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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sosewsue61

  1. Sosewsue61

    I LOVE my new FitBit Charge 2 :-)

    It seems okay today. I like the reminders.
  2. Sosewsue61

    Newbie to VSG, just starting my journey

    Have been reading your posts. Sounds like you are doing well. Keep it up and keep us posted.
  3. Hello, just gathering info and if this has already been a topic I apllogize for redundancy. After surgery what happens when you get the stomach flu - since getting dehydrated would happen faster I imagine? Has anyone any advice?
  4. Sosewsue61


    You look way different, nice going!!!
  5. Sosewsue61

    Do VSG people get stomach flu?

    Thanks for the info.
  6. Cool. I just used the link. Did you try any of it yet?
  7. Sosewsue61

    Any 2017 60'ish sleever's out there?

    @CharlyScott my bd is 5/16/55! And I am in Illinois. I will be sleeved sometime this year, hopefully Sep/Oct. I have 4 grown kids, 9 grands, I am semi raising two of them age 7 & 10. And I quilt.
  8. Sosewsue61

    Blue Cross Federal Reasons to get Denied

    Every ins is different. Mine says ' no gaining' during the supervised program.
  9. Mine will be the same because they do a test to see if there are leaks before they allow any liquids, etc.
  10. Sosewsue61

    I LOVE my new FitBit Charge 2 :-)

    Love/hate mine, had it 2 days and battery low, then charging issue. Charging now.... we will see.
  11. I haven't asked yet. It might be an item for later, I know most NUTs are on the lowfat bandwagon, esp saturated fat. There are other scientists that refute that fat intake thing though.
  12. Is Braunschweiger (liverwurst) an acceptable pureed/soft stage food?
  13. Well not sure that last statement is true....we don't know our bodies... listening to them (and our head) is what has landed us where we are - no guilt here, no shame either. But at 7 days that stomach is not healed, and your body needs proper fuel. And what are the rules? Protein first so your weight loss won't cause your body to use what muscle you have for fuel.....please be careful, no one wants you to aggravate the sleeve while it heals. Lovingly care for your body by giving it the best chance for that.
  14. No one is forgetting that exrrcise plays a role, but in this instance according to the OP, the psych doc was requiring it from a person that primarily is in a wheelchair in order to be approved to proceed for surgery approval. I have seen morbidly obese patients in seminars that could not possibly meet that requirement. And to me that is at cross purposes for wls in order to improve health to the extent that they can exercise at some point but postop but could be denied the very thing they need to achieve that.
  15. Sosewsue61

    Nothing tastes good

    You are saying popsicles are okay? So I know nothing about trying this, but can you freeze a clear protein drink into popsicles?
  16. Sosewsue61

    Can't keep up...

    Maybe he is distancing himself because he thinks if you get slim you will leave, this happens more frequently than you would think. You might tell him that you are excited AND scared s***less yourself about all this. And maybe stop asking him to workout. Do you have any couple friends that you do things with? Maybe the other fella could be a catalyst for yours to get back to being social.
  17. Sosewsue61

    Leak test

    Mine will do one the following day, so npo until then, I will be a serious head case...or drugged out so I don't care.
  18. Sosewsue61

    Missing food: so emotional

    I would give you a big hugs if I could. There will be other holidays to share and most main dishes will be doable on plan when you get there, some turkey, some ham, a deviled egg, some veggies. I do all the holiday cooking and sometimes am too wound up to eat much when I finally get to sit down with everyone. Concentrate on the conversations and decorations. I am not where you are, so I am sure I will have issues like everyone else when those hormones hit. Best of luck.
  19. The surgeon's reasons are completely reasonable for any patient that is mobile, but for a shrink to be acting like a nutritionist/dietician that believes that small amount of exercise leads to weight loss is actually 'nuts'. I agree I would have to lie, but after surgery, I would be writing letters to the administrators of the program - everyone has a boss - because it might save the next person this anxiety.
  20. Sosewsue61

    Not a patient

    It's admirable to want to help and be supportive. Please do not bring up with her what you brought up here, since you cannot know all the decisions that go into having this surgery or anyone's emotional state it would come off very poorly. If you want to educate yourself - go youtube the actual surgery and go read what preop and postop diet requirements are and then just be a true friend and ask if she needs anything. A game of cards to take her mind off food or pain, or anything but bring up you getting involved in her journey unless she decides to involve you.
  21. Sosewsue61

    Surgical consult....

    Is this 1st appt ever? Are you in a program? Have you had tests?
  22. Sosewsue61

    Geek with GAS.

    That one constitutes some exercise going up n down the frame with the head. I do have robotics, but love free motion quilting just as much.
  23. Sosewsue61

    Geek with GAS.

    No not the physical gas kind lol. I am a retired geek, and I have Gear Acquisition Syndrome. Last week I ordered a new nutritional scale (- I love that scale), a better food journal, and yesterday I bought a Fitbit. What's next 😆! Who knows! (Don't ask how many sewing machines I own.)
  24. Hey, any square dancers sleeved or getting sleeved. It's one of the reasons I want this surgery, I want to dance into my 80's with the best health possible.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
