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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sosewsue61

  1. With no complications, you should be fine - just drink all your liquids, and put your feet up, and nap. The big risk is dehydration.
  2. Sosewsue61

    Panni denied by HMO

    Usually there is a time frame and rules for the appeal - better find that info out. Also there should be a reason code for denial. Do a search on Bariatricpal.com for plastic surgery insurance appeals and you may find someone that has had coverage approved after an appeal. There is usually documentation required as a medical necessity ( rashes photo, difficulty performing physical tasks, interfering with daily life, etc) plus all the physicians submitting and surgeons performing the plastics must be approved/in-network and all the reason codes be appropriate.
  3. Sosewsue61

    Insomnia cause - B vitamins?

    So I stopped the b vitamin and the second multi for a couple days and we'll see what transpires. I am convinced that is the issue. I will take them earlier like fluffy said when I start them back up - likeky wednesday. Now if this stubborn stall would go away.....
  4. Sosewsue61

    Overdid Fluids - Problem?

    You cannot stretch your sleeve. But you need to slow down because you are healing - it takes 6 months to totally heal - but at 4 days you have considerable inflammation and should not take chances like this. I am surprised you had no pain from slugging this down so quickly. One good thing, you are not in danger of dehydration. But try to be more mindful.
  5. Sosewsue61

    Before and After (So far)

    Oh wow, just wow!!!! If the pictures were not side by side I would say imposter!!!! The difference is revolutionary! Congrats!
  6. Sosewsue61

    Onederland FINALLY! Progress Pics

    Yay for you @Creekimp13 you are looking good.
  7. Sosewsue61

    4.5 Months – Eating Too Much?

    @Mattymatt I cannot 'like' any of your posts - have you blockede for some reason?
  8. Sosewsue61

    Starting to regret this

    Regret is a waste of brain activity. Two weeks is nothing. The body adjusts, and the process is not linear. Try to stop focusing on a number and on food in general. Once you accept that this is how it goes you will be able to relax and this will be 'business as usual'. Only you can know if you are following your plan AND if that needs adjusting for you as an individual - then do that, it takes some experimentation and sometimes just time. I wish you success and to just enjoy yourself.
  9. Sosewsue61

    Getting closer to the finish line!

    Congrats!!! But this is really not the finish line, it is the 'warm-up', the starting pistol goes off when you get the surgery. Good luck and godspeed on your recovery and journey.
  10. @Max Caulfield you may be triggered excessively by asking for opinions on a forum, as none of us are experts, we are all just 'participants' just like yourself. I have no personal experience with ED so my advice would be secondhand knowledge at best, which I will refrain from using. I will however say this - you are brave, continue to be brave, continue your therapy and listen to those experts, and I wish you the best outcome for you.
  11. Generally yes. Call and find out. Mine was no polish, no fake/acrylic/gel nails so the pulse-ox can be accurate. Better safe than try to remove them just before surgery.
  12. Sosewsue61

    So cold!

    Cold nearly all the time now, but I like it better than being hot - there are a limited number of layers you can shed when you are hot, unless you like getting arrested!!!👙
  13. Sosewsue61

    Advice and life stuff

    I don't know your Uni's rules but there must be a student advocate office or something to act as a buffer, and your GP can provide a legitimate medical reason if you need time to heal (and you might). You might also be able to schedule surgery between quarter breaks, something to consider at least. Be proactive with professors, you do not need to tell exactly what type of surgery you are having, just say a surgery that might involve some recuperation. Then try to be ahead of the assignments and reports and tests, ask if a test can be proctored at another time if needed but within allowed credit for class. Can you skype into a lecture from home, etc? Pair up with another student, etc? Be creative with solutions.
  14. Sosewsue61

    August Sleevers-How are you doing??

    Weight Watchers works to an extent, unless you are insulin resistant - which I believe many of us are - once they allowed fruit to NOT count toward points I could not lose much weight. And it goes in reverse - you gradually eat less and less food (points) and that messes your metabolism up more. So each time you attempt the program you get less results. With wls - you start out with smaller portions/ounces and add more as your metabolism revs up. And then the constant sales pitch for products plus changing the program every two years so you need more new products - point calculator, books, points guides, etc etc. just became less of a support system.
  15. Sosewsue61

    Before and After Pics

    Oh my 'sleeve darling' you look fine this morning!!! 😆😎
  16. I'm no expert, so take my advice with a grain of chicken feed if you will. Weigh or measure, do not rely on the 'full tummy/pouch/sleeve' sensation. At 3 weeks, I would say 2-3oz solid/semi-solid protein depending on the protein texture or density and be done with it. If you are hungry in two hours, repeat up to your 5-6 meals a day. Since calories are low, if you still want to gnaw your arm off - take in some liquid protein. I could not ingest more than 1.75oz at this stage, and now not quite 3oz and the protein would be moist thigh meat, ground turkey, deli meat, and fish. Steak is still difficult to digest. And romaine lettuce and chicken breast still not good either. I can eat soft red leaf or spring greens, but not much. Shrimp, eh a little fibrous but a couple are okay. Soft protein - cottage cheese, etc are not an issue.
  17. Sosewsue61

    Obesity: The Post Mortem

    Ok. I watched the whole thing in a couple sittings. It was intense to see, but confirmed what I knew pathologically about being morbidly obese.
  18. Sosewsue61

    A stall is a good time for...

    You look 10 yrs younger, way to go!
  19. Sosewsue61

    First night at the hospital

    Praise God! Congrats.
  20. Sosewsue61

    Surgery is approved!

    Yay on your approval. Take naps and drink lots of fluids. Get well, you have a mission!
  21. Sosewsue61

    Scared since vsg

    It's early in your process, you had MAJOR surgery and are healing, be patient. Your new sleeve is going to be tender and needs time, you may need a PPI for heartburn and to take the food stages slower while healing. Hormones have been disupted and you are not able to consume enough nutrition yet, I know once you get to a reasonable solid food level you will feel much better. For now rest, take naps, walk, and get as much liquid in as you can. Napping helps so much, let family help you right now. In another two months you will have lots of energy and feel very different than today.💖. Hang in there.
  22. Sosewsue61

    Common Cold Kicking My Butt

    I hate to say this, but did they test for all flu variations? This certainly sounds more like the flu, I have never had a head cold put me to bed ever. I recently had flu (not tested) but it resembled a head cold and I could not get out of bed except to do only the most necessary things. A granddaughter that lives with me got sick and she tested for the flu and had the same symptoms as I did - sore throat, headache, only wanted to sleep, ears blocked up. Push fluids and rest as much as you can.
  23. Sosewsue61

    Bypass vs sleeve

    @Lee2 we don't know enough about you to make a decision for you. I was BMI 41, age 62 and borderline bp on 7mgr lisinopril, no apnea, one TKR from old injury becoming arthritis, and so close to being pre-diabetic. I had the sleeve because I didn't want that much malabsorption, the risk of an ulcer in the unused stomach still inside me, and to keep my pyloric valve. I believe the restriction and removal of the fundus will be great tools to lose my excess weight. I also believe no surgery is magic and will require all my cooperation in my success. Good luck in your decision.
  24. I believe this phenomenon to be hormone related or something, maybe it is true that once the ghrelin producing part is cut off we have a more normal response to food. Anyway you slice it, I'll take it.

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