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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in "Other " support sites   
    Gosh I think you're correct, I have been sexually continent for 6,5 years since Late Lamented shuffled off this mortal coil. Like to say it's because I'm picky, truth is : I am 72, obese, look 😫 tired and NOBODY has found me THAT appealing! Don't go many places besides grocery shopping, lawyer offices, doctor offices, creditors I can't pay online, occassional visits to JFS and church. Probably like the lady visiting her religious enity, walked in , choir singing Hallelujah, like me, marginally deaf, thought they were singing " Hardly Knew You:. got offended and left.
    Would I "Mattress Mambo"? First, Someone Ask Me! I'm sure it's like dancing or bike ride-ing, once you get your rhythm back, you do FINE! So here I am in Central Ohio, begging to be comforted, cuddled or most anything that doesn't make too much noise or frighten the 🐎in the street. If you don't mind a good giggle, I'll even strip down, as I lose weight I am developing saggy flabby skin, but I am warm, breathing and an ornery disposition. Any dudes out there who aren't TOO FEARFUL OF 💓ATTACK OR STROKE? Hey👴or 👦, here I Be! 😝🎪🚩
  2. Like
    LadySin reacted to johnsons13 in "Other " support sites   
    It's also learning the difference in our needs and wants and prioritizing. Life would be boring if only our needs were met. But a lot of times we misunderstand a want for a need until we have to be without it and we realize that it was just a crutch all along. There's usually a replacement for everything. Sometimes it's a better replacement and sometimes it's a downgrade. It's not the destination but the journey.
  3. Like
    LadySin reacted to johnsons13 in "Other " support sites   
    I'm in AA and in the beginning I learned and I share this with my sponsees if NEVER seems too long, that's why we say "just for today" and you say it every day. If I go back to drinking and doing heroin I'll never see tomorrow eventually. The same goes with making changes now regarding my eating. We also say "progress not perfection". I'll never be perfect and as long as every day I'm doing what I need to in order to get better than I'm heading in the right direction. When someone gets upset to give up alcohol that they "only" have a couple of nights a week then something isn't right. Why is alcohol so important? food we need in order to live that's why I have to develop a healthy relationship with it. Alcohol and drugs I don't need to live.
  4. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from Healthy_life in Fat shaming ?? Post op over 4 yrs   
    oh gods, nothing like the Internet to reinforce the idea that most humans suck hot donkey balls. I commend the few that don't.
  5. Congrats!
    LadySin reacted to VSGDavid in December 2018 Sleevers!   
    So man. What a day! Surgery went text book according to surgeon. I was on the table for 55min. He told me it was obvious that I had rocked the preop diet, as he could have likely done the surgery without a liver retractor.

    I was in recover for about 2 hours because I kept going apneic on the pain meds, so they had to keep the doses low, which sucked.

    Once I got back to the room, and got on my personal CPAP machine things progressed much better. I’m on icechips only until tomorrow morning. Let me tell yah. The dry mouth is no joke! I did 10 laps around the floor I’m on 1 hour after arriving to my room. Since then I’ve done between 8-15 laps every hour I was awake. (I slept for a few hours) All the people that told you walking is the only thing that helps gas pain? Listen to them!

    I’ve attached a pic of my ugly mug after walking the floor for 15 laps.

    Best wishes to everyone! I’ll update when They advance my diet.

  6. Like
    LadySin reacted to Geodude in What was everyone's first puree ?   
    Actually that sounds awesome to me. It's like a Shepard's pie puree. I will be eating this soon. Except I'll have to add buffalo sauce to keep with my current trend. Sent from my Nexus 6P using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. Like
    LadySin reacted to Wanda247 in Making this public!!!   
    You have to do what works for you...there is no wrong or right in going public or keeping WLS private, it's basically up to each individual so no it's NOT silly what you did it was your choice and no one is here to judge you. I've actually watched several inspirational wls videos on youtube and picked up a few tips as well.
    Remain positive and you will succeed. You got this girl ✌️
  8. Like
    LadySin reacted to Healthy_life in Do you wish you would have done anything different in your first year of surgery?   
    I wanted to ask about your personal experiences 1+ years out from surgery. Looking back, Is there anything you wish you would have done differently?
  9. Like
    LadySin reacted to elcee in Is gastric bypass surgery reversible at all??   
    I have been reading some of your other posts. It appears from what you have posted that even though you are from the UK you have not had your surgery there you have had it somewhere in Europe. Also from what you have posted it doesn't seem that you have had a consultation with a professional dietician, that in itself is a worry as is the fact that you don't seem to be having the Protein Shakes that most programs require.
    How much preparation was there for you prior to the surgery? What consults did you have? It seems like there may have been steps missing and if so then I'm not surprised you are feeling the way you are atm.
  10. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from Wanda247 in UC Davis   
    dang, Even I found myself cringing while reading this, and I have zero sensitivity when it come to "gore" That was a horrible experience sis! Must have took some damn fine fortitude to make it where you are today, and you're still doing it! I probably would have used that as an excuse to fall back to poor habit. I hate you're suffering. I'm glad you're hear to tell us about it.
  11. Hugs
    LadySin reacted to DetDet in Loosing weight but not seeing it   
    Thank you I have gotten counseling. I have gone to 2 sessions and I am working through self esteem and self image issues.

