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About cruelirony

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  • Birthday 06/23/1975

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  1. What an insane day... My only day off during the week and all I wanted to do was sleep in, but I decided to stay get up and get the kids off to school and try to stay on my schedule with meals


    What is it they say about good intentions?  Sheesh... Barely a moment after I shoo my youngest out the door I get a call from my oldest sons school and I need to rush over and complete some important paperwork that he neglected to give me on FRIDAY!... ugh I pull myself together and make myself presentable and I am not even 20 minutes into this paperwork and I am getting drug to a conference room. He's in trouble...which turned into him being in emotional crisis and consumed the next 4-5 hours of my day

    no breakfast

    no snack

    no lunch

    no snack

    no drinks

    I'm dying over here

    and now I am finally home

    i had one dill pickle

    and 3 sips of a crystal light

    and it's another 40 minutes until dinner will be ready


    I am so scared there will be days like this after my surgery and I will simply keel over and die.

    stress stress stress

    I have to remember to breathe

    1. ItsMeBirdie


      I try to keep little protein snacks at a grab for those days that just aren't normal like string cheese and nuts, I have small containers with measured out cottage cheese I keep some water bottles in the fridge for a grab and go because my water I pick up at the Artesian well and it is in a water cooler I keep plastic forks and spoons for on the o eating if I need and I always have left overs I keep in measured out small containers as well so I can grab and go I have doctors appts that take an hour to drive to so I need to do this or I could end up stopping somewhere not healthy to eat although that is rarely a problem for me because since my surgery I have not had much of an appetite but if I don't do this I will forget to eat and there is not enough time in the day to get all my protein in. Stress will do some weird things to you too as I have found out relax and breath like you said and prepare and you will be fine

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