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    LadySin got a reaction from The 56 Bypass in Fat shaming ?? Post op over 4 yrs   
    oh gods, nothing like the Internet to reinforce the idea that most humans suck hot donkey balls. I commend the few that don't.
  2. Like
    LadySin reacted to Martha88 in What was everyone's first puree ?   
    Beans! I was looking for the most bang for my Protein.< br>
    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Like
    LadySin reacted to Healthy_life in Fat shaming ?? Post op over 4 yrs   
    This has been an interesting thread. Thanks for all of your perspectives.
    I guess I'm older and in a different place in life. Attitude, behavior and opinions are choices. I'd rather build people up.

  4. Like
    LadySin reacted to sideeye in Fat shaming ?? Post op over 4 yrs   
    This isn’t about security or confidence. It’s about empathy. Mocking people is cruel. You’re not just avoiding the homeless person, you’re staring at them and making jokes with your friends about how filthy their jacket is.
    Think what you want. But when thinking translates into action (snickering, staring, gossiping) then you’re officially in the “doing” zone.
    It baffles me that you’re trying to frame this as “I’m just confident and free, and you’re a hypocrite”. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and think for a second what your actions are making them feel. Sure, you’re breaking no laws but those are just guidelines. Kindness is what actually makes society work.
  5. Like
    LadySin reacted to insta_adventurer in Fat shaming ?? Post op over 4 yrs   
    If you don’t like what you see, avert your eyes. Mocking strangers for what they are wearing is incredibly childish and likely just projecting your own feelings of inadequacy and your own insecurities. Get some self-confidence and leave others alone.

    People should dress however they want to. Who cares? What if that’s all they own? What if they’ve gained some lbs and can’t afford new clothing? What if they feel like they look awesome? Who are you to bring them down? What gives you the right to insult them or say/do things that could be damaging to their self esteem.

    Shame on you.
  6. Thanks
    LadySin reacted to sideeye in Fat shaming ?? Post op over 4 yrs   
    I'm surprised that, as a former fat person, you aren't painfully aware of the sensation of people staring at you and then sniggering. Or the horrible feeling that you've JUST missed catching someone's eye because they look away a second before you made eye contact, and now they're exchanging significant looks with their friends.
    It's not actually harmless. Communication isn't just verbal and overt; when you're mocking someone, they usually know you're doing it, even if you haven't walked right up to them and said "you think you're sexy but you're FAT". That's been one of the strangest (and most depressing) discoveries while losing weight: the absence of that feeling that I'm being observed but excluded. I can't tell you how vividly different it is to get on a subway car these days; before, I'd get on a somewhat crowded car and most of the people would treat me like I'd put on an invisibility cloak while a few would openly stare and judge. Now everyone sees me and no one stares, and some even move their bags so I can sit down.
    The energy you put out there is a real and palpable thing. If you silently hate someone, they usually know you don't like them. If you silently love someone, they often feel that too. And if you silently laugh at someone or judge them, same deal.
  7. Thanks
    LadySin reacted to sideeye in Fat shaming ?? Post op over 4 yrs   
    Being overweight sucked. It sucked that people stared at me, that I got an endorphin kick off of eating, that planes have middle seats, that the clothes I wore were the best I could assemble out of bad options. It sucked that social events were based around calorie-laden moments. It sucked that I had to spend years trying diets and counseling and have humiliating conversations with HR to get this op covered, then do a complicated insurance switcheroo when they said no, and then scrape up the money to cover the surgery. It sucked that even when I did lose weight before, I’d regain it when people’s reaction to me (shocked praise, aggressive flirting, extensive recitations of all the hideous health complaints I’d now avoid) actually made me REGAIN just so they’d STOP TALKING.
    So no, I don’t judge. I feel sad that the other person is likely still trapped in some part of that depressive cycle, whether they’re actively looking to lose or not. And then I treat them exactly as I would absolutely anyone else.
    My one rule with this surgery is that if a thin person asks me how I lost weight, I generally don’t spill the Beans because they’re usually looking for random diet tips or are being nosy. But if a fat person asks, I tell them honestly. The last thing I want to do is imply that I lost this weight through diet and exercise alone, and I want them to be able to ask me anything they want to know.
  8. Like
    LadySin reacted to Hrsnjs in Fat shaming ?? Post op over 4 yrs   
    I think overall it's sort of human to judge. Especially in our society, where it's so ingrained. Once we have some success it'seasy to wonder why others don't follow suit...but I sure hope I never lose compassion for anyone going through this struggle though. I hope I never forget what it was like to be where they are....once I'm ON the other side of it, that is!

