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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    LadySin reacted to ummyasmin in Food Before and After Photos   
    dinner tonight: prawns lightly pan fried in 0.5 tsp oil and a small dash of Nando's Lemon Herb marinade; air-fryer sweet potato (par cooked in microwave and seasoned before air frying with spray of rapeseed) and a salad with Walden's Creamy Italian. No after photo coz I ate it alllllllll.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Like
    LadySin reacted to Walter.Sobchak in 800 Calories Per Day   
    I have that book, I downloaded it but never read it. In addition to all my addiction issues I also suffer from OCD and Major Depressive Disorder. Pretty awesome combination of mental illness and addiction issues. I don’t know how my wife has stood by me for 8 years.
  3. Like
    LadySin reacted to FluffyChix in 800 Calories Per Day   
    Walter. You've been so honest with us. Thank you for sharing your struggle and triumph. YOU have great power inside you to figure this stuff out and not be a victim to your addictive nature/genetics or whatever it is that predisposed you towards these substances!
    Please, please, please work on getting to the point where you are just sick of continuing sliding down the slippery slope and regaining all your hard lost weight? PLEASE? I know this is the last area that you get to control. And there must be some part of you that is wanting the high that comes from medicating with food (dopamine/seratonin rush). Why not talk to your surgeon or PCP about prescribing I think it's something like Contrave? Or naltrexone? They give it for food addictions but also to help curb alcohol and drug cravings. Then start working your OA program, just as you work your AA program.
    Don't let having 3 kids give you the excuse to cave to the craving. You don't want to be obese. I think you don't. Right? It's hard, but you can do it. Someone mentioned a book that is really helpful and free on Amazon for Kindle called Never Binge Again. A dude wrote it and you might relate to it. It really is a helpful book. I have used it for years to help with my BE behaviors.
    You got this bro. Just take that 2nd step now that you've taken the 1st step!!!
  4. Like
    LadySin reacted to Walter.Sobchak in 800 Calories Per Day   
    Naw, your joke about methadone is not offensive. I am not some fragile person that cannot take a joke. The only drug I ever struggled with was weed, I still love it. But sadly I cannot use it or it will consume me, all I will want to do is get high. And I don’t mean just a little high, I mean like semi coma high. I am an alcoholic to the bone, I cannot even have one drink or I will drink every day after that. The only option I have is to abstain and stay sober.
    I used to go to OA about 10 years ago.
    I never got really that active into it, but liked the meetings. I have found a meeting near my house, but haven’t gone yet. I am a food addict for sure, I will abuse food just like a drug.
  5. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in 800 Calories Per Day   
    That's some honesty right there...
  6. Like
    LadySin reacted to Walter.Sobchak in 800 Calories Per Day   
    I do not believe I would be approved for a gastric bypass, nor would I want to put myself through that process again. The bottom line is I am a food addict and I eat too much. All the newbies on here posting about how little they eat, there was a time that was all I could eat as well. Just wait till you are further out. It will get easier and easier to take in more calories and that is when you will have to have self control.
  7. Like
    LadySin reacted to ummyasmin in Rant about a friend   
    Friendships are kind of like a joint bank account where if its healthy, both people make deposits and both make withdrawals. If she has made a lot of friendship deposits in the past (being supportive, listening to you, helping you out, giving in your time of need etc.) then it just might be her time to make a few withdrawals now (your time to support her, even if it feels a bit one way).
    But, if you're always making deposits and she is always making withdrawals, it's not a friendship, it's codependency or she might be a user. Only you can honestly know which.

    But if it's creating feelings of resentment in you, it might be worth examining whether this friendship can really be kept alive or not. Sometimes relationships come to an end and its time to move on, as difficult as it may seem.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Like
    LadySin reacted to PopsFury in Dietician Stuff...help me not be a jerk...   
    I've worked with some amazing, knowledgeable dieticians. The ones I worked with for weight loss were quoting 20 year old research and were useless. But they were an Insurance requirement so I nodded and smiled and did what was right for me.
    Maybe you'll get a good one?
  9. Haha
    LadySin reacted to Sosewsue61 in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Proudest moment in 2018 - hmmm more than one I'm afraid
    When the physician's assistant said I had 'little legs' when she gave me a shot in my knee - I didn't register a word she said after that!
    When I had 'thigh gap'.....
    When I fit into size 10 jeans, I came busting out of the fitting room and shouted it out right there in Macy's!
  10. Like
    LadySin reacted to Naughty Glitter Goddess in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    My proudest moment of 2018 came in December and it was a culmination of all the hard work I've done this year. I believe the clarity of mind from healthy eating, the strong body from exercising, and my improved self esteem from having a smaller body all helped me succeed this year. On the 28th, I stayed up for an all night brain storming session and at the end of it I had an outline for my 1st business plan. I'm starting my own business and I'm going to be a CEO people! But I have to say one of the best parts was excitedly telling my husband about it the following morning and getting 100% support from him about my idea, my plan and the direction I want to take my life. That was a gift and the best accomplishment of 2018.

