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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    LadySin reacted to insta_adventurer in No pizza for 4-5 months???   
    This varies by plan.

    Also- keep in mind you are doing this to break those habits. After awhile your carb cravings will subside a bit. And maybe you’ll slip up and take a bite of that pizza, but the important thing is to get back on your plan and stick to it as best you can.

    The truth is you have to find other things that make you feel good and comfort you post-op, because using food to do these things is what got many of us here to begin with.

    I never thought I could give up soda or carbonated beverages. Drank them every day for basically my entire life. Drank them more than Water. But here I am- four months out- haven’t had even a sip of soda and don’t really mind that. Are you gonna let not eating pizza for a few months stop you from your goals?
  2. Like
    LadySin reacted to Jazzy1125 in No pizza for 4-5 months???   
    I found in Walmart the other night, the so real good pizzas where the crust is made from chicken and they only have 4 carbs per snack size. I think the snack size will be good for our sleeves. I bought a box of those to try around christmas or new year when i can eat again LOL.. I am baing sleeved tomorrow.
  3. Like
    LadySin reacted to Matt Z in No Pain Medications   
    First off, you don't know the surrounding circumstances to the patient that didn't get the meds. We all go through a pre-op screening, if that patient was flagged for previous abuse issues, that would be just 1 reason why they would not be given opioids.
    As someone in the medical field myself, there are a few issues here. That nurse disclosing another patients care, pain and prescriptions is a major violation of their HIPAA rights. There is no way to know or verify without reviewing that patients medical chart to know if there were other reasons why they were not given opioids. There are quite a few reasons why someone would not be prescribed opioids.

    This whole ordeal is hearsay and rumor spread illegally about another patients private, protected information.
  4. Like
    LadySin reacted to NYJenn in No Pain Medications   
    I wouldn’t listen to any gossip coming from a nurse that would openly discuss another patients medication with you. Sounds like she just likes stirring up trouble and is beyond unprofessional
  5. Like
    LadySin reacted to johnsons13 in No Pain Medications   
    The nurse shouldn't have been discussing the other patient. But also by not moving around the gas hurts even worse. I have had numerous surgeries and I'm the first one up and moving/walking as soon as the catheter is out even if they tell me to wait i'll walk around my room. It relieves the soreness and the gas. But, I'm an addict.. I was on pain pill first then heroin in the end. I go in to all my dr's and tell them about my addiction history and I'm clean and sober 7 1/2 years. My doc gave me a morphine pump at first then it was only Tylenol and I have Hep C, so I had to take low doses of anything with acetametaphin in it. The nurse might not have known what that patient discussed with the doctor beforehand. I know when I had my hysterectomy my ob/gyn didn't tell the nurses I said no opiates and even though I told the nurse I was an addict, she was trying to get me to get an opiate by saying "honey, take something stronger, I can get the dr to send up a prescription for it." I told her I was fine a thousand times.
  6. Like
    LadySin reacted to FluffyChix in Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's weight loss challenge   
    Yeah you are (from the South), cuz of your mama and daddy. The two of them gave you that accent and the primordial love of all things rice. ROFL! South Carolina has their "golden rice" that is a heritage breed and base so many dishes on rice. And amplify that for Louisiana! And as long as you're talking Michigan, don't forget about the wild rice fields up there!

