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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Haha
    LadySin reacted to DanaC84 in January 2019 sleevers   
    Thanks and same to you! I agree, the non scale victories are exciting too. I just measured again for the first time. And true to fashion, boobs are going first 😂
  2. Like
    LadySin reacted to FluffyChix in Intermittent Fasting Daily Menu/Results/Accountability   
    You know, you guys have a difficult deal with the whole 1/2c food restriction. So personally? I would not bother about the cream in the coffee until much much further down the road! Keep it! You need it (unless you can replace it with Protein Shake to get your Protein for the day up). For the last hour, I'd do a protein shake (a few ounces), or some lunchmeat, a cheese stick, an ounce of almonds (or a 1/2oz), a tbsp peanut butter...that sort of thing. Small and <100cals but with at least 6-7g of protein.
    Once you get through about a week of this, you will no longer fear hunger and caving. You will realize that hunger is a cycle that ends in 20mins or less and does best when you drink Water in response to the cue to eat. You will realize that you have fewer and fewer hunger events and are satisfied fully with your meals. It's a pretty free-ing and amazing thing to experience!
    I am kinda back sharing a bit of that angst you feel about getting all your protein in.
    What I'm experiencing since going back to meals consisting of 1 total cup of volume: 2oz of meat by weight = 1/2c by volume and 1-2oz of veg by weight = 1/2c by volume is that I'm still full when it's time to eat my next meal! Oy! So I am forcing myself to eat during this eating window and I don't think that's necessarily healthy. If you're not hungry at this stage, then don't eat. Right? So last night I forced myself to eat dinner when I was still full from lunch and forced myself to drink a cup of Decaf with 2 1/2 oz Protein Drink to get my protein in. I'm having some deficiency issues, so I was told I need to eat my full target if possible...
    Theoretical schedule for me in a 16:8 scenario:
    10am Protein drink in coffee (1/4-1/2 of a bottle; then a repeat of the this meal for a second cup)
    12-1pm 2nd Brekky (2oz meat + 2oz veg)
    4pm Lunch (2oz meat + 2oz veg)
    7:30pm Dinner (2oz meat + 2oz veg)
    8pm If necessary, the second drink from the morning to get in any lost protein for the day.
    If I do a 18:6, then I delete 2nd brekky which makes it even harder. Yesterday was an 18:6. It was hard as hell to get everything in but I did it.

  3. Haha
    LadySin reacted to FluffyChix in Intermittent Fasting Daily Menu/Results/Accountability   
    Not judging here (super envy)--but um, it does kinda "read" like a meal from Luby's aka "Song of the South". We pretty much believe if it "ain't carby or fatty" it has no use. And rice and gravy + mac and cheese + corn would be part of any last meal I could plan. It would probably also have fried okra and Salsbury or smothered steak. There. I said it.

