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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    LadySin reacted to BeanieSprouts in They cancelled my surgery   
    That is SO frustrating and upsetting! You are so close, and you can do this! I promise. It's a minor set back, the universe telling you that it's not the exact time. You're still on the road there, just a slight Detour. Some traffic. You got this, and when you get your clearance you're gonna ROCK it!
  2. Hugs
    LadySin reacted to zueschoco1 in They cancelled my surgery   
    Well i got up and took my shower with the soap they gave me and my wife and i was at st.francis hospital at 5:30 am!! We went to the 3rd floor to check in and the lady could not find my name on the list so she checked in the surgeons file and found where my surgery had been cancelled because my live enzymes were very high
    So now i have to go to another GI doctor and get clearance then reschedule im so disappointed i just want to die!!!!!!
    Sent from my LG-M210 using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. Like
    LadySin reacted to sillykitty in Huge influx of random flirting   
    Going to have to disagree with you on this ...
  4. Like
    LadySin reacted to abefroman329 in Huge influx of random flirting   
    I mean, I do.
  5. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from FluffyChix in Non scale victory   
    I think that's the fat brain at play. I haven't had surgery yet but in the past when I lost significant wait on my own I would look at clothes and swear they were too small for me. Yet when I put them on they would fit. I think we're just so used to being bigger and it takes a minute for our brain to realize the truth.
  6. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from nomorefattypatty in Girls Do Poop   
    've never used this stuff so I wouldn't know how it works. Don't know if it actually removes the bad odor and replaces it with smell nice, or just attempts to mask it with smell nice like air fresher. I'd rather just smell ****. Not roses covered in ****. 🤷‍♀️
  7. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from CrankyMagpie in SMH   
    I never got the big deal about this. eNot just here either but every forum in existence has people that hate this. I completely get if you're not adding anything of value to an old post then don't. If you do by all means necro that thread!
    The reason I say that is because it's usually forums that have been around for YEARS. The moment you ask a questions or post a topic it's "did you search for this answer?" Most of the time the answer is the first thing that pops up in a google because it's a popular question. Of course that thread may be active for months to come. Long after the OP is gone.
    I'd rather see a necro thread than see same thing posted over a over.
  8. Like
    LadySin reacted to summerset in WHY?   
    Worth a signature.
  9. Haha
    LadySin reacted to Orchids&Dragons in WHY?   
    OK, you apparently got some really weird nutritional info growing up! I never heard that the appendix was the waste bin of the intestines!
  10. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in Lost   
    Feel it all.
    Then move on.
    Look towards tomorrow.
    In 6 months you can have a totally new life.
  11. Hugs
    LadySin reacted to kat__p in I am so fed up with doctors!! I just want to be treated as a person!   
    UPDATE: I went to have an upper GI done on Tuesday and my whole abdomen, stomach, colon all were still full of barium contrast from 2 MONTHS ago when I had a CT scan!!!! It was all stuck to my insides. My surgeon had me drink magnesium citrate for 2 days and basically poop my insides out (that's what it felt like, anyway.) I saw him yesterday and he's concerned. He has scheduled me for another upper GI and he said that if things didn't improve he would refer me to a colorectal surgeon to check if my colon is functioning correctly. I asked about the pelvic exam and he's scheduling that too. I'm not gonna lie I'm scared but at least my surgeon is aware and treating me and I trust him completely. Wish me luck you guys. Thank you all for all your kind words. <3
  12. Haha
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in I am so fed up with doctors!! I just want to be treated as a person!   
    Some sort of spasms they can't put a finger on- so they put you down? Typical medical reasoning WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT THIS IS---THEREFORE YOU HAVE NOTHING WRONG! It is a miracle they are not killing a chicken, setting a fire , counting smoke rings to diagnose you. That's what they did in the Middle Ages,after all.Seems not,to have changed too much.
  13. Hugs
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in Unsupportive Husband, Says I Gave Up   
    Owhee you hit a Sore sore spot with me. I was married to one of those type for 44 long years. A good reason why I just went through an RnY at 72, if you want the whole story PM me, I would take up Much Space telling it all. Suffice it to say, my generation was told, your goal in life is to find a man, marry and if things are not dreamlike Suck it Up Baby, suck it up! I lost so much in the deal especially self-respect but Frustr8 survived and has made her way to strength, bruises, scars, and a spiritual limp here and there, but you know I am really a kool and witty individual and nobody's shadow anymore!😝👍

