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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from Bootscraper in Phys evaluation   
    I would say my experience was similar to everyone else's. 300 questions and an interview. Yada, yada. It went smoothly. Mostly because I told her what she wanted hear. yup. Sue me. Didn't work out that way for my friend. I guess she was more honest about herself because now the shrink is holding her back because of her "Anger issues". She's completed her 6-month requirements but the shrink won't ok the surgery. Pretty messed up. My friend is like "hell yeah I'm angry. I'm not even a quarter through my life expectancy, yet I feel like I'm 80, with aching limbs and a weak body" She feels her anger is what motivated her to begin this process in the first place. I feel so badly for her because she started this process months before me, yet I'll end up having the surgery before she does. Glad I didn't open my skull to that women. The only sleeve I'd see then is the sleeve of a straight jacket lol
  2. Hugs
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in Too fat to be a bone marrow donor​​​​​​​   
    Hmmn I'm too old to be a bone marrow donor, too fat to be a kidney donor, too alive to be a heart donor, too fat to reach my weight goal, too ugly to win Miss USA, too honest to be a Congressman, let alone a politician. Too poor to run for any elective office, too disinclined to become a hooker, too clumsy to be a go-go dancer. Don't have a driving, fishing or hunting license currently. Until after my husband died, I didn't even have a credit rating, Only been in my county courthouse twice in my life, once for a wedding license, once for a copy of same, so that I could apply for widow benefits from Social Security. So obviously never arrested. Dang, why do people even bother with ME, I'm BORING!
  3. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from collins4985 in 27 year old female. Surgery planned for August 2017.   
    I know what you mean. My insurance to requires 6 months documented weight loss attempt. My surgeon wants me to lose a minimum of 12lbs before the surgery. I'm like dude, in 6 months I can lose, and regain 12 lbs 6 times. Hell I could lose 50lbs in 6 months Then have regained 70 by 12. months.
    So right now I'm no going o concern or stress myself about those 12lbs. All I've done so far is cut out all soft drinks, drink 32 to 64 oz Water a day. I also occasionally replace a lunch for a Protein Shake. Thankfully my insurance doesn't require me to lose a weight. So far I'm maintaining my current weight,
    I'll keep doing this for the nest 3 months, then I'll seriously work on the 12lbs *eye roll* I could probably take a good shit and lose 12 lbs lol jk
  4. Like
    LadySin reacted to MoLiver4u in Slowest loser ever! Are several stalls in a row normal?!   
    I think that those of us who lost a significant amount of weight prior to surgery and are closer to goal can lose more slowly than those with more to lose or who have been losing for longer. My weight loss is slow and seems to happen in small bursts since my Jan 3 surgery. I'm finding that less weighing myself helps me not fixate on it so much. Keep doing what you need to be doing and you will get there - that's what they tell me!
  5. Like
    LadySin reacted to Berry78 in "Honeymoon Phase"   
    Ok, so I am only 6 weeks out, so this is just my opinion.
    I believe the honeymoon phase is a term to describe the period of time when the body is working towards its new set point. As long as you are working with the body, the weight will come off without a struggle.
    The honeymoon phase is completed when the new set point has been reached or the patient begins working against the body by eating too much or little and exercising too much or little.
    It would be nice to know what the body's idea of the new set point is.. but the only way to find out is to do everything right and have the scale stop moving.
    Once the honeymoon is over, additional losses can be achieved, but the effort is as great as preop.
  6. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from Dashofpixiedust8 in Baby Food?   
    Ugh no way! I'm on WIC and I get many jars of meat for my baby. They all taste like how cat food smells. In fact I ended up giving them to my cats. They balked at first. Had to mix it up with dry cat food. I wouldn't even give it away. The rest went in my composter. Needless to say I won't be buying that ever again. Just make your own. It's so much better. Good luck, you've got this!
  7. Like
    LadySin reacted to lalame in Baby Food?   
    I would recommend not eating baby food meats. Honestly you will probably throw up.

    If you have the time. Make chicken and purée it in chicken broth. Or strain Soup and add chicken and blend it in blender. Tastes like it should unlike the baby food. Sleeved 9/6/16 starting w: 267. Surgery date w. 233. Current w: 163.