    I'm starting to see the weight loss as we work through some issues. [emoji4]

    Sent from my SM-G965U using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Congrats!
    LadySin reacted to FluffyChix in Loosing weight but not seeing it   
    It's very normal to have body dysmorphia. You are losing weight quickly and it's really hard for our brains to adapt and keep up. But counseling is never a bad idea IMHO. Good for you for doing it!!!
    Also, I totally believe in the side-by-side comparison that others suggested!!!
    You look fabulous!! I can see how much you've lost, as can everyone else. You will be able to see it soon. It just takes a little bit of time. Part of your issue is you see yourself nekkid--and we are all our own worst critics! And your jeans are too big! Now go shop for some cheap clothes in your size at Goodwill!!!! My new wardrobe is almost all Goodwill $1-$3 clothes, or hand-me-downs from my sissies, or Old Navy super sales of 50% offs!
    Congrats girlie!!!
    Here is the side-by-side I had to study to see my losses. I still find it hard to look at myself and still see myself as much heavier than other people say I am. It's completely illogical--but it is real. Body dysmorphia...you bi*ch.

  13. Congrats!
    LadySin reacted to DetDet in Loosing weight but not seeing it   
    I did do that earlier before posting this topic I still dont see it... 😞

  14. Like
    LadySin reacted to Hrsnjs in Loosing weight but not seeing it   
    A lot of it for us who've been very overweight is mental. I have exactly the same issue. What helps me is taking photos and doing side by side comparisons using an app like picstitch or something. That really does help me to see what others see. The mirror lies. Lol

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using BariatricPal mobile app

  15. Haha
    LadySin reacted to DeezUU in Husband/Wife, both post GB interested in swinging   
    I'm at goal with loose skin and all and we have a great time in the life. Honestly, I don't like to shed the shirt (usually keep a compression shirt on) and literally have no butt (like rocks in a balloon!) but most people don't judge and we've had a blast since the lbs started dropping. Much more attention! We're on SLS mainly... best site out there.

    ... to think I ran across this looking for weed related posts for some reason. I'm really in the expresslane to hell!!
  16. Like
    LadySin reacted to newmebithebypass in Husband/Wife, both post GB interested in swinging   
    Ok depending on the type of swinging like me and my hubby are poly but we don't swing per se we are however looking for other partners

    Sent from my SM-T380 using BariatricPal mobile app

  17. Congrats!
    LadySin reacted to IttyBit in Husband/Wife, both post GB interested in swinging   
    ... and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! I rode on one of those just this last summer, now that I can FIT in a swing
  18. Haha
    LadySin reacted to kakatlady612 in Husband/Wife, both post GB interested in swinging   
    I'm living in a non sophisticated area and a little naive, I guess. I though at first of those big tall swings they have at the State Fair. You get on, then they swing you to the side when they start turning and it's like being,on a kiddie playground on steroids. Duhh i completely disregarded the other 2 kinds.
    Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. Like
    LadySin reacted to gr8ful1 in Husband/Wife, both post GB interested in swinging   
    My wife and I shared the same interest, and ironically, an old church friend of mine (he was actually on the board of elders) invited us to his swing club. It's called GottaSwing. What a fun way to get some exercise! Anyway, every night the group meets, everyone switches partners with everyone else. Many nights there are over 100 people in attendance, so it can get quite exhausting, but it's really a lot of fun. To tell you the truth, it was kind of intimidating at first, but each Friday night begins with a 30-minute beginner's dance lesson. There is always a live band, too!
  20. Like
    LadySin reacted to IttyBit in Husband/Wife, both post GB interested in swinging   
    My husband and I both had the RNY - me, 2 1/2 years ago and him 10 months ago. We love each other desparately, but we're feeling sexy and playful. Any other couples out there post gastric bypass who have experience in swinging? No judging, please 🤗
  21. Like
    LadySin reacted to Hop_Scotch in Fat shaming ?? Post op over 4 yrs   
    We see it, it's just that not everyone judges a stranger based on their physical appearance some of which way be something out of their control.
    I imagine a lot of people enjoy people watching, but I think you need a new hobby - perhaps volunteering for the not so fortunate and those down on their luck. It may give you some badly needed empathy.

  22. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from Wanda247 in UC Davis   
    dang, Even I found myself cringing while reading this, and I have zero sensitivity when it come to "gore" That was a horrible experience sis! Must have took some damn fine fortitude to make it where you are today, and you're still doing it! I probably would have used that as an excuse to fall back to poor habit. I hate you're suffering. I'm glad you're hear to tell us about it.
  23. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from Healthy_life in Fat shaming ?? Post op over 4 yrs   
    oh gods, nothing like the Internet to reinforce the idea that most humans suck hot donkey balls. I commend the few that don't.
  24. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from Healthy_life in Fat shaming ?? Post op over 4 yrs   
    oh gods, nothing like the Internet to reinforce the idea that most humans suck hot donkey balls. I commend the few that don't.
  25. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in Fat shaming ?? Post op over 4 yrs   
    I don't judge anyone, in fact I mind my business (unless they ask me a direct question, then I will tell them about surgery, Keto or intermittent fasting)
    After all I don't go around providing fashion, makeup, business, financial and child rearing tips to strangers that didn't ask for it. Why should I give tips for weight loss (It seems like an incredibly narcissistic thing to randomly do)

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