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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Thanks
    LadySin got a reaction from I AM NOT MY SIZE in Follow up to: I know this is long, but please read it. I need help! Guys this is the letter I'm sending along with the survey to my weight loss doctor. Please tell me what you think. Should I add or take anything out? Please let me know.   
    Send it. And I agree with Ed_NW who said to mention you put this on social medical. It may or may not make a difference for you, but I'm telling you this as someone who worked in Healthcare my whole career life. I've worked in MD offices, hospitals, and Nursing homes, and Insurance companies. Unless your MD is private practice, he's got a boss. Medical groups HATE bad press. Don't edit out any of your feelings. Your letter sounds like it came from a real person. Just do it!
  2. Like
    LadySin reacted to justgrace152 in Sick and thirsty and regretting   
    I only just started to feel better in the last few weeks myself. I found weeks 3-6 to be the absolute hardest. I was tired, miserable, wanted to chug a glass of Water, wanted to eat like a normal person, felt nauseous all the time...
    Same responses of “oh it gets better hang in there”. And it does, 3 months post op and I feel so much better.
    But when you are in those first few weeks, it sucks. And a week feels like forever. I counted the days when I could start the next phase of my diet. You don’t realize how much your life revolves around food. It sounds crazy, but I totally went through a phase in those weeks where I’d walk the grocery store hunting down anything I could eat for the week (and bought way more food than I could ever eat) because so much of it is mental.
    It’s so much to handle all at once, but you learn. When I was in weeks 3-6 it seemed like an eternity. 3 months out, it seems like an eternity ago.
  3. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from FluffyChix in Girls Do Poop   
    've never used this stuff so I wouldn't know how it works. Don't know if it actually removes the bad odor and replaces it with smell nice, or just attempts to mask it with smell nice like air fresher. I'd rather just smell ****. Not roses covered in ****. 🤷‍♀️
  4. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from FluffyChix in Girls Do Poop   
    've never used this stuff so I wouldn't know how it works. Don't know if it actually removes the bad odor and replaces it with smell nice, or just attempts to mask it with smell nice like air fresher. I'd rather just smell ****. Not roses covered in ****. 🤷‍♀️
  5. Like
    LadySin reacted to johnsons13 in Girls Do Poop   
    You would think you could drop a few drops of essential oils into the bowl beforehand with the same results without paying the name. The drops are going into Water and in the bottle it's mixed with water. I have a solution at home I've made with essential oils and water I use for my dreads, I'm trying that next time I go. The sprayer bottle was .99 at Walmart. DIY poo pourri. LOL
  6. Thanks
    LadySin got a reaction from I AM NOT MY SIZE in Follow up to: I know this is long, but please read it. I need help! Guys this is the letter I'm sending along with the survey to my weight loss doctor. Please tell me what you think. Should I add or take anything out? Please let me know.   
    Send it. And I agree with Ed_NW who said to mention you put this on social medical. It may or may not make a difference for you, but I'm telling you this as someone who worked in Healthcare my whole career life. I've worked in MD offices, hospitals, and Nursing homes, and Insurance companies. Unless your MD is private practice, he's got a boss. Medical groups HATE bad press. Don't edit out any of your feelings. Your letter sounds like it came from a real person. Just do it!
  7. Like
    LadySin reacted to Ed_NW in Follow up to: I know this is long, but please read it. I need help! Guys this is the letter I'm sending along with the survey to my weight loss doctor. Please tell me what you think. Should I add or take anything out? Please let me know.   
    I say send it. Unless you are getting a lawyer, it's going to fall on def ears anyway. I think your unedited anger will come across as intended. Make sure you add that you also put a copy of this on a few social media sites. These days, anybody that offers a service of any type is more afraid of bad press from social media than any other source. They will make changes just based on the possibility of getting a bad rep. GO GET EM TIGER! (oh, and move on afterwards)
  8. Thanks
    LadySin reacted to Walter Lindstrom in Blue Cross Complete of Michigan   
    I was unable to locate specific guidelines for the BC Complete Medicaid program dealing with bariatric surgery. I don't believe they have a separate criteria but I may be wrong on that; however here are their guidelines for other plans. I've included a LINK and the PDF. Good luck!
