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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    LadySin reacted to FluffyChix in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Ok, I'm in!
    SW: 287.4lbs
    CW: 150.4lbs
    GW #2: 140lbs
    GW #3: 130lbs
    10.5 months post op RNY
    I'm at #1 goal weight, but I want to lose more!!! I want to see if I can destroy my thunder thighs once and for all!
    Consume 60-74g or more Protein per day
    Take all my Vitamins
    Get in 100+ oz Fluid a day
    Start logging faithfully
    Start exercising again today! Walk 1hour 6 days per week, and add in strength training and core building exercises 3 days per week.
    I too have grown complacent over the holidays and it shows. Even though my weight and waist size are stable and the same as they were pre-holiday, from looking at my pics, it looks like I'm "soft" and spongy? Like my tummy is bigger and my thighs look flabbier!! Grrrr!!! More thigh rub! Ok....I'm a do this thing!
    (Sorry, I still have 1 MORE Christmas to Celebrate this weekend and presents left to be wrapped. It's the Christmas that never ends! *sigh*)
    Here's my starting pic - 1/1/2019

  2. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from FluffyChix in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Starting weight is 249.9. My January goals are to make it to the 230's before my surgery on the 15th of this month, and have a successful surgery! Tonight I go in for pre surgery instructions and what not. I still don't know the exact time of my surgery. I was told that the hospital would call the night before. Whhhhy? Why must they torture me so? Don't they know I'm a planner!?
  3. Hugs
    LadySin reacted to sillykitty in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Thanks for not mentioning my pasty white legs!
  4. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Awwww recreate the look!
    this challenge is a little unique because you create the rukei you want to follow ! So you choose your goal etc. The other stuff is for fun and participation!
    And incentives for winners...
  5. Like
    LadySin reacted to FluffyChix in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Yay!!! So the before pics are our "present current weight pics"? Cuz if you don't take a pic of it, it never happened? Damn! Why didn't I know this so I coulda taken a photo yesterday when I was glammed up. Now today I'm "the day after the party"...and that's never a good look! *snic*
  6. Like
    LadySin reacted to sillykitty in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Oh, and one more caveat for me, all those goals apply (except for logging) when I'm home. All bets are off when I'm traveling. Fluids, Protein and Vitamins are tough to all manage on the road, and I'm not super motivated to make that happen.
  7. Like
    LadySin reacted to sillykitty in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    I'm in!
    SW: 243
    CW: 137.8
    GW: 135
    11 months post op
    Small caveat, my current weight is last time I weighed myself on 12/27. I won't get back to a scale until 1/4, and I'll try to remember to weigh in.
    I'm at goal weight, so I don't necessarily want to lose more (unless I can choose where the weight comes from ). The 135 was my recent post WLS low weight.
    Consume 50 g or more Protein per day
    Take all my Vitamins
    Get in 64 oz Fluid a day
    Start logging again
    I know, back to basics. I've gotten very complacent the last few months as I approached goal. But I know for my long term health I need to get more protein in and take my vitamins. On a practical note I have a sh*t ton of protein supplements, so I need to get through those. Pantry clean out challenge as well! The hydration thing, meh, I'm not a true believer , but I do know if I drink more, I eat less, so there is that. And I need to start logging again so I can find the balance between losing, gaining and maintaining.
    Here's my starting pic - 1/1/2019

  8. Like
    LadySin reacted to JessLess in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    I'm in. Here's my start picture 1_2_19 216 lbs.
    Jan goals:
    More physical therapy More Treadmill
  9. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    January goals: use timers all month
  10. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   

  11. Hugs
    LadySin reacted to SimoneMonet in Jan 2019 bypass buddies   
    Alrighty - here goes January! Headed out to the hospital to be the first surgery of the day! Packed with heating pad, charger, robe for wandering the halls to remove gas from gut..LOL. I'm at 290 as of this morning. Lost 17 lbs on the liquid diet.
    See y'all on the flip side!
  12. Congrats!
    LadySin got a reaction from GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    I'd say! Looking forward to starting this challenge. My goal is to lose 15lbs in these 14 days before surgery. Completely doable at my size. I feel I'll be cheating a bit since I am having surgery on the 15th, but I'm not sitting this one out!
  13. Congrats!
    LadySin got a reaction from GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Can't wait Not waiting for the new me! She's here now!

