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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by vsg_queendiet

  1. Yes it's normal. Your still swollen from surgery. What help me get my liquid in was getting mini 2oz red solo cups and sip 2oz every 15 minutes.

    Trust me. Just sip sip sip. Because I didn't and end up getting a iv fluids. It sucked so bad cause they blew three veins before they finally got the iv in because I was so dehydrated. After that I sip my little heart out.

    You got this

    HW: 420 (January 2016)
    CW: 273 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

  2. I know it's hard, but you shouldn't cheat on your liquid diet. Even after surgery you will face this problem. If you can deal with it now it will be better. Because believe me if you graze alot all that food will still fit in after surgery. I've seen alot of people go into surgery and after doctor open them up and there liver didn't shrink they close them back up. Your liver must shrink for them to lift it up to get to the stomach.

    Just know you got this and can do it. It will be hard but we must break old habits now to have a greater success in the future.

    HW: 420 (January 2016)
    CW: 273 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

  3. Yeah not all the hunger goes away. It's so easy to graze and fit food in.
    What helps me is weighing out my food. You should be able to fit 4 -6 oz of food in now.
    I meal prep every Sunday and plan ahead what I'm going to eat so I keep on track.
    Have you ask your boyfriend if he walk 45 minutes with you couple days a week?

    HW: 420 (January 2016)
    CW: 273 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

  4. Nothing you can do for Hair loss. Before sugery everyone told me if I got Protein and took hair vitimans that it wouldn't happen. Month 4 came and hair started coming bad. My doctor to me that it was nothing I could do. It was because of being on a low calorie diet for so long. Chemistryqueenvsg does a awesome video on YouTube about hair loss and talks more in depth about how being on a low calorie cause your body to have hair loss. My hair loss did stop at when my doctor up my calories to 1300 calories a day at my 4 post op appointment.

    HW: 420 (January 2016)
    CW: 273 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

  5. I wasnt allowed meat till week 6. At week 4 I was eating soft food like eggs, cottage cheese, soft vegetables and ect.
    They told me if I couldn't do that next stage of food to stay on the same stage till I was ready.
    Protein was hard for me cause everything felt so thick. Only Protein I was able to get down was Atkins lift protein Water.
    Wasn't till 4 months post op I was able to eat all my protein from food.

    HW: 420 (January 2016)
    CW: 273 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

  6. food addiction is hard. It is like a drug addiction. But for us were are always going to have food surrounding us. Even after surgery. I think what help me the most was during preop I ate on baby plates. Ate 3 meals a day and one snack. I used a app called mynetdiary track all my food. I started turning to new things when I got hungry. Like going for a walk, putting a puzzle together, keep a journal, yoga, or calling someone that would take my mind off food. Just know you got this. Since day one I've told myself losing weight isn't easy, but not giving up is harder. You ate bad today, but tomorrow is a whole new day. You got this.

    I say the first month you have to sip sip sip. But after that you can drink normal and from straws. You just can't gulp.

    HW: 420 (January 2016)
    CW: 273 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

  7. Most people I told try to say the same thing to me. I've realize months later after surgery those people are either scared for me to do it or just jealous. Your doing this for your future. Lot of people think you get weightloss surgery and all your weight comes off. Just not true. You got to track your calories still and workout. Alot people not educated about weightloss surgery. I know I wasn't till I did tons of research on it. Losing weight isn't easy doesn't matter what method you chose to help you. Try to keep positive. Your doing this for your health. You got this.

    HW: 420 (January 2016)
    CW: 273 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

  8. My upper gi was swallowing different types of liquid and you lay and stand on this table and they pictures of it going down. Alot of doctors do this test before surgery to check your acid reflux. Because the sleeve causes tons of acid reflux.
    Upper Endoscopy is different from the upper gi. They send a camera down to your stomach to check the size and if you have any hernias so there not surprise when they go in on day of surgery.

    HW: 420 (January 2016)
    CW: 273 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

  9. I had a two week liquid diet. I was allowed 3 Protein Shakes a day, sugar free (popsicle, pudding, jello), chicken broth, Water, high Protein Greek yogurt, and cream of Soup drained. Was allowed to juice vegetable and fruits to drink.
    Each day was 900 calories.
    Lost about 20 pounds on the liquid diet.
    Surgery was less than 20 minutes long. They said my liver is very shrunk.

    HW: 420 (January 2016)
    CW: 273 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

  10. PhotoGrid_1488770030507.thumb.png.4fe2a0f533dc1eac7be9f2c98273a635.pngHere's a pictures from one year apart.

    I started my journey in January 2016 at 420 pounds. I only had one 6xl that shirt that fit me. My stomach was almost to my knees and was hard to walk. I had so many health problems pcos, thyroid, Autoimmunedisease, RA, pseudotumor and high blood pressure. I knew I had to change my weight. It was the cause of all my health problems. I decide to look into weightloss surgery for help with my weighloss. My insurance required me to do a 6 month supervised diet. I lost almost 80 pounds before surgery. Wasn't sleeved till July 2016. Since surgery I've drop over 70 pounds. I now weigh 273 pounds. This as been a amazing tool to help me on my journey. I no longer take any medication beside vitimans. All my health problems have went away. Down 147 pounds since January 2016 and now wear a 1x or 2x. I know I'm not anywhere near goal weight, but im halfway there. Losing weight is never easy, but not giving up is harder. emoji173.png

    HW: 420 (January 2016)

    CW: 273 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

  11. I know how you feel. Kind of like a numb feeling. For me after surgery it felt like a bad breakup with my boyfriend aka food. Kinda feels like you lost someone but there still there and you can't have them. I felt like this for a while. What really help me get out of this funk was finding new things to do. Play tennis, put puzzle together, yoga, and ect. Your a whole new person now. Before you let food control your life and now you don't have that. This time you come first. You got this.
    If you feel like your depression become worse I would talk to your doctor. I'm on 20 MG of Lexapro and it's helps. Also comes in liquid form so you don't have to swallow a pill.

    HW: 420 (January 2016)
    CW: 273 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
