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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Ok I know because I'm running this challenge so I should have all my ducks in a row but nah, this is real life. You are all my motivation.
    I fought the innate food laziness and moved an entire box of Protein Cookies (yes I have a whole box don't judge me) out of the way to get a packet of Salmon because I made a promise.
    Thank you everyone for partying with me!!!!
  2. Like
    LadySin reacted to Naughty Glitter Goddess in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    They were huge fans of my NSV last night. Hubby still gives them piggyback rides to bed even though our 10yo is 5'3". I got to take a piggyback ride down the hall too this time! We are BUSY!
  3. Like
    LadySin reacted to Naughty Glitter Goddess in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    6 & 10
  4. Like
    LadySin reacted to Orchids&Dragons in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    How old are your babies?
  5. Like
    LadySin reacted to Naughty Glitter Goddess in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Initially my motivation For starting this process is that I was sick of being afraid and sick of being in pain all the time. Now my own progress and success motivates me as well as being a good example for my kids. We do so much more active stuff together and I love it!
    Inspiration is easy to find right here on this website. We are overcoming odds that are stacked against us every single day. We rock!
    Pics of my progress graph since June (surgery was in aug) and my babies ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Reminder: the Blue Photo Challenge was borrowed from Instagram and created by
    follow her if you can, she's pretty inspirational In a real life way !!!
  7. Like
    LadySin reacted to Denasiagray in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    I’m definitely down with the challenge! I’m in it to win I need some motivation
  8. Like
    LadySin reacted to Freiabr in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    My motivation/inspiration is going to be to look back at all that I’ve accomplished these past 10 weeks: I had surgery, lost 40 lbs, exercising more frequently and always having a positive attitude towards myself.

    Also, I feel very inspired and motivated reading your stories and that helps me a lot 😊
  9. Like
    LadySin reacted to FluffyChix in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    January 7, 2019
    My goal...get back to the gym (ie Walking in my house. ) I didn't do so well at that last week. But the day of atonement begins!

  10. Like
    LadySin reacted to aussiemomdinoaunt in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Day 7) my motivation/ inspiration, provided by my SO's sister, is a turtle. Those little buggers may be slow, but they keep going. I think a turtle is going to be my mascot for the year! I'm just glad to be out running and working out again, no matter my speed.  

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. Like
    LadySin reacted to Sosewsue61 in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    I did track every single freaking day, so I made that goal. I did not stay in my carb limit - 3 days yes, 3 days no!!!
    I am committed to tracking, now will add getting back to the gym. (I was all set to cancel my membership).
    You are all my inspiration! 😎😍
    I want to get the rest of the weight off so I can get plastic surgery done.... I need to let that be my motivation.
    Weight is the same, be patient. Take notes, improve method.
  12. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Jan. 7th:
    Today's Challenge also coincidences with my 14th month post op. My motivation/inspiration is to never become complacent. So while I enjoy the present and ponder on the future, I will also be vigilant about the past. Not all of it was terrible, I'm still the exact same person in almost every way that counts to me and that is a win, but in the past I neglected to place myself in the top tier of importance in my own life. Major change, hard fought victory.

  13. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    my increadible incentives must reach winners somehow. Inbox me how you like to receive mail..these are physical not digital gifts BTW
    You can also choose bragging rights or the gift of great health, no post code needed!!!!
  14. Like
    LadySin reacted to Orchids&Dragons in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    My motivation is my wedding gown. I now weigh what I did when I got married (30 years in July), but it still won't zip. Maybe that has to do with the 35 pounds worth of babies I delivered? Apparently stuff isn't in the same places 😳 Anyway, I'm close and would love to zip that sucker by July!
  15. Like
    LadySin reacted to FluffyChix in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Yay! Piccys please! We heart piccys!
  16. Like
    LadySin reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Nothing wrong with that!!!!
  17. Like
    LadySin reacted to FluffyChix in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Bragging rights!
  18. Like
    LadySin reacted to sillykitty in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Catching up ...
    Week 1 updated, only 3 days since I'm not playing along while traveling.
    Successful getting my Protein in and logging all 3 days. Only had one day where I met all 4 goals of protein, fluids, Vitamins, and logging.
    I think I need to streamline vitamins on day when I'm out of the house and busy. Maybe just do the multi's & Calcium, instead of the dozen or so pills I space out throughout the day. Hydration will probably not happen on busy days, cause I don't want to pee in random restrooms!
    Day 6 I was at a new low weight of 134.8, and today, day 7 I'm at a new new low of 132.8 (which I don't necessarily want to be at)
    My motivation - This is vain, but I love the way I look in clothes, I love my new skinnier face. I love shopping for normal sized cloths. I love not feeling like "the fat girl". I love wearing heels all day without any pain. Tons of others, but those are just off the top of my head.

  19. Like
    LadySin reacted to FluffyChix in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Huge congrats!!! Nothin wrong with 130lbs girlie!!! You look fabulous!!!! Great that you have a plan for getting your daily in!
  20. Like
    LadySin reacted to sillykitty in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Bragging rights!
  21. Like
    LadySin reacted to Cute4aBigGirl in Who is sick of purees? Some fresh ideas...   
    I made chicken gravy. 6 boneless and skinless chicken thighs baked in chicken broth. Cooked for about an hr. then poured it all in the blender. To make gravy flour, butter and heavy whipping cream then add the chicken. Served over potatoes. Was really good. This has been the best thing I’ve had in 2 wks.
  22. Like
    LadySin reacted to Naughty Glitter Goddess in Who is sick of purees? Some fresh ideas...   
    Ramekins are the best! They heat so nicely in the microwave or oven. Hubby, however, is sick of looking at the stacks of half eaten ramekins I have stashed in the fridge. I keep overfilling them and can't eat it all. I hate wasting food so I keep shoving them in the fridge but then never eat the rest. Oops!
    Thank you for these recipes - I will definitely try that pumpkin one
  23. Like
    LadySin reacted to Naughty Glitter Goddess in Who is sick of purees? Some fresh ideas...   
    1 packet of unsweetened acai puree (Trader Joes)
    1" piece of banana
    granola dust (crunchy granola pulsed into dust with nutritional yeast)
    greek yogurt
    Blend together the acai puree and the banana (this will make several servings) Use 1 - 2 tablespoons to top greek yogurt. Sprinkle with granola dust