    But I don't have photo evidence of that one, just a scribbled business plan on the back of my grocery list so here's another one! See this huge container of popcorn? I did not eat one single kernel! How's that for willpower!

  11. Haha
    LadySin reacted to Healthy_life in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Drop dead gorgeous outfit and killer heels. You and @GreenTealael are the posh spice to my sporty spice. (Not a fan of the band)

  12. Like
    LadySin reacted to Healthy_life in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    50 pounds gone forever! Congrats on putting in the work on your marriage.
  13. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from Naughty Glitter Goddess in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Starting weight is 249.9. My January goals are to make it to the 230's before my surgery on the 15th of this month, and have a successful surgery! Tonight I go in for pre surgery instructions and what not. I still don't know the exact time of my surgery. I was told that the hospital would call the night before. Whhhhy? Why must they torture me so? Don't they know I'm a planner!?
  14. Like
    LadySin reacted to sillykitty in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Alright ... I'm back in town and officially starting today
    Weighed this morning -137.2. Not bad considering minibreak shenanigans
    January Goals - Protein, hydration & Vitamins
    2019 Goals - Keep my weight at 140 or lower, plastics in the fall
    Proudest Moment 2018
    Wearing outfits I NEVER thought I'd be able to pull off. Being able to feel sexy, confident and professional is AMAZING. I finally look like the person I've always thought I was inside my head. This one is probably my favorite.

  15. Like
    LadySin reacted to Healthy_life in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Not so proud moment of 2018. video below. Sorry for the language. I thought that this would be the way I would go out of this life.

  16. Like
    LadySin got a reaction from Healthy_life in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Some people punish an eye for an eye, this time it's going to be bun for a bun! (As mild a joke I could manage. I deleted several in my head. Ya'll go get me banned!)
    My proudest moment in 2018 was finally seeking mental help. Everyday is a struggle, some days more than others and recovery doesn't move in a straight line. BUT I feel healthier both physically and mentally better than I ever have. I never would have been able to achieve the weight loss on my own that I have so far if I had not reached out for professional help. In fact I'd be compost (Future goals, get cremated and thrown in a garden). Instead I've got decades more SINNING to get down too! My Pride or More time. I made a pretty OK choice
  17. Like
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in The Truth about Weight Loss Agents...   
    Bari-Pals read Alex Brechers thread above, Dr Almanza is mentioned by name in it, A CDC warning has gone out! Dangerous waters to try to Ford there!
  18. Like
    LadySin reacted to Nazia in The Truth about Weight Loss Agents...   
    I am 100% agree what you said about weight loss agents. They had teenagers working. I had my gastric sleeve done 2012 with Dr Almanza and that time I had great experience and no complications at all. They were new at that time and were offering more higher price but great service I paid 5k. But I just recently had my mummy makeover surgery done with Dr Rafael Camberos on September 2018 i went through weight loss agents. I have no complaints about Drs and their experience. Both Drs are great and have lost of experience but the patient after care is terrible very very very bad. Yes I agree the have young girls working as nurses there in the so called Grand View Hospital . They are not trained and have no patient care manners at all. All they do is socializing and laughing. If you need the help they give you totally strange look. You live there in the facility like a prisoner . I experience there few times personally they hide my call or service bell so I could not ask them for help and I had my whole body sore with Lipo and Tummy Tuck and armlift. I had stitches all over and I really needed someone help me lift up from bed or put bandage on my wounds but I had to ask few times before they come for help . If nurse will come for help, she look at you as a supervisor that you do everything yourself. I stayed there 6 night . Out of six nights they only provide 3 days food only . which was only one time of meal. But the price I paid for my surgery suppose to include meals as well. But only got one meal a day for only 3 days out of 6 days. After surgery you need energy from food to recover as well , but I swear to God I was starved to death . I got so weak in 6 days after so much blood lose and also from not been eaten. That Grand View hospital is too far and gated place you can't even go out to buy some food. And on top if you don't know Spanish that's another delama.
    I would not recommend anyone to go to that Grand view Hospital in Mexico. If you really spending money go to some one else for extra few hundred bucks but never ever go to Grand View hospital. I am lucky that I servived but I don't want anyone get the same experience like i had. I have tears in my eyes while I am writing this. Life is more important than money. Please do your research before booking any surgery with weight loss agents.
  19. Like
    LadySin reacted to Creekimp13 in The Truth about Weight Loss Agents...   
    I would wear clothes from Goodwill.
    I would buy food at Aldi.
    I would buy a fixer upper house, car, boat, etc..
    But when it comes to surgery, I wouldn't go anywhere but a center of excellence affiliated with a major trauma center and preferably at a major research hospital. My surgeon needs to be board certified in his/her specialty and must have a reputation for excellence.
    There are no guarantees in life. However, sometimes increasing the benefit-vs-risk odds is worth the extra cost.
    To each their own, however.