  8. Like
    LadySin reacted to hermione53 in Want to Stay Slim? Get "Pregnant" (Guys too)   
    I like this point of view as well.
    Don't get the axe lady image, though.
  9. Like
    LadySin reacted to BayougirlMrsS in Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino: Not the Magic You Want!   
    LMAO.... I read this on FB the other day and thought.... this guy is so funny. So he is it:
    Trick Oliver
    April 19 at 7:16pm · So...giving into peer pressure, as I am prone to do, I decided to swallow what little pride I had stashed in a locked box for a rainy day and try the Unicorn Frappuccino. I kept hearing mixed reviews. "It's good" "It's nasty" "It tastes like a unicorn".
    "Tastes like a unicorn?" I say to myself. Being the magician I am, I DO enjoy a good unicorn steak from time to time, so I decided to get one.
    So I make my way to the nearest Starbucks, step up to the counter, and in my manliest of voices, I proudly proclaim that I would like 1 grande unicorn, in all its pink and blue glory! FOR THE HORDE! I wait the customary way too long, while listening to the sultry sounds of my favorite Starbucks song: I Hate Making Frappuccinos. Patiently I listen as my order comes closer. "Venti Unicorn for Cike with a C", "Patthew your order is ready", "One tall nonfat extra fat sugar free extra Syrup nowhip double whip caramochaccino for Vernarnia". And then finally, it came. My grande unicorn, in all its sparkly magnificence was placed upon the counter. Slowly I picked it up and made my way to my car, where, as is customary in this society, I took a picture before enjoying it.
    I took a long sip and...well let me take a side step here. When I woke up this morning, it was cloudy, rainy, and there was distant thunder. It felt almost as if it was an omen of something horrible on the horizon. Little did I know, that something horrible was this.
    As I sipped the pink, mango coldness hit my tongue. "Not....not bad" I thought to myself. But those pretty sparklies on the whipped cream called to me. I did as any self respecting 33yo man does when he first gets a frappuccino. I ripped off the lid and took a big bite of that whipped cream mountain, including the sprinkles of happiness....false happiness...the kind of happiness that lures you in with sweet words, only to stab you in the neck with icey lies and betryal. Sprinkles of happiness? SPRINKLES OF A PUCKERED a$$hole I SAY!
    It soon became very apparent to me that Starbucks has NEVER tasted a Unicorn. Unicorns have MANY flavor profiles, from their cotton-candy manes, to their licorice horns. There's the vanilla bean flanks, chocolate hooves, cookies-and-cream fetlocks, EVEN THE RAINBOW SOFTSERVE ICECREAM POOP! But Starbucks used NONE of theze flavors.
    No...No, Starbucks went for mango, which, as we ALL know, is what the wingtips of gryphons taste like. Not unicorns. Not. Unicorns. The only flavor in there that even remotely comes cloze to unicorn is the bitter, sour, nasty sprinkles and bluegoop. But that's not a good thing. It's common knowledge that the only time a unicorn has the bitter, sour flavor is when it is suffering from hoof-rot. And then, the only part that has that flavor, is the actual rot.
    Now, I don't want to know why those higher-ups at Starbucks are tasting the least appetizing part of a unicorn but, well, there you have it.
    Starbucks, I implore you, please stop attempting to recreate the flavor of mythical creatures, when obviously you have never tasted them.
    tl;dr: Unicorn Frappuccino is icky.
    This post brought to you by en50productions. Find us on Instagram and Youtube
  10. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from Christina.Rose in Rewards?   
    Same! My dream is to have huge dragon wings on my back. Also Patches of scales in various places. I'll also get a ring with my family crest tattooed on my left ring finger. I dislike jewelry of all kinds. Except for fake piercings.
  11. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from rush1958 in The first 100 days   
    Great Job! You look so much healthier! Younger too!
  12. Like
    LadySin reacted to JamieLogical in Next Step   
    Well no matter what, you have already come a really long way. I think you can reasonably expect to lose at least another 150-200 pounds post-op. It's really up to you how well you stick to your plan and how active you are. Just make sure you do be kind to yourself and allow yourself to heal up from the surgery. Don't push too far too fast.
  13. Like
    LadySin reacted to fatontheinside in Next Step   
    congratulations on making such a life changing decision! I wish you the very best in your weight loss journey. I don't even know you but i'm so proud of you! It was the hardest yet best decision i ever made!
    Good luck!
  14. Like
    LadySin reacted to HB76356 in Next Step   
    Hello everyone!
    I just had my operation on Monday, the 23rd. I found this forum and thought I would share a bit of my history.
    I learned how out of control my weight had become by accident. My little brother used to save all our cans and recycling so he could offset his allowance. You go to the plant and they weigh your car before and after. You get paid the difference. We unload and go to weigh out. I wanted to grab the receipt from the clerk so I had to step out. The scale dropped massively. The clerk (and myself) were shocked. I had made it up to approx 650lbs.
    I dropped my brother back off at home and I realized I had to make some changes.
    Over the years I managed to get down to about 510. I stalled there for a couple years so I decided to opt for the surgery. I got down to 470 as of the date of the surgery.
    Pain was pretty high, just today getting up easier. Looking forward to getting back into the gym and boxing again. My goal weight is (just an idea in my head, no science) is about 230. Looking forward forward to seeing what the thinner me is like.
    Good luck to everyone in their progress also!
    Sent from my Nexus 6P using the BariatricPal App
  15. Like
    LadySin reacted to rush1958 in The first 100 days   
    Today is my 100th day post-op. The surgery was on January 5th.

    I don't post much, but from what I've seen and read it appears this group is doing amazingly well. The pictures that many of you have published documenting your transformation are truly inspiring.

    At my last weigh in on December 21, 2016 at the doctor's office, I topped the scale at 326. A week later I began the one-week pre-op diet at 322. On the day of surgery I checked in at 309.