  4. Haha
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in Intermittent Fasting Daily Menu/Results/Accountability   
    Back to 155, y'all but it is hell week (funny I'm not ravenous like usual) but I noticed I'm sooooo lazy when it comes to food. I need to get it together. My devolving faux sushi should have been a sign. But no. If it's not easy like salad or yogurt, I don't want it. That pizza was the best im gonna do for the week. 😂. No I'll get it together, maybe some Beans (out the can over a campfire)
    How is everyone else doing?
  5. Like
    LadySin reacted to Formygirls2019 in January 2019 sleevers   
    I had my surgery on 1/28! No complications, 20 lbs since surgery and feeling good.
  6. Like
    LadySin reacted to AJ09 in January 2019 sleevers   
    I had my sleeve done jan 15,2019.. i was looking for a buddy. So we can go through this together!! Chat about our experiences. . The high an lows and everything in between..
    Sent from my SM-G965U using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. Like
    LadySin reacted to Orchids&Dragons in Overheard Staff Joking About My Body   
    I am so sorry that you went through this. When you go back for your blood work, bring 3 copies of your post with you. Stop in and tell the PA that you need a moment of her time and that her "friends" need to join you. Give them each a copy of your post and add a p.s. at the bottom to them know if you ever hear the slightest hint that this behavior has been repeated, you will report them to the surgeon, the office manager and maybe even post it on YELP. Remind them that patients DO talk. You don't have to say a word, then walk out with your head high. If the PA won't meet with you, go straight to the surgeon and office manager.
    You've dealt with enough sh!t in your life. You don't need to deal with theirs, too.
  8. Like
    LadySin reacted to virginiaRN in Overheard Staff Joking About My Body   
    Hi, folks. I have not been on this board for a long time. Today, I had a visit to my bariatric surgeon's physician assistant (PA). I am 16 months out from roux en y surgery and have lost a total of 101 pounds. I went there today because I have been experiencing severe abdominal pain, bloating and flatulence at night, every night x 2-3 weeks. I should add that I am an RN and am one semester away from completing my Family Nurse Practitioner Master's degree. The PA gave me some advice, ordered some meds and labs and I checked out--it was about 4:10pm.
    She had told me to do the labs today, due to the severity of the symptoms I was having. Their office was closing. I went to my PCP's office--which has a lab tech--and they were closing and the lab tech had left. I went downstairs to the outpatient lab and it was closed. The only lab open was the STAT lab on the 2nd floor. Since I was still in the building, I thought I'd just double check that the PA did not want these labs to be drawn STAT. I went back to the office.
    It was locked. I knocked on the door. I had already heard the cackling and loud voices from 10 ft away. As I got closer, I heard the PA saying "I know, and every time she moved her arms! I couldn't believe it! And she had her teenage son with her!" Needless to say both me and my teenaged son (almost 17) heard this. He drove me today because I wasn't feeling well and he also needs to rack up his driving hours to complete his driver's permit and get his regular license. Just then, the PA, the receptionist and someone from the billing dept emerged from the door. They turned white as ghosts. Their jaws almost hit the floor. Being the classy person that I am, I didn't reference that I overheard them talking about something on my body just then. Their reaction confirmed what I thought I overheard. I asked the PA if she wanted the labs STAT, she said no, and my son and I walked to the elevator. The women huddled back by the door, somehow frozen. The only way to either the stairs or the elevator was toward the direction my son and I walked. Clearly, the women felt ashamed (?)/shook by being overheard body-shaming a patient, violating HIPAA, and being overall terrible people.
    As we drove home, I was pretty hurt. Most patients at a bariatric surgeon's office are going to have body image issues. Whether they are pre-op or post-op, they have likely experienced some type of negativity about their bodies (either from within or without, or both.) Also, I should add, I am a breast cancer survivor. December 2018 is my five-year anniversary of having stage 2 invasive breast cancer and having a b/l radical mastectomy and subsequent reconstruction, followed by a hysterectomy. One year after my b/l mastectomy, the reality hit me that my GG breasts were now AAs, mutilated and scarred. I felt unattractive, repulsive and beyond depressed. I was thrilled to be alive and that it was caught in time to prevent spreading to my lymph nodes and that by doing a b/l mastectomy, I didn't have to do chemo or radiation. I failed to be able to tolerate Tamoxifen, and had to be put on a cocktail of other meds that resulted in me gaining about 50 pounds to my already Rubenesque 225 lb body. It was a low time.
    Then, I got my reconstruction. My breast did not, do not, and will not look like "porn star" boobs, or "stripper boobs," although many people have suggested that was the "up side" of breast cancer. See, when you get a radical mastectomy, they hollow you out like a cantaloupe. Then, either at the same time, or at a later surgery, they insert implants (or, in some cases, spacers). Because I was 220 pounds when I got my reconstruction, they put the biggest implants the FDA allows--800 cc. The reconstruction surgeon repaired a lot of the scarring caused by a severe post-op infection from the initial surgery, during which both of my breast turned black and I had to debride the dead tissue myself at home. I was and am thrilled that I had a good reconstruction surgeon and, after recovering, felt a little bit more whole.
    While I had no breast tissue before, but now, any extra cushion vanished as I lost over 100 pounds. My breasts are skin and implant. It's definitely not a "hot" look. Well, all this cancer talk comes into play because what the women were talking about was my breasts. You see, when you get a breast reconstruction, your breasts don't look like regular breasts. Again, they are hard, stiff, and look like "robot boobs," as I call them. Today, at the office, I was wearing a bamboo material sundress, that was mostly dark teal, but also had other colors tie-dyed into the design. In the front is a "peekaboo" hole. The rest of the dress is just an A-line dress with a full skirt. It is not particularly "sexy." (Including my flabby/flappy wing-like arms!) But because my breasts don't move, there is a tiny bit of "side boob" seen protruding into my armpits. Not regular side boob--because remember, nothing is "soft" anymore. No, it's part of the round, button shape (just imagine an implant covered with skin, literally.)
    As I reconstructed what the women were saying, I recalled more and more of the beginning. I guess in the moment, in shock, my brain kind of protected me and I somewhat blanked out. Look, we are all human, I get it. We all make mistakes. But for God's sakes, you would think that the staff--including a provider--would be a little more sensitive about yucking it up about patient's bodies while anywhere near the doors/exit.
    I am posting here in general for support because it just feels yucky. I know I've never done anything like that as an RN, but one never knows how one's words may affect another person. Also, the HIPAA violation bothers me. I work very hard to whisper, even when I am behind closed office doors, because I know how much sound carries in offices. I often tell my patients "I'm sorry I'm kind of talking softly, but these room walls are paper-thin and I want to protect your privacy." I know I won't have the b*lls to tell the office. I feel like somehow they would turn it around on me, even though 3 of them were there and me *AND* my son heard that. And as a mother of a 16 year old son, a 19 year old son, and a 21 year old daughter--it's creepy.
    The implication that my son--who has seen me go through hell and high Water with cancer and this gastric bypass--would even think about looking at my breasts is disgusting. This can only come from a woman with no children. The PA is probably like 35 (I am 44), no wedding ring. Normally, I wouldn't even mention any of that because I fully believe in living my own life and others live theirs but for f*cks sake, please don't foist your sick thoughts on me.
    I would like some thoughts on how I might handle this. I feel like I won't have the courage to say anything, for fear of being "gaslighted." But, I also feel like there is a lesson for their staff to learn. It occurred to me to write an anonymous letter to the surgeon/head of practice and give a little vague summary of what happened and advise that his staff might want to not be so catty, mean, and to stop violating HIPAA. I don't know. I just know it hurt. I'm hurt. Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom.
  9. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from sonnie in February 2019 weight loss buds   
    I also notice many people who get wls fail period. Old habits die hard sadly. Of course it's never too late unless you're dead!

