Hi everyone, I'm new here -- this is my first post. I have a surgery consult scheduled in May, but I'm realizing that a huge barrier for me is that the thought of being thin terrifies me. I'm a single mom of a toddler and for his sake more than anything else, I want to be healthy, fit and active. I'm also more miserable in my body than ever since giving birth. Aches, pains, shortness of breath, all of it. That said, when I think about losing weight and becoming a thin person, it's almost inconceivable. Because of childhood trauma I'm terrified of unwanted male attention. There are other issues related to my mother (very thin, obsessed with my weight from the time I was a toddler, would never want to give her the satisfaction of seeing me thin), but she's not in my life anymore. But the big thing is fearing the positive attention that comes with losing weight, and also of losing my 'fat girl' identity. I don't think I'd know what to do if I could no longer use being fat as an excuse for not liking myself. Then maybe I'd have to accept that there are deeper reasons not to like myself. Maybe that doesn't make sense; I don't even really understand what I'm thinking. Can anyone relate? How can I overcome this fear so that I deep down *want* on every level to lose weight? Because otherwise I'll just keep sabotaging myself. Thanks in advance.