    100 days later and fresh off a doctor visit yesterday, I am checking in at 247 pounds. There is still a long ways to go, but this is a 79 pound reduction since the first day of winter. Couple that with the elimination of all Type II diabetes medications and the vital signs returning to normal levels, you can't beat.

  16. Like
    LadySin reacted to Christina.Rose in Rewards?   
    When I get to Onederland I'm getting a tattoo

  17. Like
    LadySin reacted to BuffaloBill in Question about Post-Op   
    thank you for the info. I have so many questions for my surgeon.its gonna be really tough not doing anything for 3 weeks . I've been in the gym like a maniac and I love it.

  18. Like
    LadySin reacted to RickM in Question about Post-Op   
    Walking immediately and some cardio in 3-4 weeks and lifting beyond 10lb after 6 is fairly typical advice; my doc didn't want any ab or core work for 12 weeks, which arguably is not conservative enough. I started back to some basic resistance exercise at 3 weeks since the pool was out for another week for me (still had a weeping incision to close) but kept it light, about half of what I had been doing and only with the machines to isolate the core. It was mostly just a range of motion thing to keep everything moving some.

    One of the things that I have picked up from the physical therapists going through orthopedics is that the connective tissues - the tendons and ligaments holding the muscles together, and would also include the fascias like the abdominal wall, don't get the blood supply that the muscles get, so they don't heal as quickly. This means that we may feel strong enough to lift more than we really can, so caution is the watchword. Incisional hernias are fairly common after abdominal surgery, even lap, and even something like a sharp sneeze or cough can open one (this is why we are often advised to hole a small pillow against our abdomen when we cough post op.) The good news is that such hernias can be a way to subsidize the cost of plastics later on!

    An abdominal binder might be useful for a while when you start - talk to your surgeon about your plans and what his experience has been.
  19. Like
    LadySin reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Keto diet   
    Most people that long term Keto are calories aware, even if they aren't strict even with non restrictive stomach. Long term successful people fast also, which I do. A high fat diet makes it easy to fast (the original purpose of bulletproof coffee, to extend a fast). Fasting has its own benefits and I'm not even going to go too far into that
    First it is really important to know your body composition you can calculate your macros correctly. Most people that really Keto track (I notice anyone that is successful at any kind of way of eating or diet tracks). I use a Keto calculator and peg my Protein to my lean mass 1g per 1 pound.
    This one is good
    The math on that one is supposed to be better but I use this one because I like it better because of the loss projection chart.
    As a sleever if you are meeting your protein goals, it is going to be almost impossible to get your calories too high just because of the low calorie count of protein, the density of protein and restriction. If I didn't use heavy cream in my coffee, I would never hit my fat goals. 120 grams of protein a day doesn't leave much room for anything else.

  20. Like
    LadySin reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Keto diet   
    I'm a clean Keto eater. I almost never make recipes. They are expensive with a lot of replacement products.
    My grocery list is
    Pork chops
    Heavy cream
    Cream cheese
    Olive oil
    liquid stevita
  21. Like
    LadySin reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Keto diet   
    I have been a low carber, Keto person off and on for about 16 years.
    I would lose weight but plateau and I didn't understand stalls so I would quit. I also had a Portion Control issue. People in the keto community feel like you can eat without portion control as long as it is high fat.
    Being sleeved helped me control my portions. In the beginning when I was healing I just followed a normal low carb diet.
    Around 6 months when I was healed, I switched to keto. Personally I feel like if I didn't switch to Keto I would not have lost this much weight. I would have topped out at about 100 pounds lost and bounced around like most WLS people.
    Just as importantly eating keto has allowed me to maintain my looks. I have lost 182 pounds and I look very young and healthy. I do not look sickly. My face looks amazing. Keto is great for women because the fat is great for your skin. If you look in keto groups the women that keto almost glow.
    I am a strong advocate for Keto. If you can portion control you can lose a lot of weight on keto. If you can't portion control wls is a great option to help you with that. The sleeve has helped me with portion control and made making the right food choices easy.
  22. Like
    LadySin reacted to Healthy_life2 in Starting out at age 45? How common?   
    45 at surgery now 46. Could not be more happy with my results. life in our 40's friggen amazing. Can't wait to see what the 50's will bring.
  23. Like
    LadySin reacted to Madmax68 in Starting out at age 45? How common?   
    I'm 46 and ready to live the rest of my life a healthier me. Having my surgery on March 4, but am already pleased with the changes I've made pre-op.
  24. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from MowryRocks in Resleeved   
    All I've read from vets here on this forum is that your stomach can't stretch the way we think it can. So a sleeve wouldn't need. I've read you can stretch the opening or exit (or something like that). They certainly can't stretch back to pre-surgery stomach. Whatever happens, believe in yourself, and love yourself (cheesy I know) you've got this! Goodluck!
  25. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from MowryRocks in Resleeved   
    All I've read from vets here on this forum is that your stomach can't stretch the way we think it can. So a sleeve wouldn't need. I've read you can stretch the opening or exit (or something like that). They certainly can't stretch back to pre-surgery stomach. Whatever happens, believe in yourself, and love yourself (cheesy I know) you've got this! Goodluck!

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