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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sosewsue61

  1. Log onto your online portal and your benefits will be in writing, there will also be a way to email them with direct questions. When you call up your ins company these are 1st line customer service people that just regurgitate the policy - they do not make decisions regarding your approval. There are intake specialists that decide that on a case by case basis. Back to that email you will compose - ask very specific questions, such as if my surgeon advises the sleeve gasectromy laprorscopic surgery is that covered based on my current medical diagnosis (bmi, any co-morbidities etc), etc. Ask when it wouldn't be covered? Etc. And the surgeon's office has an insurance specialist that may have submitted to your particular insurance before and knows exactly how to code the surgery and submit so it will be approved - that is if the surgeon's office is a good one.
  2. Sosewsue61

    Introduction Post

    Welcome. Having both adults on the same path should make supporting each other fabulous. No one will be bringing in trigger foods, just nutritious ones. Good luck.
  3. I love this bone broth. I do simmer it with some vegetables - onion, carrot, cabbage, celery, green pepper - and garlic. It has 7gr/cup/30cal as you can see on the label. I drank a lot of it yesterday and two shakes, some sf jello. Yay!! I survived!!! LOL Nine more days to go.
  4. I think we all think WTF am I doing!!! I am about to pass out, don't know how the next two days will be w/o ANY protein shakes, I'll be in a stupor...
  5. Sosewsue61

    I'm a mess.

    @Joann454 I am just a 'mouthy' pre-op on the liquid diet....lol....3 days until surgery. I just remember from my successful dieting times that after a certain time I would slip back into trigger/bad foods and it was usually based on three things - boredom food rut, sudden fear from unwanted attention to my changing body, or anxiety from something I was trying not to face.... (like bad habits will actually help ANY of those issues). Hang in there.
  6. Sosewsue61

    Surgery Now or Later? (Poll)

    I held mine off a month because of the daughter's wedding - not the food - I was doing the floral arrangements. And I am in charge of some stuff at 2 sewing guilds - so planned it to be after those. It's going to work out for me. But I will not be taking in much by Thanksgiving and it doesn't matter to me. I will still do the cooking - I am not a snitcher when I cook and I will make my niece test the spice levels in the stuff I can't have - but I have been cooking the holiday meals like this for 40 years and think I have it down by now. Best reason to proceed in December would be insurance deductible and out of pocket for current year, and if costs are large enough - taking tax deductions too.
  7. Sosewsue61

    Someone made a fat girl comment to me??

    There are thoughtless people everywhere and I am always amazed when in those situations and just how often it happens. I have accidently caught male friends and female friends in little convos that completely took me by surprise. And these were people I would not have guessed to posess such opinions. I have to shake my head and walk away.
  8. Sosewsue61

    Obesity epidemic, society, dieting

    Hygeine is one of the main reasons we live longer, and uncontaminated water and indoor plumbing. Also education about caring for wounds and antibiotics and containing the spread of disease. Food is more available. Now having all that is great but there are currently viruses and bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics from overuse and use in the food chain. Plus global mobility makes spreading those last two much easier now. We are nearing a time when epidemics could once again happen.
  9. Sosewsue61

    Documenting the Steps

    Good luck. Welcome.
  10. Sosewsue61

    Blessed Journey

    Keep up the good fight, you look so good.
  11. Has anyone had the pubic mons lift included in the panniculectomy with both covered by insurance?
  12. Hey - checking in. Day 8 of pre-op woozy this morning and it's the last day of protein shakes as days 9 and 10 are clear liquids. And that's going to be vey tough!!!!
  13. Meg - that kitty is my HUGE maine coon named Chesapeake and he is a riot.....loves to turn faucets on and get belly rubs and is very vocal too.
  14. Sosewsue61


    So brendajo what are you eating all day? List please.
  15. Sosewsue61

    Obesity epidemic, society, dieting

    I only have anecdotal speculations as well. Introversion has some valid points and then there is the adulteration of the food supply issues - super feeding and hormones to make animals fat faster. Sedentary life/jobs. It is probably all of it. Our portions have increased. Dinner plates in the 50's were only 10", we didn't snack endlessly, we ate out rarely and it wasn't mainly fast food - those drive-in eateries were a seasonal venture in many places. We ate 3 squares a day and maybe one treat/snack and it wasn't endless junk. We rode bikes and horses and raked leaves and walked that lawn mower around the yard ad shoveled the snow. (I'm not giving up my snow blower). Full fat dairy did not kill us. Our beef was not as adulterated by hormones nor entirely cornfed. It was in the 80's when 'food science' really started.
  16. Sosewsue61

    Water, Water Everywhere...

    Put lemon slices in water. Crystal light.
  17. My very favorite shake is: Jay Robb dreamsicle with Protein 20 tropical coconut. I don't use the entire bottle of Protein 20 - maybe half.
  18. Dance away!!! Good for you!
  19. Sosewsue61

    Always seeing myself the same fat girl

    What do you mean you don't finish anything? Of course you do - you work don't you? You didn't get that job overnight did you? You are looking really good, much improved. You need to accept the truth of that. And one other thing - smile more. Get in the habit of smiling.
  20. Sosewsue61

    New Direction Diet

    Umm exactly what is it?
  21. Liquids don't stay in your stomach and are no indication of the restriction you will feel once you are on solid food. And no it doesn't fix food addiction or your mind. Your mind can just outright lie to you about 'needing' that food. Learning to 'sit' with the feelings of anxiety, fear, grief, etc takes a huge effort. It may require therapy, meditation, medication and time. We all need to find out how to bring that calmness to the body physically that food brings chemically.
  22. Oh wow. Complicated mess. I wish you luck, but have no experience to offer you in negotiating your specific issues.
  23. Sosewsue61


    Yay!!! Prayers for you ad your surgical team, and good luck.
  24. Sosewsue61

    2 years after the surgery.....

    Your mother is gorgeous too! Beautiful family.

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