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Like
    LadySin reacted to Chuck Clasik in Food Finds!?!   
    I found these. Very good!!

  11. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from sonnie in February 2019 weight loss buds   
    I also notice many people who get wls fail period. Old habits die hard sadly. Of course it's never too late unless you're dead!

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Thanks
    LadySin got a reaction from clsumrall in Breast Lift with Implants   
    Girl get the them titties lifted if you want to! Age ain't nothing but a number!
  13. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Post your progress pics!   
    You look absolutely fab! How do oyu feel?
  14. Like
    LadySin reacted to English Woman in Seattle in January 2019 sleevers   
    Hi everyone, I'm new to the Bariatric Pal community, but wanted to jump on this thread as I was sleeved 1/16/19 and would love to share my journey with others!
  15. Like
    LadySin reacted to Bari_KS in January 2019 sleevers   
    I use RENPHO scale. Got it from Amazon. It cas bluetooth and RENPHO app on my phone.
  16. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from NewMeDay in January 2019 sleevers   
    I got one of those scales that will tell you everything about your body. I love seeing my muscle mass going up, and my bmi going down. Seeing the number go down in the amount of fat in my body is great too! I try not to concern myself with weight. I'd love to see the scale say 20% body fat! Get you one of those scales! So much better for my mental health. Especially during a stall. My weight may not move during one of my stalls but muscle always goes up and fat goes down. Thus I've learned by body doesn't stall at all.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  17. Like
    LadySin reacted to NewMeDay in January 2019 sleevers   
    Thank you. You are so right. I really need to stop comparing my progress with a few others that were in my support group prior to surgery. I went to the groups for a few months pre-op and a few ppl had lost 40lbs in 1month post-op. I know everybody's journey will be diff, but i think I got excited and that number kinda stuck in my head as a target goal. I jst came back from working out at the gym trying to boost my mood and the scale said I lost a couple more pounds, making it 27lbs total, but I have decided that Im going to stop focusing so much on the pounds and inches. My emotions have been all over the place 2day. But, Yes..we've most certainly got this!!
  18. Like
    LadySin reacted to Walter.Sobchak in 1100 calories in a day!!!   
    I am 18 months out and can easily take in 3000 to 4000 calories daily. if you dont address the underlying issues as to why you overate in the first place you will not have success. Clearly I have not addressed those issues and have started gaining again. I had lost 110 pounds but I have put 20 back on. I am trying to get refocused and considering got to OA but havent yet.
  19. Like
    LadySin reacted to Krista27 in Hello Gay Sleevers   
    I am a lesbian sleever. I had my surgery back in 02/18.
  20. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in Slow WL   
    I also started to think, if I lose slowly but it stayed off forever could I be happy with those outcomes? Yes. So that became a focus. The endgame.


  21. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in Slow WL   


  22. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from NewMeDay in January 2019 sleevers   
    You feel you should have lost more? When have you ever lost 25lbs in less than 4 weeks? Thats amazing! I was sleeved on the 15th as well and I'm down 21lbs, I'm thrilled! We've got this!

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  23. Sad
    LadySin reacted to melimel35089 in January surgeries?!   
    I can’t even stomach shredded chicken I threw up so I am going back to purée foods for an extra week or two. Horrible I threw up my lunch
  24. Like
    LadySin reacted to Pjj431 in January surgeries?!   
    This is about the same for me,except I tried rotisserie chicken and that worked . Surgery here was te 16th
  25. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from melimel35089 in January surgeries?!   
    I'm loving poached eggs. (my first time cooking them and I'm a master already, never going back to overeasy!) I'm also loving pureed Beans, Soups. I had some salmon the other day and that went down with no problem. Tried some chicken. My stomach said "This aint it chief". So far the only solids I can tolerate are eggs and seafood, and only very small amounts. 1 medium egg, 4 oz of Soup, 2-3 oz of pureed food.

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