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. Thanks
    LadySin reacted to Healthy_life in Fat shaming ?? Post op over 4 yrs   
    Feel free to ignore what I have to say about your post.
    I had surgery in the same year as you. I get that you are excited about how life changing WLS is. Great to praise surgery and your outcome. I don't feel the need to educate or preach it to others. I am not the spokesperson for weight loss or surgery. If they ask, I will give information.
    You asked "do you find that you seem to judge overweight people now ?? or is it just me ??
    Is it only you judging people? Probably not, Many judgmental negative people in life. Biting your tongue and shaking your head judging people?...Seriously ???
    I have to ask....
    Did you enjoyed being judged or fat shamed when you were obese? Were you approached that you needed to lose weight pre surgery? How did they come off to you? Did you jump right on it and lose all your weight? Did you ignore their advice? Did you find it intrusive or offensive? You said "Im curious if anyone will really admit,,, to shaking your head to a overweight individual."
    Really admit ??? No not all of us think this way about other obese people. I look at someone struggling with obesity with compassion. Why would I judge someone with a disease? I have not forgotten where I came from. I walked in the shoes of an obese person. Treatment options are their personal choice.

  10. Like
    LadySin reacted to insta_adventurer in Fat shaming ?? Post op over 4 yrs   
    I am always super sensitive about this when talking about the surgery with other overweight people (I’m still losing, but would consider myself overweight still). I answer any questions they ask or receive any positive comments from them, but I try to steer clear from proselytizing to them or insinuating I think they should do it.

    Like someone else said, some people are totally happy and fine with their size. Some people are fat and not unhealthy. Just because this was the right choice for me, does not mean I can say it’s the right choice for them... that’s not my call, that’s theirs. Just like the decision to have it was mine and based off of my own situation. And I try to be very careful about implying or insinuating I think they should, because it’s a deeply personal choice and not my g*d d*mned place.
  11. Thanks
    LadySin reacted to linlew in Fat shaming ?? Post op over 4 yrs   
    I'm very happy for you that you've had success.
    However, I'm a bit concerned by you saying "I frequently try to bite my tongue."
    "Frequently" implies not always
    "Try" implies you don't always succeed.
    My advice would be to keep your thoughts to yourself, and do your best not to indicate your thoughts with your facial expressions. Not everyone who is large is unhappy about it, and if they are, they don't need you reminding them.
    Perhaps I'm reading your post incorrectly; the style with all of the commas makes it a smidge difficult to follow. However, I would only offer up opinions or advice if someone explicitly asks for it.

    Again, congrats on your continued success though!
  12. Like
    LadySin reacted to Leia in Post your progress pics!   
    I'm a little over three months PO. I'm down to 195 from my surgery day weight of 255. The first pic is from a month or so before surgery and the second is about a week or so ago.
  13. Like
    LadySin reacted to Geri Marie in Post your progress pics!   
    One year out...135 pounds down!! 

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. Like
    LadySin reacted to Matt Z in Protein on the liquid diet   
    Yes, (well doesn't have to be "whey" but I don't think I've seen an Isolate that wasn't whey) but isolates typically do not have enough lactose in them to trigger a lactose intolerance issue.
  15. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from Sigi42 in Protein on the liquid diet   
    You're right! Then add in some tomatoes juice, and little lime, drop or two of Worcestershire, and just a bit of cyanne pepper.
    Don't forget the vodka!
  16. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from Sigi42 in Protein on the liquid diet   
    You're right! Then add in some tomatoes juice, and little lime, drop or two of Worcestershire, and just a bit of cyanne pepper.
    Don't forget the vodka!
  17. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from Sigi42 in Protein on the liquid diet   
    You're right! Then add in some tomatoes juice, and little lime, drop or two of Worcestershire, and just a bit of cyanne pepper.
    Don't forget the vodka!
  18. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from Sigi42 in Protein on the liquid diet   
    You're right! Then add in some tomatoes juice, and little lime, drop or two of Worcestershire, and just a bit of cyanne pepper.
    Don't forget the vodka!
  19. Hugs
    LadySin reacted to silentpeace in Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's weight loss challenge   
    Checking in!!!
    Challenge starting 233
    This a.m. weight --- 226

