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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Burgettbd42

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  • Birthday 05/31/1975

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    Medical Coder
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  1. Burgettbd42

    April surgeries

    WOW That is sooo awesome!!
  2. Burgettbd42

    April surgeries

    I came home today and same here!! Will be glad when this part is over!
  3. Burgettbd42

    April surgeries

    Same here!
  4. Burgettbd42

    April surgeries

    Sounds good to me
  5. Burgettbd42

    April surgeries

    I had bypass 4/13. Surgery started at 7:30, finished up right before 10:30. Has pain is bad but not unbearable. I have a PCA pump that has dilaudid in it. I have been up and walking a few times already. In 4 hours I will get something to drink! Yay!! So far so good!
  6. Burgettbd42

    April surgeries

    Thank you for the update. Glad your pain is getting controlled.
  7. Burgettbd42

    April surgeries

    Nice to meet you too!
  8. Burgettbd42

    April surgeries

    Oh lol, I must have seen that name in another post sorry.
  9. Burgettbd42

    April surgeries

    What is a mini bypass?
  10. Burgettbd42

    April surgeries

    Yayayay!! You nervous/excited? I've been having butterflies for like a week.AND my name is Brandi too
  11. Burgettbd42

    Exercise before surgery

    Thank you for the info.....
  12. Burgettbd42

    April surgeries

    Wowowowow sorry to hear that!!! Hopefully the power will be back on soon.
  13. Burgettbd42

    Exercise before surgery

    Boxing sounds fun. I have surgery in 2 weeks and I have been putting off anything except some walking. I know I will feel much better down the road after surgery and plan to get into a good routine.
  14. Checking to see if you/anyone started an exercise or walking regimen before surgery. If so when did you start and what did you do?
  15. Burgettbd42

    April surgeries

    April 13

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