  7. Like
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's weight loss challenge   
    Eat Okra, maybe the rice will slide out better? See, I actually LIKE the stuff, maybe it, spoon bread, and collard greens are my rice, although the greens do keep you looser!
  8. Like
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's weight loss challenge   
    And I had so many Southern aunts and uncles marry in that I am an Official Buckeye Red neck . Family just shakes their heads with me, my greens and Hot Sauce, Need to cook me some more, like Mama's Milk maybe they would stay down!
  9. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's weight loss challenge   
    Dangit the curse has followed me here as well! My dad is from Louisiana and my mom is South Carolina. Here I am, born, bred, raised in Michigan, yet as soon as I open I mouth people are like "what part of Texas are you from?" 😒
    OMG all the jokes in school! I was cowgirl this, or Texas toast that. Where on this side of the Mason-Dixon is this mystery accent this people claim I have!?
    A long time ago when I was a bright eyed and bushy tailed Sin, I was working in a retirement home. This one dude I was taking care of was blind and deaf so he had this device that we would speak into and it would amplify our voice to his headphones. Well that thing sucked ass because we'd have to yell into that thing so damn hard! Whenever I'd take care of him he's say "Oh you're that county gal" Or my favorite "Oh is everything bigger in Texas, or are you just happy to see me?" I'm stuck wondering WTF are you talking about old man? Are you sure you're telling this joke right?Instead I'd just fake laugh. Oh the things we'll tolerate for pay.
    So long story short; no. No I ain't from the south sweetheart. 😂
  10. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's weight loss challenge   
    Dangit the curse has followed me here as well! My dad is from Louisiana and my mom is South Carolina. Here I am, born, bred, raised in Michigan, yet as soon as I open I mouth people are like "what part of Texas are you from?" 😒
    OMG all the jokes in school! I was cowgirl this, or Texas toast that. Where on this side of the Mason-Dixon is this mystery accent this people claim I have!?
    A long time ago when I was a bright eyed and bushy tailed Sin, I was working in a retirement home. This one dude I was taking care of was blind and deaf so he had this device that we would speak into and it would amplify our voice to his headphones. Well that thing sucked ass because we'd have to yell into that thing so damn hard! Whenever I'd take care of him he's say "Oh you're that county gal" Or my favorite "Oh is everything bigger in Texas, or are you just happy to see me?" I'm stuck wondering WTF are you talking about old man? Are you sure you're telling this joke right?Instead I'd just fake laugh. Oh the things we'll tolerate for pay.
    So long story short; no. No I ain't from the south sweetheart. 😂
  11. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's weight loss challenge   
    Dangit the curse has followed me here as well! My dad is from Louisiana and my mom is South Carolina. Here I am, born, bred, raised in Michigan, yet as soon as I open I mouth people are like "what part of Texas are you from?" 😒
    OMG all the jokes in school! I was cowgirl this, or Texas toast that. Where on this side of the Mason-Dixon is this mystery accent this people claim I have!?
    A long time ago when I was a bright eyed and bushy tailed Sin, I was working in a retirement home. This one dude I was taking care of was blind and deaf so he had this device that we would speak into and it would amplify our voice to his headphones. Well that thing sucked ass because we'd have to yell into that thing so damn hard! Whenever I'd take care of him he's say "Oh you're that county gal" Or my favorite "Oh is everything bigger in Texas, or are you just happy to see me?" I'm stuck wondering WTF are you talking about old man? Are you sure you're telling this joke right?Instead I'd just fake laugh. Oh the things we'll tolerate for pay.
    So long story short; no. No I ain't from the south sweetheart. 😂
  12. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from Healthy_life in Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's weight loss challenge   
