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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    LadySin reacted to FancyChristine15 in Bulimia   
    Honestly, I don't think you should tell people that you have bulimia. Just because your body is so nauseous after you eat that you vomit, does not mean that you have bulimia. It's more likely severe GERD or something like that. If you aren't doing it on purpose, you can't classify it as bulimia.
  2. Like
    LadySin reacted to NYJenn in Bulimia   
    Sorry, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Sounds like he’s trying to pawn you off bc he can’t get to the bottom of what’s wrong
  3. Haha
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in Bread... oof   
    hilarious, I mean probably not for You...
  4. Like
    LadySin reacted to FluffyChix in Bulimia   
    It is possible to develop food aversions/behaviors in response to WLS...just sayin'. I think in general talking with a therapist is always a great idea. They can tell you pretty quickly if it's possible to "give yourself" bulimia from food restriction. I don't think you can do that under normal circumstances. But the mind/body response is very complicated!!!
  5. Like
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in Bulimia   
    If you go, try to find someone who is highly bariatric competent. We are now different beasts and "one size fits all "may not fit you. I have a PICC LINE because my gastro- intestinal system needs the rest to heal and I could not get enough Protein by mouth to heal. All our cases differ but still there are a few truths to be found. Your quality of life is becoming untenable. You should not have to live like this.
  6. Thanks
    LadySin got a reaction from Krizivester in Bulimia   
    It's the info under your profile on the left she was referencing. Great job btw!
  7. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from mousecat88 in Bread... oof   
    Warning TMI ahead! I haven't even had my surgery yet but I've been eating extremely clean for about two months now. No breads, rice or Pasta. No added sugers. meat only on the weekends. EVERY TIME I've taken a bite of something I shouldn't have *a bite of wife's crab roll last weekend, and a pulled mushroom sandwich on sourdough the week before that) I PEE FROM MY BOOTY!
    I can't believe my body has the nerve to dump already!
    Not really mad, because it was stuff I shouldn't have eaten anyway. 😝
  8. Hugs
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in How did you pick your user name?   
    One more and then I promise to let the subject die. See the more I ponder on it, I think maybe Daddy,loved me in his fashion but there was disfunction there.
    Last example my parents were married 6 weeks past their 50th Wedding Anniversary.
    Apparently the Sunday closest to the actual date they, between Sunday School and Church , renewed their vows.
    I knew nothing about it, one of my co-workers who also attended that church told me about it a week later. I felt l8ke I had egg on my face over that. She must have thought me a horrid daughter that I did not attend. Although I worked many weekends I did have that day off.
    S9 I went to their retirement flat to ask them, if they were planning such a thing, why was I not invited?
    Daddy's Rationale: I WAS NOT THERE WHEN THEY WERE MARRIED, WHY WOULD I WANT TO BE THERE THEN? Neither was the bulk of the Church people watching, the majority where my age or younger.
    And Fotr My Children, I still cry inside at that cruelty shown, I did my best to be good, cause no trouble, didn't date bad boys, truth be told I never dated anyone while under their roof. Brought home good grades, was never an embarrassment to the famility. Tell me, What mo4e could I do to win their love?💦😥💦
  9. Hugs
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in How did you pick your user name?   
    F.M.C., please do me a courtesy. Your post jogged my memories and sometimes they are not good. Okay? Please reassure your children it is not their fault,you and Daddy are not together. I am an only child and for years I believed it was My Fault. I was so terrible a child that they never wanted another. So I spent,most of my childhood and part of my youth trying to make it up to them. I wanted to be so perfect that they never would regret having me. I was 15 or 16 before I found out I was a miracle, the baby,doctors thought she would never have. Why wasn't. I told sooner? Brace yourself for this- my Daddy thought it wouldn't matter to ME. So keep all your lines of communication open, the ❤ you keep from breaking might be your child's.Nuff said?
  10. Haha
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in How did you pick your user name?   
    And if anyone is curious why,my avatar,is K instead of F? My legal first name is Karen, but when I joined BP there were several Karen's of different types here. So I started out with my Gmail address then after a few months, it no longer worked, told Ken, Alex and company You all make Me Frustr8ed! and Frustr8,was born. Kinda like,it once I got used to it.😝🚩😝
  11. Like
    LadySin reacted to ummyasmin in How did you pick your user name?   
    Mine is the traditional Arabic kunya (honorific) for a parent: Umm = mother (of) Yasmin (my daughter's name).

    Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Hugs
    LadySin reacted to toobigtobeallowed in How did you pick your user name?   
    I was bullied for my size when I was a child and turned to Harry Potter for comfort. One phrase used to describe Hagrid resonated with me - he appeared "simply too big to be allowed". It summed up how my peers made me feel, and how I have continued to feel ever since. I'm now taking a two prong approach to feel better about myself - a sleeve on the 9th to fix the physical, and a psych every fortnight to fix the mental.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. Like
    LadySin reacted to Neri in How did you pick your user name?   
    It's a shortened version of my usual username, Nerisyns.

    Nerisyns was the name of one of my favorite Dungeons and Dragons characters. It then became my handle on a couple MMORPGs, and eventually became my username for just about everything.
  14. Like
    LadySin reacted to MMME in How did you pick your user name?   
    Thank you. My favourite sister is also 72 and had bypass 5 years ago. She's like a new woman with the weight gone.
  15. Haha
    LadySin reacted to ProudGrammy in Peace Out!   
    wait, what - you were not here!!
    I saw your earlier post that you were gonna be gone. I thought to myself woo hoo,
    no more Fluf for awhile!! you came back too soon!! I mean so quickly. didn't have a
    chance to miss you!!🤣
    welcome home!! nice to see you!! (maybe i did miss you a little) lol
  16. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from mousecat88 in Bread... oof   
    Warning TMI ahead! I haven't even had my surgery yet but I've been eating extremely clean for about two months now. No breads, rice or Pasta. No added sugers. meat only on the weekends. EVERY TIME I've taken a bite of something I shouldn't have *a bite of wife's crab roll last weekend, and a pulled mushroom sandwich on sourdough the week before that) I PEE FROM MY BOOTY!
    I can't believe my body has the nerve to dump already!
    Not really mad, because it was stuff I shouldn't have eaten anyway. 😝
  17. Congrats!
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in Bread... oof   
    I don't even get the chance to dump, too busy errping up. My surgeon said yesterday keep trying gently to eat, but if that fails the TPN should sustain you, just keep up with meds, Vitamins and minerals also. Wasn't planning such a pist-surgery life, but this journey is MINE even if it isn't a straight line to where I am going!👈😕👉🎢🚙
  18. Like
    LadySin reacted to Ken S. in email address invalid   
    Thank you for the heads up! We're working for a fix on this - you do not need to change your email address 🙂
  19. Like
    LadySin reacted to mousecat88 in Bread... oof   
    Cauliflower bread!! I ordered some from Cauliflour but haven't tried it yet. My mom says they are fantastic.
  20. Haha
    LadySin reacted to elcee in Bread... oof   
    Sounds like a great alternative to sleeping pills
  21. Like
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in Follow up to: I know this is long, but please read it. I got some big news about my situation   
    Excellent Point Lady Sin, what if he did this to your friend or daughter? Could you accept this happening to them?
  22. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from GreenTealael in Follow up to: I know this is long, but please read it. I got some big news about my situation   
    You've got me there. BUT (i'm going to pick on you OP) This person (from my crappy perceptive) allowed the original doctor to walk all over them. Very understandably common for patients. Medicine can be intimidating. So that's why I made the doormat comment. (Again sorry OP, I do truly understand)
  23. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from GreenTealael in Follow up to: I know this is long, but please read it. I got some big news about my situation   
    You've got me there. BUT (i'm going to pick on you OP) This person (from my crappy perceptive) allowed the original doctor to walk all over them. Very understandably common for patients. Medicine can be intimidating. So that's why I made the doormat comment. (Again sorry OP, I do truly understand)
  24. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from GreenTealael in Follow up to: I know this is long, but please read it. I got some big news about my situation   
    They also have incredible malpractice insurance for when these cases arise.
    Don't be a doormat. Don't turn the other cheek. You can get a lawyer as every bit as good as that doctor's. In an ideal occurrence you wouldn't even have to sue. Everything will be take care of via negations between the lawyers. Maybe you can get back any money you have to come out of pocket with for the revision.
    Get a good lawyer and there will be no stress on your part. Your job is to heal and get better. Your lawyer would take care of the rest.
  25. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from GreenTealael in Follow up to: I know this is long, but please read it. I got some big news about my situation   
    I'm not lawyer and sure as hell don't play one on TV but Id say it doen't hurt to look into getting a lwyer. They'll be better able to tell you if you have a case, and the inital consultation is usually free.
    Think of it this way. If you're mechanic fucked up your car, and didn't have the balls to even run some tests, but decided to blame you. You then find another mechanic that says "Yup, he fucked your whip up" would you seek to hold the old mechanic accountable? I know I would.

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