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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Sosewsue61 last won the day on July 6 2019

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About Sosewsue61

  • Rank
    Bariatric Hero
  • Birthday 05/16/1955

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    Square dancing, gardening, quilting, sewing
  • Occupation
    Retired IT Network Administrator
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    IL - Illinois
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  1. Sosewsue61

    Alittle Confused

    Requirements for surgery approval vary widely, as do the testing and evaluation appointments. Rushing or delaying isn't the issue here. What I hear in your posts is a lot of anger and denial. Doctors see an issue and offer the options, they look at it logically and not emotionally. We all have emotional experiences related to our weight and doctors do not usually address it from that standpoint, especially surgeons. You do need emotional support, I suggest counseling to investigate your relationship with food, everyone that is obese has a distorted relationship with food. It is also physical, our body responds chemically to food, more sugar and starch = more cravings. You have to know why you want the surgery. Try getting the book 'The Obesity Code' by Dr. Jason Fung. View his youtube videos, as well as Dr. Cwyes. This is a very intense journey that you need to be sure you want, it takes a lot of head work. Good luck.
  2. Cruises are easy-peasy. I went on one 4 months out and there are plenty of choices at both the buffet and dining in. I could not eat steak or salad until 9 months out, I cannot really eat rice or pasta as it expands - 1-2 tablespoons of rice will do me, more and it comes back up. Lettuce slimed, chicken breast was too dry. I could eat half a roll at dinner on the cruise, the bread is too good!!! I was on the cruise for square dancing, so when in-port it was sight-seeing, when out to sea it was daytime dancing and evening dancing every night. I did not have to worry about the bread causing me to consume too much with all the activity. I have no experience in Italy. Have fun, it's not ALL about the food. Enjoy some food, but do activities too.
  3. Sosewsue61

    Why the same advice over and over?

    This is just my opinion, but going back to basics resets the cravings many of us have from eating higher starchier sugar-laden carbs. It really does reduce that desire and make it easier if you can tough it out for two weeks. But... that is a form of dieting, and can set up a cycle when it's meant to get you physically and mentally back to noticing what you have been consuming that causes the regain. It's mental for sure, but physical too.
  4. Sosewsue61

    To up fluid intake

    Yes it felt like drinking aquarium gravel for the first couple weeks. Bone broth, tea, and also sugar free popsicles.
  5. Sosewsue61

    Regret and Depression

    This surgery changes hormone levels, and it's a bit rocky for awhile. Our bodies have over 300 hormones, when one or more are altered our moods are greatly affected. And it's used to being insulin resistant - most everyone that is obese is suffering from insulin resistance and inflammation. Now add to that our abuse of food to alter mood, cope, and to socialize and it's a perfect storm. You have to replace those previous 'behaviors' with something else that satisfies those 'needs'. I believe exploring this in therapy or group support is a constructive option everyone needs to do. It is a HUGE process to make these changes, both in your head and physically as we have arrived in this situation after years of living with our collective experiences and relationships with food and people. Be gentle with yourself. Sometimes it also takes medication, ongoing therapy, exercise, and time. And you can't look back, push on and know that the physical health you get with this surgery is amazing. Good luck.
  6. Sosewsue61

    Florida lipo regulations

    Dr. Earle states right in his videos that FL has limits that other states may not have. The take away is that with multiple procedures (abdominoplasty), FL does not allow much lipo. And yes I did a copy/paste, and did not check the math, it was a PS site. Tennessee has different guidelines, etc. Just do a Google on state restrictions on liposuction w/wo other procedures.
  7. Sosewsue61

    Daily Calories

    Most NUTS give protein, carb and liquid goals not necessarily calories. Mine was 80gr protein, 20gr carbs, and 64oz of liquid in whatever stage of texture you could tolerate. Liquid, pureed, soft, minced, etc. Most surgeons only see you in person the first couple months after that you get the NP and the NUT. The surgeon already did his job, and he is on to the next group.
  8. In Florida, only 4000cc of fat may be removed during liposuction, which equals approximately 7-8 pounds or 3.5 liters. Additionally, if a patient is having more than one procedure, such as a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) and a tummy tuck, only 1,000cc of fat may be removed.May 5, 2021
  9. Sosewsue61


  10. Sosewsue61

    I got boobs!

    Yay for new boobs!!
  11. Sosewsue61

    It happened- I got canceled

    With a job loss, you might qualify for state insurance, and most medicaid insurance covers bariatric surgery now. I wish you hugs and luck, hang in there it is just a bump in the road, but the road is still there.
  12. Congratulations. Job well done. Keep enjoying life as a healthy kid, the world is at your doorstep.
  13. Sosewsue61

    Scared to death!

    Did you ask for a PPI, sometimes it's acid reflux, and medication can help? And sometimes it's hunger, prior to this episode were you getting in all your protein goals, and liquid goals? Your body is in a deficit compared to your prior caloric intake We need more info in order to help. But what you did was a binge. Your head was in charge. Were you preparing food for your family, what set your mind in motion to eat this food? If you planned this meal for your family - next time eat YOUR food prior to fixing their food, or ask someone else to fix their food. This food was planned, you don't suddenly have all that appear out of thin air. The beans and cheese are okay as soft food, the meat might be a little harsh, you are not completely healed yet. The beans and cheese would smoosh down pretty good, and the 4 bites of taco meat maybe did not put you over your limit? I am sorry you had this slip, I am surprised you didn't get sick, or 'slime'. Count your blessings, and take heed, you might not be as lucky next time.
  14. Sosewsue61


    An endoscopy will determine if you have a stricture or something else going on, you don't mention what has been tried so far, or tested? Or if you are on a PPI, or anti-nausea meds. I hope you keep calling your docs and team.
  15. Sosewsue61

    Staying Occupied Post-Op!

    Honestly, you will be occupied with drinking enough fluid so you don't get dehydrated, and walking off the gas from anesthesia. I walked, rested, and did a little needlework ( hand embroidery, or cross-stitch). Take up a new hobby. When I was able to get enough liquids, I shopped resale shops for smaller sizes, just a few things. LOL

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