    Challenge Starting weight: 256.9 Current weight lost: Unknown. Will weight tomorrow! Losing or maintaining weight: losing Fitness/exercise goal: I bought this awesome desk elliptical thingy called Cubii jr. I love it! I use it at my desk all day. I'm gonna have legs like Tina Turner! I also do upper body weight training with resistance bands. Total weight loss at the end of challenge: (Post January 1st 2019) Check in: Tell us how you are doing - (How is your diet and exercise plan going? Any struggles? Stress level? What have you overcome? Any strategies that have helped) Alright dog, what had happend was....CHRISTMAS! You want to know what I did for two days straight? No i didn't eat sweets. Didn't take a sip of egg nog. Didn't even lick pie off my wife's fingers. (A decision I regret deeply) No, none of that stuff! What I did do however, was eat more rice then I have possibly eaten in my life. Not not Black rice, not even brown. In fact the only color evolved with said rice was the guy on the box. No ladies in gents, the culprit was plain, Old. White. Rice. With copious amounts of garlic and onions. I mean whyyy Sin? Whhyyy! Now I'm stuck feeling as bloated as the national debt, and have gotten to know my toilet bowl very well. I'm even on first name bases with the one here a work, Man f**k rice!
  13. Congrats!
    LadySin reacted to AshMarie794 in Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's weight loss challenge   
    Challenge Starting Weight: 209
    Weight Lost as of Christmas Day: 65 lbs!!
    Still Loosing and same fitness goal
  14. Like
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in Stricture or hernia...oh my   
    Firehorse🐎, now that I have started on my Weight loss I'm not as big as a House🏡ANYMORE!
  15. Like
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in Stricture or hernia...oh my   
    Okay, just like an old firehouse who heard the bell and tries to put her own bridle on, here I am. I have had 7 endoscopies in my life , 1 transnasally, the other 6 standard route through the 👄 mouth. I believe that might qualify me as a lay witness if not a near pro. So ask Auntie Frustr8 anything you want!
    I was asleep for all but one. Even that time it was not one tad scary.
    Normally they spray the back of your throat with a numbing novacaine type spray. You gargle it for a designated amount of time and then swallow it down. And you feel it numbing as it goes down. I equate it like an icicle going down but not choaky. Okay I am a Buckeye born and bred, a sports geek, an only child so not only was I Mama's little Angel Princess, I was Daddy's Tomboy Fishing and Hunting sidekick. So I mentally hum the first 6-8 bars of Buckeye Battle Cry in my head, that way I'm concentrating. on 🎶 music instead of the taste which isn't world class wonderful. The you lay down on your left side, and they put a mouth gag in, well that is its name but not all that big, the ones I had done at KCH, my local community hospital, were kind of black and big, whereas at OSU they were smaller and clear white, maybe an inch to 1.5 across, basically to just keep you from biting the fiberoptic tube, they give you sedation through the IV and you're smoothly asleep, when you wake back up, it's over, doesn't take very long, if you have someone skillful like my Dr Noria you won't even get a sore throat or anything.
    Now for the one when I didn't go to sleep. I should state I have red hair, the color is called strawberry Golden Blonde, on bottles but,mine is natural. Okay redheads need a higher dose than brunettes and the rest of sedation, somebody miscalculated. We went through the usual drill, the steps I cited above, one of the helpers, Anesthesia or a junior surgeon? Anyway after stretching out on my left side, the voice said" You'll be dropping off to sleep but I DIDN'T. Now I could not actually feel the tube go down, wasn't panicked , figured I would doze off any minute so I watched it in the monitor just like Dr Noria did, she was standing in front,of my table about hip height or lower and at a 30% angle to the table. Now I am kind of a medical geek, requested to be awake for my colonoscopy before, so this was like YouTube only better, because it was ME. Now I did feel the tube as she extracted it, rather a swoosh sensation, about like the sensation you would feel at a gentle dentist office visit. She removed my mouth gag and said. "You can wake her up now!" I rolled onto my back and announced " I've been awake the whole time" other doctors looked at me like I dreamed it. Dr Noria looked abashed for a second and then said "I guess I don't have to tell you what I found" Nope I saw the ulcerations also. Not one drop Scary Larry for me, I was honored got to see it all! But I requested the next time I be given enough to doze off, it had been a Bear of a Week, had a traumatic few days of relocating and moving, and I honestly needed the relaxation, I had not been sleeping well, and I didn't even want to irritate my Precious Pouch with even mild acetaminophen. But if you're the 1 in a million occurance I was, it is Not A Bad thing.
    sugar free POPSICLES helped me boost up my Fluid intakes, use your baby clear medicine cup, use a teaspoon to drip more down. Yes a bag of IV fluid, even 2 if necessary, you feel like you have a new lease on life. Just remember what goes in once you get it in, will need to come out, so stay close to nearby plumbing.
    And you will be having your upper GI on my birthday and I will want know how things go, I have a repeat one on December 28 myself. Relax kid, you will do fine!

