings, and a large Raspberry-Lemonade (theirs is the best EVER) without even batting an eye. I also did well with my other meals, very well considering. But ugh, I am totally in a shame spiral right now. I am trying to really feel the whole 'Welcome to a brand new minute' philosophy, but I am really disappointed in myself. Oh well, Scarlett said it best right? Tomorrow is another day, and I am just going to accept my failure, mourn it, and move on. Thanks for letting me vent!
  14. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Ok, am I the only one that calls Fenton 'Charlie' in her head? He is totally our Charlie, and I fancy that we are his Angels, rofl! He even started this amazing thread! I wait for his bidding on a daily basis (haha)! We miss u Fenton!
  15. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Penny-that totally sucks! I hope all is well with you.... K-Pod-I have been thinking about you, I understand the struggle you are going thru, I am wishing you the best! Lynn-have tons of fun, and we want to hear about it all!!!!!! NurseNiki, of course they didn't say anything bad about you! I do not remember exactly, but it was just a random mention, something about the prior days surgery. I need to go to the monthly support groups, I owe Melissa! She made me promise to go, and I have not been, I might just show up to the next one just to surprise her!
  16. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Not yet! I had my preop testing day the day after you had your surgery. And Melissa I think mentioned something about the previous day, and I said "Was that Niki? How is she?". Of course she couldn't confirm it, but she smiled really big. I think she was amazed at the networking that goes on here!
  17. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Welcome Nurse Niki! I remember you from the Columbus thread. This is the most amazing group of people, you will get tons of support and advice here. But watch em, they are a rather witty group of people. I have spit water at my computer monitor because of unexpected laughter more than once!
  18. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hello my lovlies (and Fenton, I mean that in the most masculine of ways!). The last few days have been pretty good to me. I think I have found my new motivation. I took a set of scary pics the night before surgery, so that I can map my progress. I took a second set a few days ago. I had been avoiding taking them as I am losing a little slower than I expected. I think I was afraid to take them and see abosolutely no difference in my rather portly frame. Alas, I see the light! There is a drastic difference in my pictures when you compare them. I mean huge, at least to me anyways! I am by no means the svelte hot little biscuit that my mind imagines me to be, but I am totally on the way! Since taking those pictures, I can not stop staring at them. This is actually working. Seriously. For once in my life, I can actually see myself shrinking. And people, it feels good. Everytime I try to talk myself out of going to the gym, or punching the snot out of my heavy bag, I see them in my head. And I want more. Lots more pictures! Please keep in mind that this is coming from a former self-avowed camera-phobe. I am pretty sure that I would have rathered gnaw my leg off at the knee with my bare teeth and no anesthesia instead of taking a picture. I am currently trying to work up the nerve to post them on the progress thread. I am not quite there yet, but we shall see. If I am feeling frisky later this week I may just take the plunge!!!!!!!!
  19. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    OMG, Annie, that cut is CUTE TO DEATH! I swear that it suits you, it really, really does. Cry if you need to, feel it, mourn it, and then embrace it! Not everyone can carry that look off, and it looks amazing on you! Forget the wig, I totally love that cut! Your glasses look fabo with it!
  20. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Welcome back A-dub, Fenton has been lost without you! I really respect the way that you are dealing with your hair issue. I have PCOS as well, and was dealing with the shedding thing even before the surgery. I am petrified that the loss will accelerate as the weight continues to come off. The fact that you had enough courage to go the wig route (and it looks fabulous by the way!) is huge. I think you look beautiful! And just like WCmom says, the short cut may be totally hot on you! And as far as guys are concerned, you would really be surprised at how many of them accept us, faults, flaws and all, when we accept ourselves. You are amazing, and any guy worthy of you will agree!
  21. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Wow, this has to be the most prolific groups in the history of this site (Fenton, I was marveling at the sheer volume of posts when I came upon yours talking about our ginormous numbers, I was sooo right THERE with you!)! I have been gone a little under 2 weeks, and I had to read back 20+ pages! But you know what? Even though I read a thousand pages, I was just as engaged on every single post as I would have been watching So You Think You Can Dance?!!!!! (Ok, I know that so does not say alot, but I like it!!!! Don't stone me!). Hope-250 RULES!!!! :cool: I totally can not wait to boast the same! Texgirl, Onderland???? YOU ROCK! You are my new Idol!!!! Kerri, your post about your Nana's card made me cry. Covet that last gift like the jewel that it is. You are blessed to have such positive and tangilble memory. And Fenton, TOTALLY a Family Guy fan here. Giggity-giggity. Giggity-goo. Quagmire fan, can you tell????? Stewie being a close second! Can they BE any more sardonic???? I shall forever hear your typing in a cheesy English accent perpetually exclaiming "What the Deuce?????"
  22. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Omg, YAY for you Lynn!!!! You guys that are hitting Onderland are soooo my inspirations, and I need you all to know that! I don't remember the last time I was in the 2's (I am now, little yay for me!), let alone the 1's!!! I am so proud of you! And what is this with all the triathlons and kayaking?!?!?? Are you guys trying to shame me into upping the ante??? Well, even if you aren't, it is sooo working! I truly believe that my weight loss would accelerate to the speed of light if I would just work out as diligently as I watch my food intake. I just keep letting life (which in Lisa-speak means 'work') intrude on my workout plans. I have the kind of job that pretty much insists on itself. Anytime it wants! They provide me with a laptop for a reason. I thought that was the coolest perk ever when I first started. Now I know that was just their way to covertly LoJack me. I am working really hard to make sure to include myself in my day. As easy as it sounds, that is totally hard for me. I do Water aerobics as well, and I love it! Appearing in public in a spandex swimsuit of death is normally my own personal Mortification of the Flesh. Despite that , I am still a total water baby! Who knew that you could actually sweat in the pool??? My aerobics instructor is basically Idi Amin reincarnated, so I leave class every other day feeling like I ran for 4 hours straight. Maybe I need to let her punish me every day..... Oh, and nice job Ms. Cathy!!! I am following your progress closely, and I am so damned proud of you. Especially since we were born of the same practice!!!!! Hell, I am proud of all of you!!! Everyone has been so very focused and dedicated. Yes, slips are happening for all of us, but every person here just takes the hit and gets right back up. You all are just amazing!!!!!
  23. BrandNewLisa

