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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by vsg_queendiet

  1. Try not to stress about it so much. Alot of people are just curious and actually don't know anything about it. If they ask tell them and be proud. You loss alot of weight so far. You must feel great and be very proud of yourself. Weightloss surgery isn't a easy decision to make. In the end this surgery is just a tool. Your still doing all the work to get the weight off. I hope that everything goes well. You got this. Stay strong [emoji173]

    HW: 420 (January 2016)
    CW: 260 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

  2. I weight all my food. At month three i was able to do 2-3 oz. At month 6 i was able to do 4-6 oz.
    Months from now the bad food will still go in. Like whole family size bag of chips is about 5 oz. A slice of pizza 3 oz. Just remember to track your calories, weigh your food, Protein first and no eating drinking at the same time. You got this.

    HW: 420 (January 2016)
    CW: 267 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

  3. Hi. I'm a July sleever too. I was sleeved July 11th 2016. I hit a major weightloss stall in the beginning of December. It was so depressing because I was doing everything right but the scale wasn't moving.
    I was finally able to get it moving again. I did the five day pouch test and egg diet. Started doing more intense works and pushing myself. The weight finally started coming off.
    Remember to do measurements to cause alot of time the scales isn't moving but the inches are falling off.
    Just remember stalls and plateaus are very normal. It's your body playing catch up from you losing all this weight.
    Not everyone losing the same amount of weight. Remember this is your journey. You got this and keep your head up. Congrats on your weightloss. That's alot of weight. You should be very proud of yourself.

    HW: 420 (January 2016)
    CW: 267 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

  4. I had so much regert and depression after surgery it was hard. food was something I always had full control of. I knew before surgery i had a food addiction. Food was my drug of chose and after surgery I didn't have that anymore. It felt as if I loss someone close to me aka food. I wasn't allowed full liquids till 14 days after surgery it was so hard. I started to wonder why I even did the surgery maybe it was a mistake.
    But now I'm 9 months post op. It's the best decision I've ever made. I couldn't be anymore more happier. That first few months after surgery are hard. You got to relearn how to eat just like a baby would. Promise you months from now your going to look back and be so proud of yourself. You got this. Stay strong [emoji173]

    HW: 420 (January 2016)
    CW: 267 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

  5. This is very common because of Protein Shakes and pain meds will cause constpation.
    You can buy unflavored laxative mix powder and mix it in sugar free Water. After drinking it keep sipping water and walking to help the bowels start moving.
    There are tons of other stuff to milk magnesium and enema.
    If you cant poop and have terrible pain go to the er. You may be impacted.

    HW: 420 (January 2016)
    CW: 267 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

  6. More than likely its head hunger. Try getting more liquids in. Are you tracking how many oz your doing?
    If it's acid reflux it's a tight feeling of fullness and you can taste the acid.
    With the acid pill it's time release so if you constantly drinking Water it will help your acid.
    Hope this helps some.

    HW: 420 (January 2016)
    CW: 267 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

  7. At 6 months post op I could/can eat 4-6 oz. By 6 months your body is fully heal inside and out from surgery. Your calories are a little low. I do 800 - 1300 calories. 800 if it's a bad day can't fit anything in.
    I do 3 meals and one snack.
    Track and weight all my food out and used a app called mynetdiary to track all my food.

    HW: 420 (January 2016)
    CW: 267 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

  8. If it's smaller than a m&m it's okay too swallow. But swallowing pills is hard and fulls you up fast.
    They make vitamelts that melt on you tongue that taste amazing at Walmart. I'm 9 months post op and never had any trouble with my blood work.

    HW: 420 (January 2016)
    CW: 267 (March 2017)

    Instagram: vsg_queendiet

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