  20. Like
    LadySin reacted to GBLady41 in The Truth about Weight Loss Agents...   
    Sounds a little rehearsed to me. Not to mention the fact that you didn't even spell the surgeon's name right. Surely if he was your surgeon, the least research you would have done is to learn the correct spelling of his name.

    Seems like the fake testimonial is coming from you.

    We really need to do research, and not listen to people who can't even spell 'their' surgeon's name.

  21. Like
    LadySin reacted to faithlove in The Truth about Weight Loss Agents...   
    Why are you so upset? This site is to share info, knowledge and opinions. Sounds to me like you are one of the agents who are known to say exactly what you said. That its a tactic by a competitor. I find it offensive that we patients are treated as a herd a $ by these companies. That's why its so important to do research.

    Sent from my LG-H872 using BariatricPal mobile app

  22. Like
    LadySin reacted to watchoutinmexico in The Truth about Weight Loss Agents...   
    Don't let things like this discourage you, there are excellent doctors in Mexico with people who have had a very successful surgery and a 100% life change for the better. If you go to Almanza, you might have the change for the worse. For example, If you have a successful surgery with Almanza, you might want to check yourself for any cross-contamination issues in six months when returning from Almanza. Almanza has known to do up to 20 surgeries in one day. When doing your surgery research, one of the questions should be is how many surgeries can a surgeon do in one day? Here's is something to consider-An average surgery takes 1 hour (text book surgery without extra work, running into other extra patient issues, etc.). Clean up takes about another hour for appropriate sterilization and preparing for the next patient. If a surgeon does 5 patients, that's already 10 hours.
    WeightLossAgents and Almanza are committing gross negligence. They will lie to you and say there's no deaths, but knowingly will take your money and send you to the slaughter house. The whole business model is getting too greedy. Especially when stories like this pop up, something is seriously wrong.
    Research takes some time, but choosing the right place is worth the research, price and your time.
  23. Like
    LadySin reacted to dabbadoo00 in The Truth about Weight Loss Agents...   
    Thanks for the information but its a little too late for me. I used WeightLossAgents but as a nurse and having bariatric surgery before, I didn't ask any questions. I had revision surgery (lapband to sleeve) April 7, 2015 and had a great experience. ☺️
  24. Like
    LadySin reacted to anonymousfact in The Truth about Weight Loss Agents...   
    Hello, I would like to share the complete 100% truth and facts, about the company Weight loss agents. For those of you who are familiar with Weight Loss Agents, you may or may not know already, that they work with two Bariatric Doctors, one in Miami, Florida (Dr.choi), and the other in Tijuana, Mexico (Dr.Almanza). Initially as a first time inquiry on the WeightLossAgents.com website, the first thing you see is the attractive red priced tag for the gastric sleeve, which advertises it for as low as $4,099.00. Though the website does not disclose the immediate locations the surgery takes place, it very much encourages you to call them or to manually enter your contact information, to obtain more detail and insight. The deceiving starts as soon as you call Weight Loss Agents, I say so because as soon as your call gets answered, you're greeted with a "Hello, Doctors office, this is ______ speaking...". The location where Weight Loss Agents, receive and make their calls is not a "Doctors office" as they say. It's simply a location full of computers and teenagers. That's right, I said teenagers. The person who you are talking to on the other line, about a life changing surgery, and all of your concerns (if you've ever contacted WLA before) is most likely a teenager. The founders of Weight Loss Agents (which is NOT Dr.Almanza nor Dr.Choi or any doctor they schedule surgeries for) hire young teenagers starting at the age of 18, compensated at $9.00 per hour, with NO medical experience at all to: schedule surgeries, give consultations, and give advise on bariatric and cosmetic procedures. These "knowledgeable surgical coordinators" are trained by another "senior surgical coordinator" who once again has no medical experience as well. In fact the only difference between a regular coordinator and senior coordinator is the length of time they've been deceiving these patients for (Their is no difference between a senior coordinator and regular coordinator, the only difference is that one is recently hired and the other, has been working for weightlossagents.com for a year or more). Those who are hired, are given a verbal training class of about 2-3 days of basic information, about Mexico, the pricing of the most popular surgeries, and rebuttals about traveling. These "surgical coordinators" are encouraged to seek advise from another "surgical coordinator" if a patient ask what seems to be a basic question, that any medical surgery scheduling center would be able to answer- this is what is going to happen or has happened already, if the question asked has already been assisted prior; the question will get searched. What I mean by this, is if you go through the history on the computers internet history, most questions that are asked via the website/phone by the patient, are searched online, via google, and then are re-worded to give a somewhat correct response/answer to the patient.