    Michigan BCBS Bariatric Medical Policy
    I've also attached the PDF file in case the link doesn't work.
    BCBS Michigan Guidelines.pdf
  9. Hugs
    LadySin got a reaction from Frustr8 in Non scale victory   
    I think that's the fat brain at play. I haven't had surgery yet but in the past when I lost significant wait on my own I would look at clothes and swear they were too small for me. Yet when I put them on they would fit. I think we're just so used to being bigger and it takes a minute for our brain to realize the truth.
  10. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from clsumrall in West Michigan Lake Drive   
    Oh goodness! Two whole bottles? ! I'm sitting here frowning at my crystal light. I'm on my way to you right now! lol

    Hey it's OK, I'm only teasing
  11. Like
    LadySin reacted to Paul Clarke in What is the Norm?   
    Everyone looses at different rates. For me it is around 0.4lb per day (it goes up an down a little). However my rate relates to the balance between my calories in vs calories out. I have calculated my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) at around 2200 calories per day. There are plenty of calculators online which will give you this number. I am consuming an average of 865 calories per day. In order to loose or gain 1 lb you need a deficit or surplus of 3500 calories (more or less). Therefore I have a 1335 caloric deficit which calculates out to a loss of 0.38 lb per day (1335/3500) which is +/- 10% generally of my results. That's not to say even with the same logic you will see consistent results, this just works for me and I have seen plenty of cases where these relationships don't seem to work in other people. My suggestion is to closely track your food intake, and keep a diary like myfitnesspal and once you find an approach and meal plan which works, keep doing that. You will loose at your own rate. There is no real magic too it. Generally speaking the less you eat and the more you burn, the more you will loose. At the end of the day all the surgery does for you is give you the superpower of eating less, the rest is up to you.
  12. Like
    LadySin reacted to Healthy_life in What is the Norm?   
    You are doing fine,
    I suggest stop comparing if it's making you feel down. You should be doing a happy dance. approximately 15+ pounds so far...When was the last time weight came off at this rate for you? It's fantastic.
    Many charts and statistics everywhere, I'm sure someone will be post some for you on this thread. You are more than the charts and statistics. There is no norm. It's not how fast you lose weight it's the fact you are losing weight.
    Congrats on your surgery

  13. Congrats!
    LadySin reacted to Beautiful Diamonds in It's time! Pics included   
    Hello, everyone, I had Gastric Bypass a little over a year ago it's scary for me to do this but I figured it was time to show my progress so far maybe it will let others know that you will get there in time patient. I'm not at my goal yet but I'm healthy. 
    Sent from my SM-G935T using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. Congrats!
    LadySin reacted to Jakesoldlady in Surgery in 30 mins.   
    I'm ready to start this new journey. Excited!! See ya on the other side.
    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. Like
    LadySin reacted to elmatador in Fat Shaming   
    If you're comfortable calling out their unprofessional behavior on the spot, do so. If not, speak to your HR or supervisor. It's not acceptable behavior.
  16. Hugs
    LadySin reacted to llhill in Unsupportive partners make me so angry!   
    My husband does not support me at all. It's very frustrating. I am very emotional about that fact that he continues to tell me every day (since a week ago) that I am not going to have the surgery even though it's in 10 days and I've already paid money for my surgery date slot. Every day my response to him is that I am going to do it. One thing I know is that I am ready for it even though it's risky, but I'm more sad that I don't have support. I'm not scared because the numerous success stories I've read so far keeps me excited for my future weight loss. But then I get sad again because I'm going to have the surgery alone. I'm sure I'll find surgery buddies to talk to and bond with.
  17. Like
    LadySin reacted to Ed_NW in Unsupportive partners make me so angry!   
    I'm 51 years old and have been married for 30 years. I've never believed in traditional ways of thinking when it comes to marriage. I think you need to be faithful and intimate but keep your individuality. My parents were divorced when I was 2 and my Dad remarried and divorced 2 more times before becoming the loner hermit that he is now. There are matriarchs and patriarchs and both controlling personalities can be equally oppressive. Sometimes people of either gender try to find a partner that fills a void that was left by the parent opposite their gender. These people have huge insecurities and act childish toward their spouse that (probably unintentionally) treats them like a child. I started my marriage by emphasizing the point that she needs to have her life and I need to have my life and we need to have our life. We don't always agree on what is the best food to eat, the best car to drive, the best clothes to wear, etc. but we do come to an agreement when it comes to things that effect the household as a group. The trick is knowing what is an individual decision and what decisions effect the family as a whole.