  16. Like
    LadySin reacted to Pelara in January 2019   
    I am preparing for a January 15th approved date. Looking forward to a better quality of life!
  17. Like
    LadySin reacted to Orchids&Dragons in I don’t feel much different!   
    You're one of the lucky ones! People only feel restriction with fluids if they have a lot of swelling which makes it difficult for the liquid to trickle through the stomach. liquids don't stay in your pouch, but just "slide" through into your intestines. You won't feel real restriction until you get to soft foods.
  18. Like
    LadySin reacted to Lolo 2020 in Eating   
    My nutritionist said just be sensible - ur can eat 600-800 calories a day and try to get at least 60g Protein - I am 5 days post op and eating about 550 a day with 70g-80 g protein . I’m also pushing the walking though ...
  19. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in Eating   
    Try thinning the Soup out with Bone Broth to reduce the cals and add a crunchy Protein chips or cracker instead of Ritz crackers if those are worrisome to you.
    Measure and track everything!
    Safe journey!
  20. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Let me also say thank you for giving a few days heads up on this. Most of the time it's like damn, give me some time to hide the rice!
  21. Like
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in Choices of liquids   
    Where does the Fluid go? Pretty much straight through, be you sleeve or Bypass, except for me with Precious Pouch and her pinhole drain out. And if you are up for 8 hours, drinking a 8 oz☕ glass. per hour or 2 oz every 15 minutes, by the time you get completed--' you will have been putting out pale lemonade colored urine. And woe be you if you finish up late in the evening, because you will be up all night, running back and forth. And that is just how,it happens!💦🚽
  22. Like
    LadySin reacted to SimoneMonet in Jan 2019 bypass buddies   
    Congrats to all who are on your liquid diet. I have been on mine as well to prep for my Jan 2 surgery. Only lost 5 lbs though since starting. But still, better than nothing. I know I will be losing more slowly due to being on Steroids. For the most part I've been drinking Powerade, eating creamy Soup, 2 Protein Drinks and sugar free pudding, Water, and a portion of grits per day. My only distraction was a stale bag of Fritos I found in the cupboard. I ate a single Frito and then wet the entire rest of the bag so I wouldn't be able to eat more. HA. 🤪 I felt like a crazy person doing that but honestly I typically don't gorge but the thought of something crunchy almost drove me bonkers..LOL.
    I only wanted to say is that I am experiencing extreme anxiety regarding the surgery. I am not an anxious person by nature, but I couldn't even drive home from our Christmas holiday today. Now home I'm feeling a little better. I think it's a combo of being on this liquid diet and the never ending headache (6 days) I have currently as I wean off of caffeine, diet cokes, solids, and Aleve that I use for my Rheumatoid Arthritis. And I'm cold. I guess without carbs to keep me warm. I'm cold - a chill that just WON'T go away and I ache a bit. So I bought a heating pad - since the Surgeon said to bring one along to the hospital, but I'm using it even now to stay warm.
    And...my husband..who cannot afford to lose weight - lost 7 lbs this week as he was trying to not distract me with foods that I cannot eat so he ate the same thing. Sweet, but oy that made me feel guilty.
    I've also made sure to walk at least 30 mins per day since starting the liquid diet. I figured I'd better be prepared before going into surgery to do that so I can continue afterward!
    HUGS to all of you!! Keep positive - stick to your liquid diets. Keep your eye on the goal!
  23. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from Fatcutie81 in I had my pre-op tests this morning!   
    So what you're saying is. You took a test to see how well you could swallow and It looked like your throat had a penis in it? So what's the problem? 😈
  24. Like
    LadySin reacted to sillykitty in Is it working ??   
    You have lost 32 lbs in 6 weeks. Seems like it is working to me
  25. Like
    LadySin reacted to mi75 in Coming up on 5 year anniversary and slowing starting to gain   
    It's really THIS topic that most newbies don't realize is going to be the issue. Losing is easy. The surgery does a lot of the work. BUT...several years out is when the work needs to be done by you and your choices.
    Yes this is a lifelong thing. For me, I chose an eating style that was very easy to follow, lost all of my regain and committed to staying the course. The weight doesn't just automatically stay off. And yes, the further out your are the more likely you are to struggle.
    If you've fallen off track the best thing is to just see the doc, see the Nut, attend a support group, etc. This helps get you back on track. And start logging food, Water, movement, etc. You got this!

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