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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by belinda401

  1. I hear ya! I know if I drink one Diet Coke I'm done. It's like CRACK to me and it's not something I can have for a treat.
  2. belinda401

    Soft Foods Diet Ideas

    Tonight I pan grilled thin sliced chicken and I made a "stuffing" of cream cheese, grated cheese and green onions. I stuffed the chicken for the rest of the family and then took 1/4 of one breast and put it in the mini chopper with the stuffing. Soooo yummy!!
  3. belinda401

    Soft Foods Diet Ideas

    Im on day 2 of purees and gained almost a pound. I am still not getting 500 calories a day in though I am only able to get down about 250 a day....but all pure protein. I just made some scrambled eggs and added cottage cheese and it is Awesome!! I also pureed some tuna with some light mayo and a little relish and had that for lunch and dinner and it was really good. I am going to do it again today and add some boiled egg to add the protein. I think I stopped losing and gained because my calorie count it too low so I am just focusing on whatever i can puree up that adds some good protein filled calories today and see what the results are. My life is revolving around eating and drinking........
  4. I am right there with you! So proud of myself!! I handed out candy AND had my annual chili dog and nacho Halloween dinner for the kids and their friends!! I just ate my pureed tuna and while everyone else ate the goooood stuff and I was fine. Another huge victory for me was going to the movie!! The best part of the movie for me is the food and I made it just drinking water with everyone chowing down around me. Super stoked
  5. I am at the puree stage but was in the same boat when I was at the liquid stage. I could not tolerate ant pre-made protein shakes. I had the unflavored ISOPURE and I added it to my soup, you can add it to your water (works great with a flavor packet) and I also made my own protein shakes with it that were delicious. I did unsweetened almond milk, ice, a scoop of protein and strawberries and bananas. Now that I am at the puree stage I can tolerate 2-4 ounces of the premaid shakes between meals (which is my plan from my doctor). I was sleeved on the 19th and after one week was allowed greek yogurt and cottage cheese which made a world of difference. If you are allowed sugar free pudding the isopure works well in that as well. Good Luck!
  6. belinda401

    Polymyalgia Rheumatica

    I'm so sorry. You do need to be on top of your game for this surgery (speaking from the other side of it). Hugs to you and wishes for a speedy remission.
  7. belinda401

    Not getting full

    My NUT told me to stay away from anything that you can crush into dust (chips, cheetos, crackers) and slip slide food (pudding, pie filling) because both will go through your sleeve without a problem and won't give you a feeling of fullness so if you don't watch it you will over eat.
  8. I have to take the Calcium Citrate- I get the mini's and take it twice a day.
  9. belinda401

    Polymyalgia Rheumatica

    Well I hope you get it under control quickly! Good luck!
  10. belinda401

    Polymyalgia Rheumatica

    I am so sorry. My mother was diagnosed with this about 2 years ago. It took nearly a year for a diagnosis and she was in a lot of pain in he meantime. She is a very active woman and it really took her down. Prednisone is the only treatment and that is a bummer because it will lower your immune system. But, the main thing to long term pain free living is losing weight! My mom felt well enough after getting on the prednisone to up her exercise regimens and didn't gain. They finally took her off of the meds after 2 years and she took about 25 pounds off and feels great now with no steroids. Did you ask your doctor if you could postpone the steroid treatment until after the surgery? The weight loss will help you tremendously- just as much as the steroids. (My mom is a tiny tiny woman so he didn't deal with both issues).
  11. belinda401

    Soft puréed food stage

    If your stomach can handle it. I can have anything that is high in protein and can be tolerated as long as it is the consistenty of apple sauce.
  12. My purée stage is 3 meals with 2 oz of protein shake between each meal. I am also looking forward to it as I cannot stand the shakes!! Ugh. I can tell you that one of the biggest sources of protein in this phase is cottage cheese. I also can tell you that until TODAY I despised cottage cheese. I am sitting here eating it and it is the best thing I have ever eaten!! So your tastes may change toward eggs. I have always had a huge sweet tooth and now I would rather eat this curdled cheese than chocolate. It's crazy!!
  13. belinda401

    5 days post op

    I am 4 days out. Cannot stomach the Premier Protein shakes. Cannot get my fluids in- its miserable. I am struggling with this "am I starving or am I full?" Feeling. It's the pits. SF popcicles are a savior! I am worried about not getting the protein in so today I went to Smoothies King bad got a Gladiator made skinny.... 45 Grams of protein and 6 carbs. It is going down wonderfully- thank God! No poop yet so going to make some Smooth Moves tea this afternoon. Been walking and I think the gas is pretty much gone. I can't deal with broth or creamed soups..... pretty miserable. I am down 8 pounds but at this point I could give a sh!t honestly😩I have four incisions and the one on my right is BAD!! Very painful. I just look forward to sleeping at night so I am get one more day of this nightmare liquid healing crap OVER!! Still don't regret it though.... just a little vent.
  14. Well I am one day out! Drinking my broth and liquids well (it hurts though!) and just on liquid Tylenol and Celebrex with a little Zofran. Yesterday was horrible! Lots of pain but my doctor upped my meds and got me through it. I have to wait until this afternoon to get my heart monitor off and walk one more time and I should be off to the house!
  15. Good luck to you! Let us know how you are as soon as you are able:)
  16. belinda401


    I will have a last supper. Probably steak with a big baked potato and some good dessert:)
  17. belinda401

    Tylenol surgery scheduled 10/10

    Tylenol is ok for me per my surgeon. I cannot take aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen or Vitamin E.
  18. Just saw my doctor for pre-op and he said that I didn't have to do a pre-op diet. I just cannot gain weight before my surfery. I may do it a couple days before just to be on the safe side.
  19. Yay! Good luck and prayers for a smooth surgery and quick recovery.
  20. belinda401

    So fed up and pissed off

    You have to take in a daily amount of calories to maintain adequate milk supply for the baby. The 500 calories that we will be doing post-op isn't enough.
  21. One of my questions that I am asking the doc on Friday for my pre-op is about my gallbladder (will he remove it if it looks iffy). I also want to know if he does an air test in the OR or if I will have to do a swallow test.
  22. I have seen varying requirements. I have went onto You Tube and viewed the surgery first hand and have seen how the liver can get in the way if it is enlarged. I would ask your doctor and see what his explanation is. If you want peace of mind do a liquid diet for 5 days prior to the surgery anyway - I don;t believe that it would have any adverse effects (but I am not a doctor!). My pre-op is 5 days. It will be 2 weeks if I go into pre-op and have gained weight - keeps me honest!!
  23. How long is your pre-op?
  24. I don't know about y'all but I have been doing great for the past 6 months. Making changes each month, doing exactly what I need to do to get to this point! Now that I have a date and am going on my pre-op diet in 2 weeks my mindset is GONE! I was making my grocery order this morning and ordering sugar free jello and sugar free pudding. I have done this as a staple for YEARS to satisfy my sweet tooth. Oh no, today as I put my order in online I'm thinking "I'm getting ice cream and little debbies!" I, of course, didn't but it is just funny how all I could think was that I am going to be sick of that crap when it is all I am going to be able to eat for a little bit (sweet wise) so I need to go crazy now. 🙄

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