    After the "surgical coordinators" have graduated from the 3 day average verbal training class (which is complete nonsense), from their they are introduced to a live phone with a complementary computer, that will allow the "coordinator" with complete and full access to view any patients file... including their credit card information. YES that's right, since weightlossagents.com makes every patient that wants to be booked by them send in the front and back picture of their credit card along with the picture of their credit card holder I,D, you would figure that this information would be shredded as soon as its glanced upon and verified, but no, if that was or is your assumption your wrong. They actually attach it to your file, kinda like a resume on e-mail, and ANYONE including the freshly hired 18 year old coordinator, can easily view your credit card information and go on a shopping spree a few days later. I also forgot to mention Weight Loss Agents does not drug test or perform background checks on their employees, which is a vital way to perform a security clearance on potential candidates. But despite the fact that the founders of Weight Loss Agents are making a huge commission per surgery scheduled for the doctors, they wish to not run back ground checks, drug test, or hire actual medical professionals to assist their concerned patients, because they rather save their money, then assist you properly as a patient
    Another huge concern most patients stumble across, is the amount of surgeries Dr.Almanza performs a day. If you attempt to ask Weight Loss Agents this, you will receive a generic response, which will most likely reflect something like this "we do not have access to the amount of surgeries Dr.Almanza has scheduled for your surgery date, but I can assure you he's a great doctor, with plenty of experience, you will be in good hands". Though this answer is partly true, because only about 2-3 of the "senior surgical coordinators" have access to view this information. Reason is, the founders are afraid, that if a patient ask, and they receive the true answer they will most likely cancel their procedure, and run for the hills. So to prevent such a thing, the founders of the company only granted a select few this access, but even those with the ability to actually see the amount of surgeries scheduled, they will not tell you the truth, they will give you the generic answer. But to give you the answer, Dr.Almanza performs on average about 8 surgeries on a slow day, and will perform up to 20 surgeries a day, on a busy day. If this does not concern you yet, then the post-op medical care at Hotel Real Del Rio will. The so called "nurses" located at the nurses station at the hotel, are not real licensed nurses. They are simply people like the "surgical coordinators", they are just trained for the basics. Like how to change bandages, remove gauze, bring food to the patients ect. If their is a major concern, then yes, the staged nurse will contact a real nurse (which mind you their is about a handful of licensed nurses that work for Dr.Almanza).
    I'm in no shape or form degrading any of the surgeons partnered with Weight Loss Agents, as surgeons, because they are licensed and do have YEARS of experience as a CERTIFIED surgeons. But I do not recommend going through Weight Loss agents, because they are not who they intend to be, they are great posers. Do you really want to be speaking to someone inexperienced about your concerns about feeling ill after your surgery? Or do you want to speak to someone who knows what their saying, most patients take what these "surgical coordinators" say as actual fact, and chose to not follow-up with an actual professional; a small error like this can cause fatality. (My intentions are not to offend anyone who is using or has used Weight Loss Agents services, or anyone who is working for them, I am simply shedding light).
    I chose to not disclose my personal information, for privacy, But do take what I'm saying as actual fact, If you are questioning anything I have to say, checkout out what bariatric pal had to say as well if you have not already: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/337950-bariatricpal-is-no-longer-affiliated-or-recommending-dr-mario-almanza/
  25. Like
    LadySin reacted to Frustr8 in 50 and Up Sleevers   
    Never be afraid to start over; for it is a chance to build something better this time.

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