  14. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from ElectricBoogaloo in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Let me also say thank you for giving a few days heads up on this. Most of the time it's like damn, give me some time to hide the rice!
  15. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from Jean E. in Breast Lift with Implants   
    Girl get the them titties lifted if you want to! Age ain't nothing but a number!
  16. Like
    LadySin reacted to NurseNattie in I take opiate blockers how bad is the pain   
    Talk to your doctor. Dont think that just because someone else did good with tylenol you will, too. I had a TAP block and still was in torturous amounts of pain. My surgeon is highly experienced and probably trained many of the other surgeons now practicing. My daughter had surgery and took only one dose of narcotic pain medications afterwards. I had surgery and took roxicodone almost around the clock for 3 weeks. I was still in so much pain I couldn't roll over in bed without help. Your hope may be to not use opioid medications, but you better go in with a backup plan.
  17. Like
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in Whole lot of pre-op concerns..   
    Only you can answer that. The fact you are here shows you realize few, if. anyone can do it without some interventions. I am old as the hills, I have subjected myself to some downright weird diet plans, because I was desperate to lose weight, tired of people treating me like a second-class citizen, which is how obese people are treated. I got weary of people telling me I was lazy, unmotivated, uncommited, that I desired to look the way I did. And the older you get the worse the slings and arrows get, you have people telling you that you are a waste of space, you have cornered too much of the world's food , people are dying in the South Sudan because of you and you alone.
    Only you know if you have reached a breaking point. I stood it a lot longer than I should have, I was taught to repect others, to not make wavesm The fact they didn't respect me didn't seem part of the equation. But we all reach out own Rubicon. If you have, seek surgery, use your surgery for the good of you, and live health at a weight you desire. If you don't I still wish you well. Everybody has to live their life.
  18. Congrats!
    LadySin got a reaction from GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    I'd say! Looking forward to starting this challenge. My goal is to lose 15lbs in these 14 days before surgery. Completely doable at my size. I feel I'll be cheating a bit since I am having surgery on the 15th, but I'm not sitting this one out!
  19. Congrats!
    LadySin got a reaction from GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Can't wait Not waiting for the new me! She's here now!

  20. Like
    LadySin reacted to ABawdyMermaid in January surgeries?!   
    They instructed me to take some over the counter meds, but things may be different here in Finland as far as what kinds of drugs are available for Constipation. All I know is what I have at the moment tastes putrid, but I'll drink it if I have to, lol.
  21. Thanks
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    I hope you can do it, well shoot, I DO believe you can and will do it! GO FOR IT!
  22. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Lasts night was lit... but time to come back to reality.
    Official beginning weight in is tomorrow but today the before pics can roll in!!!!!
    Welcome to the
    ❤ January 2018 Challenge ❤
  23. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from ElectricBoogaloo in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Let me also say thank you for giving a few days heads up on this. Most of the time it's like damn, give me some time to hide the rice!
  24. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from ElectricBoogaloo in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    I'm definitely in it to win it! I came late to the other challenges so I'd love to be here from the start!
  25. Like
    LadySin reacted to Tiffany RNY in No pizza for 4-5 months???   
    I figured my post would get this reaction, but I have to disagree with you. I think saying “I don’t think I can go 4-5 months without pizza” is a negative mindset. The reality for anyone that thinks that is, “yes you can go without pizza for 5 months”. Not saying that you can’t have pizza or whatever junk food for the rest of your life. That’s not realistic. But if your dr says you can’t have _____ food for X amount of months, and the response is “I’m unable to do that”, I think it’s fair to question if that person is ready to take on a life changing surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
