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About Bears_Chick

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  1. Bears_Chick

    Back to basics and really doing it!

    It's tough to get into the right mindset and eating what's best for our bodies. This thread has really been motivating for me. I hope it is for you as well.
  2. Bears_Chick

    Back to basics and really doing it!

    That's amazing! I love it! Everything you said!
  3. Bears_Chick

    Back to basics and really doing it!

    So I've been MIA for a couple weeks due to vacation and staying away from the internet.... I'm an aspiring novelist, so I REEEEAALLLY have to try to focus on my writing if I ever want to "get there." But I just read posts from the past couple of weeks and have seen the ups and downs... I had a couple myself. But as of today I'm 169.6.... within 10 lbs of my goal weight! I'm pretty excited about that. I had to give up 80% of the carbs I was eating, and I've been careful with sodium.... upped the protein, and 'as for now' it seems to be working. I'm happy, but always scared. This is the first 4th of July in YEARS that I haven't been embarrassed to take a picture with my family. So I'm sharing.
  4. Bears_Chick

    Back to basics and really doing it!

    You are really beautiful!!!
  5. Bears_Chick

    Back to basics and really doing it!

    I weighed in at 172.8! Two more pounds! I'm getting there! Cutting out the bread, crackers, and pasta really made a difference. Why do I love carbs so much?! I also went back to an hour of cardio and 30 minutes of weights every day except Sunday for the past two weeks.... I had missed a couple days of workouts the two weeks I didn't lose. 12.8 pounds to goal!!! I'm so scared! Terrified I won't make it. That my body will just quit losing even if I'm doing the same thing. I'm hungry and it's hard, so cutting back lower than 1,000 calories a day.... ugh, I just don't know if I can do that.
  6. Bears_Chick

    Back to basics and really doing it!

    Did you keep the old scale, just to see if they weigh you the same? That would be a good starting point, to know if one weighs differently, then switch to the new one... maybe? Very cool scale! I caught myself doing the Starbucks thing a couple weeks ago... and I didn't lose two weeks in a row. And I was order the SKINNY or the NONFAT, but still, it's liquid calories, and apparently, my body didn't like that. No weight loss for two weeks. But I know when I get to my goal, I can drink a Starbucks on a weekend as a treat. I won't need to lose then, just maintain.
  7. Bears_Chick

    Back to basics and really doing it!

    Praise Jesus! That's wonderful!
  8. Absolutely Necessary: --Calorie counter (how much you've had; how much remains) --Nutrients: Protein, Carbs, Fiber, Fat, Sugar - I also like seeing the fat breakdown (saturated, monounsaturated, trans) and basic vitamin and mineral info. --Exercise input with calorie burn --Food bank - this is HUGE! Having a good database and the ability to add personal recipes; restaurants; general foods; ability to scan packages such as protein bars and shakes, even those not in database to create a larger shareable database. --Progress tracking for weight loss with reports so I can look back at the last year or five years Would be nice: --Sharing with friends --Ability to take pictures at milestones and compare and use for motivation --Sync to FitBit, MapMyRun, and other fitness apps. --Yes to this: Countdown of the number of grams of protein and ounces of Water to get to your daily goal. With reminders! --Track body-fat percentage; BMI; measurements --Motivational reminders and stupid little sayings to log my food, eat more protein, get my fat butt up and exercise if I haven't logged anything, slow down on the carbs, chubby; those are cute and fun, do it right... make it fun, not like a drill sergeant, probably not with the name calling, since some people might not like that. Maybe make it so we can write our own? (MyDietCoach has cute ideas here) Maybe but not super important: --I had an app once that I put in rewards for myself, personal competition, when I hit a goal. It was fun, but the rest of the app wasn't as good as others, so I laid it to rest in dark pit of useless apps. What I DON'T want/dealbreakers: --Advertisements popping up. If the app is free but only due to adds, give me the option to buy the app without ads.
  9. Bears_Chick

    Back to basics and really doing it!

    Welcome, TaureanMe!
  10. Bears_Chick

    Back to basics and really doing it!

    Welcome, JTHmom!
  11. Bears_Chick

    Back to basics and really doing it!

    You seriously look fabulous! Don't I know it about the thighs... my entire legs are my enemies. My legs will be the last to go. They've haunted me my whole life. Even as a kid. Sucked. Which 12 week challenge? I've done the Nike XBox Challenge... way harder than I anticipated. If you don't jump high enough or wide enough or squat low enough, it doesn't count it. Dang, Gina! I'm doing a weights/resistance routine right now, plus an hour on the elliptical at least five days a week. It's helping me get there. I REEEEALLY want to be 160 by October. I need to consistently lose a pound a week.
  12. Bears_Chick

    Back to basics and really doing it!

    Way to go!!! OH! That wonderful feeling of a "1" in the front!!!!
  13. Bears_Chick

    Back to basics and really doing it!

    I'm finally down! After two weeks of no loss, and a slight gain (0.8), I'm down that slight gain plus an additional 1.8!!!! I hit 100 lbs of weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Bears_Chick

    Back to basics and really doing it!

    Liz, your picture is amazing! I know we all have a number we want to stay at, but you look fantastic! Great legs!!! Slim Dreams, your story is tough. I'm so sorry about the miscarriages. Having a bad day is going to happen, but you are aware and are working on getting things back on track..... we can only do our best.

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