  18. Like
    LadySin reacted to NYJenn in Unsupportive partners make me so angry!   
    When I changed, the whole family changed. They can roll with it, or go find someone else to cook dinner
  19. Like
    LadySin reacted to MargoCL in Unsupportive partners make me so angry!   
    At each of my psych appointments including my NUT appointments I am asked about my support team. Maybe it's me, but I've been honest from the get go. My partner is my #1 support, he is the one I went to when I started to be serious about this journey. And when I finally decided he and I spoke of the after effects, changes, challenges, etc. And we would have to endure. If we hadn't been open and honest from the start, my success wouldn't be there. Because my food triggers were stress in the house, having his support was important to me. Now, I also know that success is all within me, but having people support and motivate you make it all the easier.

  20. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from Frustr8 in Insurance question   
    I work for BCBSM so I'm a bit biased. I don't know what state you're in, but in Michigan, we get **** done! I switched from Molina to BCBSM before I even started working for them because Molina had crazy requirements at the time. Particularly in length of the supervised visits. Switch girl switch! You can always change insurance back later and get your PCP back if that doctor means that much to you. 6 months is half a year. That's more than enough time to wrap your head around everything.
  21. Like
    LadySin reacted to CrankyMagpie in Non-food rewards   
    I have a charm Bracelet (in the Pandora style, but it isn't Pandora-branded) that I'm adding a charm to, every time I lose 10 pounds.
  22. Like
    LadySin reacted to kygirl68 in Received A Bill Finally   
    I work in medical billing and deal with insurance companies ALL DAY LONG! First off, if you didn't get this agreement with the doctor's office in writing, then you are S.O.L. in that regard. Secondly, it can take a year or longer for medical offices to finally get payment from insurance companies. It is an extremely frustrating process. Insurance companies will repeatedly come up with one reason after another to not pay and drag it out EVEN WHEN THE PROCEDURE IS PRECERTIFIED BY THEM! That being said, you should've been following up with your insurance company all along and looking over your EOBs to see what was getting paid etc. I definitely recommend starting there.
  23. Like
    LadySin reacted to BrookeR in Received A Bill Finally   
    bypass the dr's office and go to your insurance company. I received a bill from the hospital for $12800 and it is because they filed it as my surgeon, anesthesiologist and hospital as all being out of network! I had to literally call them weekly to make sure they were staying on top of it and getting everything refiled and in the end they sent ME a check for over payment of approximately $98. I researched the surgery for 2.5 years before doing it and knew exactly what I would be responsible for out of pocket and kept ALL receipts and correspondence information between myself, the hospital, dr's office and insurance company. The dr's office doesn't care whose oversight it is as long as they get paid. Contacting your insurance company and making sure they filed everything correctly is worth a shot. Good luck!
  24. Haha
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in Received A Bill Finally   
    Isn't it curious that I was told when Obamacare had to pick up maternity care and benefits, Bariatrics was "grandfathered in". Now you tell me I am in error? Dang for $3000 you ought to receive all kinds of lovely benefits. For that amount you should have a licensed face- dauber to wipe your fevered brow.
    Dang, 1st time I ever remember Medicare being better,than other insurances. They covered me at 3 months short of 73, without a burp or belch. I always have Medicaid as a back-up, if things don't meet Medicare's hopes. And although I regret not doing this sooner, it's still going to be all good., in the Big Picture.
  25. Like
    LadySin reacted to Ed_NW in Received A Bill Finally   
    Insurance companies are doing some crazy things in light of the repealing of the individual mandate. Young healthy working class people that don't have employer paid health insurance are taking their chances and not paying the higher premiums. Insurance companies end up with what they consider a sicker pool of clients. In order to recoup some of their losses, (besides raising premiums next year) they will refuse to pay portions of a bill. The healthcare provider will then seek to collect from you the patient. Tell the hospital (or whoever) to resubmit the bill to the insurance. They go back and forth like this all the time. What you don't want to do is just wait and see what happens. At that point they send it to collections.

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