    New to it all

    Welcome to the board! I had my surgery in Columbus, Ohio at Mt. Carmel West. They have a nationally accredited bariatric program. My surgeon, Dr. Patricia Choban, is phenomenal!!! I would definitely recommend them. She also believes that higher BMI patients will do better with gastric, but leaves you completely free to choose. My BMI was somewhere in the 53 range. She recommended gastric, I said I wanted the band, and she said 'Great, lets do it!'. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions. Good luck!
  24. BrandNewLisa

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Wow, you guys sure know how to make me work! A few days gone, and I feel like I have been reading posts for 316 minutes! See, that is just more incentive to read every day right???? Lynn, I am on the bandwagon with everyone else. I am anxiously awaiting your arrival to 'Onederland'! That is my personal Narnia, and I am pretty sure that it does not actually exist...... Hope, I think about you all the time and pray for your med issues. You are in my thoughts! HarleyGirl, Welcome Back! Bandster Purgatory sucks, don't it? You can do this! And thank you for letting my constantly doubting self know that she is not alone. Fenton, hmmmmm, custom snowboard. Really? There are many a teenage boy right now hating your custom boarding guts. Remember tho, a custom snowboard does not a Shaun White make. Feel free to email me if you want me to wait at the bottom of the Bunny Trail with Ace Bandages and instant ice packs. Bottle of impeccably chilled top shelf Vodka optional. Triage, stat!!!!! And, last but surely not least, 'Bitch, eat a twinkie'. K Podski, seriously, that was out of bounds. I am pretty sure that I pee'd a little when I read that, and I do not appreciate it, lol. And may I just say 'Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww'. I was reading posts on the front page, and I saw 'Help! I had surgery two weeks ago, and I am soooooo hungry, what do I do??' I must say that I remember the time that we were all in the firm grips of Bandster Hell. I read these posts, and remember what was. Then, I marvel at how far we have all come. Why do I feel that we have been at this for 8 years? We are still so new really, but yet we are seasoned veterans, battle scars and all. The mind just has to wonder.... What battle will we fight tomorrow?????

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