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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sosewsue61

  1. Sosewsue61

    Help!!!! Help me please!!!

    If you can tolerate fruit juice, then you can tolerate ready-made Isopure - it is clear and 40gr protein/20oz and a little tart. I prefer nlue raspberry or alpine punch. Purchased at Vitamin Shoppe. Drink some hot tea first to relax your throat.
  2. Sosewsue61


    Congrats! Meet your challenges head on girl!
  3. Sosewsue61

    Close to goal?

    Well I plugged your wt into a bmi calculator and it said you should be lower than 210. It said try for 198. But honestly I don't know - you need to feel good about your own goals. The calculator does not take frame size into account or any other variables. Are you near a university? Many of them have a dexa scan and can calculate your lean to fat body ratio and your frame. It is usually priced fair for the test. That way you will have more information about yourself.
  4. Sosewsue61

    I'm a mess.

    Maybe you need to add new allowed foods, maybe you were bored with routine. Food is pleasurable, become a food snob - pick the best fish, freshest vegetables, light candles - set an atmosphere for you and your partner. And find a way to relax and relieve stress, are things too hectic? Are you afraid to succeed? What happens JUST before you stick that bad choice in your mouth? (I am upstairs in the sewing room while the family eats....I made the salad, pork chops, and asparagus - be d@mned if I'm gonna watch people eat it!!)
  5. Sosewsue61

    Losing dedication for surgery.

    We have doubted ourselves so often in our lives, and avoided facing feelings that make us uncomfortable. Now we have to make a full examination of our motives, find the truth, and learn to trust ourselves. It's all very hard. I know I can diet, but I have to change my relationship to food permanently. Food has to become less important as a way to cope.
  6. Sosewsue61

    My mom is not well

    This is unacceptable - insist she have an endoscopy. Her electrolytes are unbalanced and this can make her mentally unstable beyond being bipolar. She doesn't need mj, she needs more medical help. You might have to be a little rude to get more action, ask for an ombudsman, patient advocate, or the manager of the practice and complain if needed. Good luck.
  7. Sosewsue61

    Sorgey tomorrow

    Stay focused. Keep busy and ignore people that don't get it. Your husband is showing a negative personality trait, be careful. You can do this. Good luck.
  8. Seriously - I don't want chips, or cookies....or any of that... I just want a hunk of meat!!!
  9. Sosewsue61

    Hit soft foods, week 3 question

    I love my stick blender! Makes creamed soups/sauces so smooth.
  10. Sosewsue61


    Yay for you. And glad some of your other health problems are getting more manageable, I jow you have struggled.
  11. Sosewsue61

    Hair loss!!

    Well Dr. Weiner has his patients take 10,000 of biotin. The reason prenatal vitamins work well is the extra folic acid (to prevent spina bifida and other things in the baby) - but it works on the mother's hair and nails. I always had good nails when pregnant. I have thin hair, but it grows fast. I take an extra folic acid, started 5000 biotin 6 months ago, and see new hairs near my hairline. It is not a lion's mane but it is improving. Now what happens with surgery for me - time will tell, I am crossing my fingers.
  12. Oh for f $!#@ sake, you are being too serious and philosophical, didn't you see the LOL and recognize some sarcasm. Believe me liquid diets suck, plain and simple. Keep the change!!!
  13. Not to be rude, but I don't find protein shakes to be 'cleansing', and I speak from 4 days of consummation. LOL I find it boring and difficult, not impossible - plain old sucks!!!
  14. Sosewsue61

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    @CristieMarie I have a serious addiction to the 1940's!!!!
  15. @DaleCruse thanks for the answers, getting sleeved in 8 days. Thank you for your service (former army wife).
  16. Sosewsue61

    How to keep a booty

    You can always buy one.
  17. @hillnicole34 - do you have teeth issues? Like gingivitis or something? I can only imagine how vile it is, and swallowing....yuck. What the heck is in that stuff?
  18. Did you read your policy when you started this process in May? Did you have a dietician appt this month? So schedule 3 more immediately 30 days apart and see what the surgeon's office can do. It's is most unfortunate. Have you filed a formal complaint?
  19. Hang in there. Ask for help if you need to get organized.
  20. Sosewsue61

    Today is the day

    Sending prayers and a jolt of confidence!!! Good luck.
  21. Did you start out with exercise, are you still doing it? When did weight loss slow down. So you must be struggling, or is there another reason you think you should have had the bypass (acid reflux?)? Are you considering a revision now?
  22. Sosewsue61

    Sonoma fires- Staying focused

    First priority is your safety, and health. You have my prayers, all of you in the path of this destruction my heart goes out to you. I have had a house fire, not a forest fire where I lost all, but the stress still takes a huge toll on your mental and physical health. If you are told to evacuate, please just go and be safe. If you have time right now, prepare to leave. Take inventory with photos, put documents in a container in your vehicles now, get extra canned food and water in your vehicle, pet supplies, make a list of where you can evacuate to and call for availibilty - all this prep will put your mind more at ease. You will be in my prayers.
  23. Sosewsue61

    My Sleeve Journey Begins!

    Welcome Free Stanley. I wish you a good journey. All forums, including this one have good points and a few bad points. Most support on here is positive but you will get called out if you are not honest, or excessively whining w/o justification and a few people are snarky from time to time. All in all not bad. We are not experts nor professionals and can only offer our own journeys as examples. Read and use the search box to find topics. Good luck.
  24. Sosewsue61

    I'm not sure what's wrong with me

    I will agree with what @Berry78 said. Complacency is sometimes a symptom of low level depression. And as a parent and wife you are a caretaker, and we sometimes neglect our own needs and feel guilty asking for more or examining our own issues - 'I have to make dinner, I have to drive kids to sports and I don't have time to relax, or even think about myself.' I take wellbutrin and it has made a huge difference, it has few side effects and litlle to no withdrawal if you want to stop them.
  25. Sosewsue61

    The Day is finally here!!

    Have a safe surgery and God Bless you and the surgical team.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