    Holiday stresses in general . Funeral of my grandmother who raised me this weekend. Work stress, long hours.. day to day life!

    Pushing on ..she didn't raise a quitter. Getting thru all this while losing still is my motivation... if only at the end I can say I did it !!

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  20. Haha
    LadySin reacted to Orchids&Dragons in Protein on the liquid diet   
    You can go the "Rocky" method, adding raw eggs to your shakes until you can order some powders off the internet.
  21. Like
    LadySin reacted to Sigi42 in Protein on the liquid diet   
    I don't know the rest of your dietary needs, so take this with a grain of salt, but have you thought of adding silken tofu to your shakes? 4 oz is 16 grams of Protein, and it blends smooth...
    Sent from my LG-G710 using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. Like
    LadySin reacted to S@ssen@ch in DRIVING AFTER SURGERY   
    I took an Uber from the hospital to the airport. Bumping around in traffic in the back seat of a stranger's car was a little nerve-wracking. The plane ride was a bit uncomfortable. I felt every bump and I think the change of altitude increased my gas pain. I was pretty miserable when we landed, got our luggage, and waited for the shuttle to the parking lot. I was exhausted and it felt a little like my guts wanted to fall out, but there was no choice about it. My friend, who went with me for the surgery, could not drive for her own medical reasons. I guess the bright side of this adventure was that I got a lot of walking in! 🚶‍♀️
    So, I got in the car and drove about 30 minutes from the airport to my home. Once I got in the car, I actually felt better than my time in the airport. I put on my seatbelt, but left it looser than usual and drove as cautiously as traffic would allow. I even made a few calls en-route (blue-tooth of course).
    I'd say your biggest concerns with driving on Monday after a Friday surgery is whether or not you're on pain meds and the overall driving conditions of where you're going to be driving. Not that you CAN'T drive, it's more of whether you should. If you're on any pain meds that affect your cognition, you really shouldn't be driving. I say road conditions because of safety. If you were involved in any kind of accident, aside from the accident itself, it could put you at greater risk for injury since you're already compromised.
  23. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from Healthy_life in Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's weight loss challenge   
    Challenge Starting weight: My current weight is unknown I last weighted myself a week ago. I was becoming obsessed with the scale so I had to take it to the basement behind the furnace. I feel so free! I'll weigh myself the morning of my next MD appointment. December 27th Current weight lost: 23lbs Losing or maintaining weight: losing Fitness/exercise goal: I bought this awesome desk elliptical thingy called Cubii jr. I love it! I use it at my desk all day. I'm gonna have legs like Tina Turner! I also do upper body weight training with resistance bands. Total weight loss at the end of challenge: (Post January 1st 2019) Check in: Tell us how you are doing - (How is your diet and exercise plan going? Any struggles? Stress level? What have you overcome? Any strategies that have helped) Right now I'm still pre op. I've been approved and I'm awaiting surgery January 15. I'm really good at losing a lot of weight because I practice IF. Problem is I don't stick with it. Knowing I'm going to have surgery has made sticking to a good diet really easy. I put myself on a kinda Optifast diet. Lots of clean Protein Shakes and 1 meal. I consume about 800 calories a day, very little carbs. My goal is to be 245 on my day of surgery!
  24. Like
    LadySin reacted to Wanda247 in What was everyone's first puree ?   
    Mine was purred chicken salad and it was soooo delicious. I think I ate it for a whole week lol
  25. Haha
    LadySin reacted to lzucks in What was everyone's first puree ?   
    A scrambled egg. Best. Meal. Ever.

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