  24. Like
    LadySin reacted to James Marusek in Antibiotics and Surgery   
    When we are in the hospital for surgery, generally we can be administered antibiotics to prevent wound infection. This is not a bad thing. There are a lot of bad bacterial germs floating around in a hospital setting.
    Most surgical procedures do not require prophylactic or postoperative antibiotics. However, certain patient-related and procedure-related factors alter the risk/benefit ratio in favor of prophylactic use.
    Patient-related risk factors suggesting need for antibiotics include
    Certain valvular heart disorders
    Procedures with higher risk involve areas where bacterial seeding is likely:
    GI tract
    Respiratory tract
    GU tract
    In so-called clean (likely to be sterile) procedures, prophylaxis generally is beneficial only when prosthetic material or devices are being inserted or when the consequence of infection is known to be serious (eg, mediastinitis after coronary artery bypass grafting).
    Choice of antibiotics is based on the Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP) guidelines (see Perioperative Management). There is strong evidence that standardizing antibiotic choices and adhering to SCIP protocols or another standardized and validated protocol reduce the risk of surgical infection. Some regions of the US that followed SCIP guidelines were able to decrease surgical site infections by 25% from 2006 to 2010. Drug choice is based on the drug's activity against the bacteria most likely to contaminate the wound during the specific procedure (see Table: Antibiotic Regimens for Certain Surgical Procedures). The antibiotic is given within 1 h before the surgical incision (2 h for vancomycin and fluoroquinolones). Antibiotics may be given orally or IV, depending on the procedure. For most cephalosporins, another dose is given if the procedure lasts > 4 h. For clean procedures, no additional doses are needed, but, for other cases, it is unclear whether additional doses are beneficial. Antibiotics are continued > 24 h postoperatively only when an active infection is detected during surgery; antibiotics are then considered treatment, not prophylaxis.
    The Center for Disease Control has published guidelines for prevention of surgical site infections that address topical and nondrug antiseptic measures (eg, bathing, sealants, irrigation, prophylaxis for prosthetic devices).
    Source: Prevention of Surgical Infections

    The antibiotics destroy not only the bad bacteria in the gut but also the good bacteria. Therefore I feel it is important to reestablish the good gut bacteria after surgery by using Probiotics. I ran across an article this morning that discusses the relationship of gut bacteria and weight gain.
    While it has long been known that low dose antibiotics cause weight gain in animals, the mechanism by which they do this has been a mystery. Researchers are now beginning to zero in on the effect and their work may even shed light on the human obesity epidemic. Animals, like humans, have numerous bacterial species living in their gut. Believe it or not, there are more bacterial cells in our body than human cells. Of course, bacterial cells are much smaller than human cells. But their effect on our health may not be small.
    Some varieties of bacteria are more likely to cause the body’s immune system to swing into action, but usually different bacteria keep each other’s multiplication rate in check by competing for the same food supply. But if the bacterial balance is upset because an antibiotic reduces the numbers of one species more than others, an inflammatory response can occur. Such a response is linked with making our cells less sensitive to insulin. “Insulin resistance” means that glucose is less likely to be taken up by cells, and since it is the cell’s main source of energy, they crave an increased intake. This translates to a boost in appetite as the body strives to meet cellular needs.
    What all of this suggests is that some species of bugs in our intestine may contribute to weight gain more than others, and that these may become more prevalent when competitors are reduced by antibiotics. Of course, other factors may also play a role in altering the bacterial flora. The chlorination of drinking Water as well as improved sanitation may influence both the type and the number of microbes that reside in our gut. Who knows, perhaps all that emphasis on getting rid of germs may be affecting our waistline.
    Is there any actual evidence for this postulated link between changes in gut bacteria and obesity? In one word, yes. When Martin Blaser, a microbiologist at New York university, fed infant mice doses of penicillin comparable to those given farm animals, he found that after 30 weeks these mice had put on 10-15% more weight than those not treated with the antibiotic. Furthermore, the mice that had been treated had a different microbial flora in their gut, with Lactobacillus, one of the “good” bacteria, having significantly decreased. When gut bacteria from these mice were introduced into mice had been bred in a totally sterile environment, and were therefore germ-free, they put on more weight than mice with the regular complement of microbes in their gut.
    While overconsumption of food is the crux of the obesity problem, one of the reasons why we eat too much, as we have now seen, may be due to the changes that have occurred in the microbial population of our gut. A study of ancient feces from caves, as well as from the intestinal tract of mummies, has revealed a microbial makeup that is quite different from that found in our guts today. Those ancient microbial populations are more similar to the ones found in chimps, gorillas and children in rural Africa than in the intestines of North Americans who are more likely to have been exposed to chlorinated water, antimicrobial cleaning agents and antibiotics. Maybe a partial answer to obesity is to repopulate our intestines with the bacteria found in ancient poop.
    Source: Bugs In Our Guts

  25. Haha
    LadySin got a reaction from sillykitty in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Haha I guess that means your Bisexual!

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