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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from FluffyChix in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    I hope so because as of right now if that thing was a thong it would be all up in my ass!
    *2019 Goals*
    This year I'm reaching my goal weight of between 140 and 160. As the Dothraki say "This is known". By the end of year I'll be gaining weight in the form of muscle. This too is known.
  2. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from FluffyChix in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    I hope so because as of right now if that thing was a thong it would be all up in my ass!
    *2019 Goals*
    This year I'm reaching my goal weight of between 140 and 160. As the Dothraki say "This is known". By the end of year I'll be gaining weight in the form of muscle. This too is known.
  3. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from FluffyChix in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    I hope so because as of right now if that thing was a thong it would be all up in my ass!
    *2019 Goals*
    This year I'm reaching my goal weight of between 140 and 160. As the Dothraki say "This is known". By the end of year I'll be gaining weight in the form of muscle. This too is known.
  4. Like
    LadySin reacted to FluffyChix in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Ok here goes - my update for today...I did great yesterday until I fell into an ounce of smokehouse almonds Santa brought me in my stocking...LOL. Notice I'm totally innocent? hehe
    #1. DONE!
    #2. January Goals:
    Log everything in MFP
    Don't cheat on my food plan
    Walk 6 days per week for at least 1 hour total
    Weight train or core exercises 3 days per week
    Minimize alcohol or stop it completely
    Shoot for 140lbs by January 31 when I see my gorgeous PS to talk about getting the girls reworked and getting "nerples"

  5. Thanks
    LadySin reacted to Amanda Dutton LPC in Sharing my knowledge - my 14-year Surgi-versary!   
    Hi, everyone!
    Today (1/3/19) is my 14 year surgi-versary, and I wanted to Celebrate by sharing the gift of knowledge with anyone who may be a few steps behind me.
    1. Be kind to yourself. This journey is long and hard and most definitely bumpy - but it's yours to do with as you see fit. Don't settle, but don't beat yourself up for a misstep. We did that for too long before surgery, k?
    2. Be strong. You are your own best advocate. You know your body, and you know when something is not right. Push for answers. Assert yourself. Fight for what you need.
    3. Be vulnerable. Cry, scream, punch pillows - do whatever works and won't get you in trouble, hurt or arrested. Be emotional. Keeping those feelings stuck deep inside is what lead many of us to overeating. Don't give feelings back that power.
    4. Be open. Ask for help. Seek help. It may feel weird and strange and icky, I know. But take care of yourself. Self-care isn't selfish. It's totally selfLESS. We can't do anything for people that need us if we fall apart, so flip the script and practice recognizing self-care as the greatest gift you can give others.
    5. Be grateful. Every day. Even for something small. Each time we wake up, it's a reminder that we get another opportunity to make a change in ourselves and the world.
    And above all else...
    BE YOU.
    ~SW: 278 CW: 165~
    RNY 1/5/2005
    "What got you here won't get you there."
  6. Like
    LadySin reacted to FluffyChix in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Me3!! Holy hotness! Legs for days. I wanna be her when I grow up!!!
  7. Like
    LadySin reacted to DollfaceD in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    It’s so inspiring to see you guys who are near goal weight accepting this challenge and showing us that there really is no perfect way to use this tool!
  8. Like
    LadySin reacted to Orchids&Dragons in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    I'm in, better late than never. My goal is to quit grazing all day. I've been doing it ever since February and it's GOT TO STOP!

  9. Like
    LadySin reacted to sillykitty in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Me too!
  10. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    I'm sooooo jealous of those legs...
  11. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Now it's a party! Please like and follow the thread so I can account for all participants !
  12. Like
    LadySin reacted to NYJenn in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Starting stats-bypass completed on July 10, 2018
    January 1st-197lbs
    Down 91 lbs, still losing 😊
    Weight goal for the month-10 pounds

  13. Like
    LadySin reacted to ummyasmin in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Oooh I'm in too. Imma have to convert my numbers to pounds but why not hey?
    SW: 127.5 kg / 281 lbs
    CW: 112.9 / 249
    GW for Jan: 108 / 238

    Jan Goals:
    - Lose a kilo a week
    - make up all my Ramadan missed fasts
    - keep net carbs under 50 a day

    Photo is from Dec 29 but close enough

    Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. Like
    LadySin reacted to DollfaceD in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    2 months post op.
    HW: 262
    SW: 245
    CW: 209
    Goal: 145

    Before pic.

  15. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
  16. Like
    LadySin reacted to ElectricBoogaloo in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    I love that bustier!! The good news/bad news it that soon it will be way too big!! You will have to buy another one!😊
  17. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from FluffyChix in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    I hope so because as of right now if that thing was a thong it would be all up in my ass!
    *2019 Goals*
    This year I'm reaching my goal weight of between 140 and 160. As the Dothraki say "This is known". By the end of year I'll be gaining weight in the form of muscle. This too is known.
  18. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Thanks all you gorgeous beautiful healthier people for joining!! Can't wait to see more updates! And I totally didn't touch a Protein cookie yet!
  19. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Jan. 3:
    All of my 2018 goals were mainly based around trying to repair my failing health (you don't realize what you have until it's gone gone gone) although I had surgery in Nov. 2017, I didn't learn to really focus on myself until 2018.

  20. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Wouldn't leave without you!
  21. Like
    LadySin reacted to ElectricBoogaloo in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Hold the bus...wait for meeeee....

    SW: 210.8
    CW: 180.8
    GW: 140

    January goals:
    Exercise 5-6 days/week
    80 oz water/day
    Lose an inch in the hips!

  22. Like
    LadySin reacted to Sosewsue61 in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Late Lulu here, wasn't reading notifications. Thanks @GreenTealael
    I can manage this better than IF, I think. Late but balls to the walls. HW:247. PreSW:232. SW:209. SD:10/24/17 CW:173
    I have been waffling, snacking, slacking, and not tracking for chit for months now, constantly losing and gaining the same 3-4 pounds.
    Goal#1- track (been doing it for 3 days now) Goal#2 - go back to basics
    I will do more pics friday....

  23. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    I need some sleep because I totally read this as white Pasta legs and I was like bihhh no white pasta during the challenge...
  24. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Starting weight is 249.9. My January goals are to make it to the 230's before my surgery on the 15th of this month, and have a successful surgery! Tonight I go in for pre surgery instructions and what not. I still don't know the exact time of my surgery. I was told that the hospital would call the night before. Whhhhy? Why must they torture me so? Don't they know I'm a planner!?
  25. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Music helps me live. Thanks for this!

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