  14. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from CrankyMagpie in SMH   
    I never got the big deal about this. eNot just here either but every forum in existence has people that hate this. I completely get if you're not adding anything of value to an old post then don't. If you do by all means necro that thread!
    The reason I say that is because it's usually forums that have been around for YEARS. The moment you ask a questions or post a topic it's "did you search for this answer?" Most of the time the answer is the first thing that pops up in a google because it's a popular question. Of course that thread may be active for months to come. Long after the OP is gone.
    I'd rather see a necro thread than see same thing posted over a over.
  15. Hugs
    LadySin reacted to jultrim18 in I miss food so much so so much 😭😭😭   
    Hi, friends. I am 12 weeks post-op tomorrow. I am still miserable. I semi-regret this surgery. I miss food so much. I miss gorging myself. I miss the way food made me feel. I hate being scared of food. I hate always thinking of food and worrying about it. I hate this life I am now forced into. Yes, I have lost 45lb since surgery. 55lb since pre-op diet. However, food made me happy. Now I am unhappy. I think I am going to go to a therapist because this feeling is not getting better over time.
  16. Like
    LadySin reacted to %^& in I miss food so much so so much 😭😭😭   
    Hey jultrim I really appreciate your honesty. I am sorry you are feeling so bad. These are things that I and I think many people are/have worried about, and it is really really hard to face the reasons we overate in the 1st place, or to face the bad and for it to come to the surface, when food used to bury it. For me, food would numb me from pain. Some people may not have deep reasons they overeat, but I think many of us do. It would be good to see a therapist, no shame in that and just know that it took courage on your part to get this out and admit your feelings here and I don't think you are alone in them. We will not judge you for feeling bad; many of us get the feelings you have been having. I hope and pray you get to a place that you can find peace and happiness again, and soon. Let us know how you are doing and Hugs to you.
  17. Like
    LadySin reacted to elcee in I miss food so much so so much 😭😭😭   
    Did food really make you happy? For 5 minutes or so possibly but then afterwards when it made you put on all that weight and become unhealthy?

    Food is like a frenemy, yes it gives us instantaneous comfort but we tend to feel bad afterwards.

    There is no reason for you not to still enjoy food you just need to experiment and start enjoying healthier food. Maybe take a cooking class or order some cookbooks and try new interesting flavours and tastes.
  18. Haha
    LadySin reacted to FluffyChix in Alex, New Santa Letter For This Year   
    Dear Alex Santa,
    A year has come an gone since my last Christmas letter to you and I want you to know, I LOVED the pressies you finally got around to giving gave me this year!!! 🦄 🖕 !!!!
    I've been a very bad, so-so, steadily mediocre girl this year. I have only "acted out inappropriately" on the boards as a direct result of people pissing me off hanger-issues and deeply-seated psycho Mommy issues.
    I promise to be a better BPal. (Who am I kidding--you know once a knucklehead, always a knucklehead...) But I will TRY to be a better member of BP. I'll also try to contribute here a little more. I know I don't post very much to the Forums.
    So this year I only have three things on my list. Yay you! Winner Winner BP Cookies and FF high Protein milk dinner!
    For Christmas this year, I'd like:
    1. To relabel this little guy emoji (but keep him cuz he's seriously cute). Label him as Jazz Hands!
    2. Recruit a NEW emoji for hugs--one that actually looks sincere (not like he's seriously laughing at you).
    3. World peace.
    Alternate 4th (Bonus Gift)
    4. Please send all my leftovers to the starving kids in China.

    Signed Sincerely,
    Little Susie in BFE

  19. Hugs
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in Things in School I thought I WOULD NEVER use!   
    Reminded me of a story, many things do bring stories to mind. My aunt's husband,( don't call him uncle-for a multitude of reasons() practiced and practiced until he could duplicate my aunt's signature. Then went to bank, got loan application, told them my couldn't come,in herself,due to work, filled out for a large amount, back didn't quibble or rarify it, she knew nothing until the,note fell due, in meantime he had died, she was forced to work another 24 months to pay it off. The debt didn't die with,him because he had signed her namen oh it was so good that bank thought she had signed it.
    Just,another example,of his rotten- ess, also a,pervert, pedophile, and downright thief , and this time he hot away with it. My aunt deserved so much better than him.
  20. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from CrankyMagpie in SMH   
    I never got the big deal about this. eNot just here either but every forum in existence has people that hate this. I completely get if you're not adding anything of value to an old post then don't. If you do by all means necro that thread!
    The reason I say that is because it's usually forums that have been around for YEARS. The moment you ask a questions or post a topic it's "did you search for this answer?" Most of the time the answer is the first thing that pops up in a google because it's a popular question. Of course that thread may be active for months to come. Long after the OP is gone.
    I'd rather see a necro thread than see same thing posted over a over.
  21. Like
    LadySin reacted to insta_adventurer in SMH   
    Right? Or it will return posts within threads where there is one mention of your search term, while threads about that search term appear way down in the results. Thread topics that contain the search term should be prioritized in results.

    It’s just frustrating to me, because I’m a front-end developer who specializes in the usability and accessibility of web sites and applications, so the shortcomings of it jump out to me.
  22. Like
    LadySin reacted to Oct517 in SMH   
    I agree 100%! I'm tired of seeing people post "use the search bar!". I have tried to use it multiple times and it sucks. It always shows me irrelevant posts, posts from years ago, and is just a mess. I'm not sure if it's only app thing because that is the only place I've used it but from my experience on the app, the search bar is totally useless. I'd be better off manually scrolling through each post to try to find what I want.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

  23. Like
    LadySin reacted to Orchids&Dragons in SMH   
    That could depend on your search parameters. Unless they flag to search the entire site, the default is to search just the forum that you're viewing.
  24. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in SMH   
    My favorites have become:
    I'm _____ weeks out from surgery, doing EVERYTHING perfectly, it's not working
    I'm _____ weeks post op and I'm tired of the meal plan/lifestyle changes I agreed to
  25. Haha
    LadySin reacted to TakingABreak in SMH   
    Alright ya'll.
    My new ones are....
    I'm 2 weeks pre op and offer incorrect or ridiculous advice....
    My program gives the only information or the only way that is correct to lose weight with bariatric sugery.

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