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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by belinda401

  1. I had my last nutrition visit yesterday and the doctor submitted for approval! My insurance does not have the ability to see pre-authorizations online so I did a little chat deal with a rep last night and they confirmed that it was pending for Oct 6th. He told me to check back in 7 days. I feel like checking in every day.... too much???? 😂😂😂
  2. belinda401

    Submitted to Insurance

    This is what I am thinking! I have heard some people say it was approved in a day or two. What insurance do you have?
  3. belinda401

    Hurricane Irma

    We are praying for y'all! I'm from South Louisiana and currently in a Houston. Just praying praying!!!
  4. I should be October 16th! I was submitted for approval yesterday!
  5. You got this! Keep us posted - good luck!
  6. We will be playing you soon is football! My daughter is a senior in the band. Hopefully I will be a little thinner this season 😜
  7. Me too! Dr Todd Wilson. I go for my last weigh in on Tuesday. I got pushed back a week as well. Is all well at your house? I am in Pearland and we were very lucky to have no water.
  8. Congratulations! It is amazing how after all of the waiting everything starts moving at lightening speed! I am in the same boat having to maintain my weight (I couldn't lose more than a pound) or I would dip below 35...for 6 months. My last weigh in is Tuesday so hopefully I will get an answer soon. I have Anthem CA and they have 15 business days to respond. I have also been holed up in my house for the past week with Hurricane Harvey so I am hoping I didn't GAIN weight on my last weigh in. Going to have to hit that Smooth Moves tea on Monday!! Good luck and let us know how it is going
  9. belinda401


    I feel your pain. I hate to even post anything because it seems so selfish but I can't help the way that I feel. I am in the Houston area and this flooding storm is devastating! I have lived through Katrina and the images are bringing me back. My last weigh in is tomorrow and I just keep wondering how it is going to be handled...is my insurance going to give me some leeway that my last weigh in wasn't at 30-31 days from my last? I understand this is going to push my surgery back and I can accept that but if my insurance denies after all of the time and money, heart and soul I have put into this process because I physically could not get to the doctors office for my last visit I will be heartbroken. But this little issue is minor compared to the devastation that is all over Houston. Please don't beat me up people - I am flooded in and this is something that is important to me so I can't help but have my thoughts continue to drift to what is going to happen while I sit here with cabin fever and try my best not to eat everything in the house!
  10. belinda401


    Yes for now. I am flooded in but not in my house. The whole city is a disaster area and we have another couple of days of it. If you are a praying gal we can take a few of them over here.
  11. belinda401


    I should be in October too! My last weigh in is Tuesday and looks like I should be scheduled the week of October 16th. Can't wait!! I am a little nervous because I am in Houston and we are probably going to be flooded on the day of my appointment! This last visit can't be any sooner or later than the day that is is scheduled or my insurance may deny me
  12. belinda401

    Seeing Doctor Before Approval?

    Oh I will! I am a pest!! Lol
  13. belinda401

    Seeing Doctor Before Approval?

    That gives me hope! I submit for approval on the 29th after my last nutrition appointment. My coordinator says that they have 15 business days to send a response but Anthem usually takes less than 5. I am so ANXIOUS!!!
  14. belinda401

    Seeing Doctor Before Approval?

    How long did it take you to get an approval from anthem once your paperwork was submitted?
  15. Has anyone watched this on netflix?? I had to stop watching it midway through because I was just dumbfounded!!! 😳
  16. belinda401

    What The Health?!?!?!

    I just read someone blow the entire thing apart!
  17. I have two nutritional consults left out of 6 that my insurance requires. One is next week and the last is the last week of August. I called my doctor's office today because I need to go out of town the week of my last visit (for work) and was basically told I couldn't move it to the week before or the week after because I can't have a visit with less than 30 days between it and my last visit and can't go past 30 days because I WILL HAVE TO START OVER!!!! I just kept my appointment and will have to try to juggle the work thing. This is my last visit and have kept every other appointment religiously!! The doctor's office said the insurance will deny me otherwise and I only have 1 appeal. I just don't think she has good info IMO. Ok, rant over!
  18. belinda401

    Waiting Game......

    I had major surgery last year and I felt that way prior to the surgery as well. But it was a surgery that was needed for my health so I had to put away the guilt of having a surgery that I could have elected not to have and just continue to suffer the rest of my life. I have lost the guilt for this surgery because I know that my co-morbidities are going to get me and soon. I don't want to have a heart attack and I want to be able to do more with my kids without being out of breath and in crazy pain with my back. I just pray and trust that everything will be fine. I have a good surgeon that I trust. Keep that list in your head (or even write it down!) of all of the reasons that brought you to making the decision to have this surgery and when you get nervous go over it Good luck to you!
  19. belinda401

    Just a little vent!

    Thank you both for your replies. @OutsideMatchInside you make very good points and put a positive spin on the situation. @blizair09 I did the same thing and scheduled all of my appointments after my consult. I was just frustrated that the wrench was thrown in my last appointment. I give my career so much time and attention and this is something that I am not going to budge on and screw up and have to start over! You both have amazing progress and results and I can't wait to be on the other side of this journey!!
  20. belinda401

    Waiting Game......

    That gives me hope! I have HBP (no meds), high cholesterol and back issues that I have to lose weight to resolve. I have Anthem. I am hoping for a quick approval but not counting on it.
  21. belinda401

    Waiting Game......

    What insurance do you have? And do you mind sharing your co-morbidities? I am almost a month out from completing my requirements and getting nervous about approval since I am also at a 35 BMI.
  22. belinda401

    Breast Implants

    Oh no!!! I was hoping not to hear that, lol.
  23. I am a couple months out from surgery and I read "I lost my boobs" ALOT as well as from people that I know that have had WLS. I am wondering if anyone already had implants when they had the surgery and how they "held up" after losing weight. I had mine done when I was thin and gained weight afterwards. If anyone was in my boat pre-surgery and is now a post I would appreciate any input!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
