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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by phili

  1. phili

    Can Anyone Help Me On This??

    hello everyone, well i am now out of hospital but still hurting! atleast it is not near as bad as the first original operation. my doctor told me he put in a bigger band? is that right? to be honest i think i was still out of it and dont think i was listening 100%, he told me that instead of me having a 3ml i know have one that takes up to 12ml in fluid. does anyone know about this? i will be seeing him again in a couple of weeks, to start the filling again i guess,lets hope this doesnt happen again! thanks for listening girls!
  2. phili

    Can Anyone Help Me On This??

    well girls and boys ,i saw my doctor today and the results say my band has slipped,i go in tomorrow to go through the whole operation thing again,am not looking forward to it,am bit scared, you know whats funny? its exaclty 7 months to the date that i had it put in!! lets hope all goes well tomorrow!
  3. phili

    Can Anyone Help Me On This??

    no fee i guess its not good that my band has slipped!, i just hope it all goes well,i have done nothing but pretty much worry about it since yesterday when i left the doctors office, and now today i go get xrays to be 100% sure, i cant help but be scared
  4. phili

    DR Nottle

    Hi Aquasky13, Dr Nottle is my doctor and i didnt wait that long at all,i guess it depends if you are going through private or public, and the hospital you chose to have it at also. i only waited 4 weeks as i went private. so i guess it depends on which way you go, hope that helps a bit!
  5. phili

    Can Anyone Help Me On This??

    hello girls, well i had a bit of a scare last nite where i woke up actually vomiting!!not a good thing, it was scary!! so i decided after that not to wait a bit more and ring my Dr. , Dr Nottle. I went in to see him first thing this morning,he says the band has most likely slipped. tomorrow i go and get xrays, and then i see him on monday to see the verdict, he said that most likely he will fix it for me on tuesday, i said to him the sooner the better!!! is this a scary thing? i admit i cried when i left the doctors because i am bit scared and worried about the whole thing now, i do not regret getting the band at all though,has anyone had their band slip or know of anyone? what happens,is it scary?
  6. phili

    Can Anyone Help Me On This??

    Hi Leatha g and KLM3hrt, thanks for your advices, i do struggle to keep liquids down also,it seems to hurt when it goes down,eventually it does but with hurt, havent really had anything to eat or drink because of this, i was thinking to maybe give it another couple of days and if it still is like this i will go back to the doctor again.i know its bad but im silly!! i just wanna lose my weight!!! sorry!!!
  7. :think Hi there, i was wondering if anyone else has or is experiencing what i am right now!!:faint: I have had the band in me for about 3 and a half months now and for the first time i feel like i am at a total stand still!! i have not lost any weight for about 3 weeks now and its getting me down.I admit i do not excersise, my job is very physical and i do alot of moving around at work and by the time i get home i cant be bothered!! Has anyone else been at a stand still with their weight? I dont like it!!!
  8. phili

    Weight loss troubles??

    :eek: Hi Fleur!! Its good to hear from you again!! I have not been on the computer for a while and when i am its very quick,My life has been crazy lately!! :faint: Thanks to you and everyone else for their input, i really appreciate it and need it!! I am dissapointed that i am at a stand still,I will find out tomorrow how i have been this week as i weigh myself once a week at the end of the week to see how im going:clap2: . I hope you have been well and looking after yourself.Well I hope i start moving again and gonig well on my way!!!
  9. :clap2: Hi Colleen I just noticed that you will be holding a get together in Lygon St. Is it the same as a normal get together? ive been banded for about 3 anda half months now and havent had the chance to meet up with anyone and would love to!! :eek: so i was wondering if thisis a general catch up or is it something in specific? Sorry if i sound a bit silly!!!:eek:
  10. phili

    Weight loss troubles??

    Hi guys, thanks to everyone that has replied so far,its good to hear that i am not the only one!! i didnt really think about the calorie counting thing so i will go on the FitDay.com site and see about that journal, does it tell you how many calories and sugar intake and all that stuff to take? I have had 3 fills all totalling up to about 2.5mls i think and i go in again to my doc at the start of august so i guess ill see what he says there if its still a problem for me. the other thing is aswell and i dont know if you guys have it but i have trouble to go to the toilet alot and cant pooh ( excuse my language!!!) for about 2-3 days at each time and i hate it and even then its a struggle!!. :mad: Well i do hope to hear from more people about this and to see what everyone else says and go through!! Take care everyone!!!:clap2: :hungry:
  11. hope you all have fun on sunday ,wish i was going to be there, please let me know when there is a next one!! thanks!!!!
  12. :faint: Hi guys, hope you have all been well, i havednt been on for a while, but i do hope all is well with everyone and everyone is happy, i have another appointment today with my doc so hopefully i get another fill!! anyways im also here to say that i wont be able to make it to the get together as one of my closest friends is having a christening/birthday for her soon to be 1 year old!! its going to be good but i wish i was coming to the get together!! ive been waiting so long and now i was so close yet too far away!!.I do hope everyone has a good time and hopefully there will be another one because i really want to meet everyone!!:think This sux but what can i do!!!Take care everyone and hopefully see another meeting posted soon!!:clap2:
  13. cool im good for the 16th in willy, bout 11am is that right? where do we all meet?
  14. :clap2: yep thats fine with me!! lets hope others can meet up too!! either willy or city is fine also, it doesnt bother me,look forward to hearing and seeing everyone!!:clap2:
  15. im not from williamstown but it doesnt bother me where we meet to be honest,im fine with wherever it is!!!:clap2:
  16. :clap2: Yay!! im good for a weekend too and 2nd weekend in july sounds good, will it be a saturday or sunday?
  17. Im the same, i can also do a few so i cant really vote either!! i can do evenings and weekends as i work fulltime during the week!
  18. phili

    Melbourne Get Together

    :confused: I can do a sunday afternoon, so thatd be great if we could do that, i guess it is hard for everyone to agree on the same times and days,im sure we will all catchup eventually!!!:clap2:
  19. phili

    Melbourne Get Together

    Hi guys, well i cant do during the day as i work and have a full time job ,so i guess im out!!! unless theres a weekend one during the day!!
  20. phili

    Melbourne Get Together

    :second: Hi Cammy!, i dont really know when the get togethers are, im a newie to this as i have only been banded for about 7 weeks now and i have not heard of a get together yet but i am keen to meet up with others!! where abouts are you from? what days can you do?:clap2:
  21. :clap2: Hi how is everyone? I just have which may be a silly question, but i recieved my first fill about 4 weeks ago and at first i could feel the fullness but now i feel like i can eat more!! :hungry: im going to go and see my doctor again on friday and hopefully get another fill and i will let him know,but has anyone else felt they can eat more after a fill? :cry I try not to eat more anyways,even though my tummy says its not full i stop anyways. Thanks and hope you are all doing well!! P.s Is anyone in melbourne still doing a get together?:clap2:
  22. :clap2: hi there, thanks for everyones replies. In Australia it is a bit different, as one of the ladies said ,us adults arent able to order childrens food and if we did its alll pretty much hambergers, chips and nuggets, fried stuff pretty much!! This resturant that we wentto was more of a take away place so it was hard for me and i didnt get anything from there. I know at proper restaurants they have small size food portions(apetizers) so i know if i go to another one it wont be as hard ,but it was just wierd to go through that andfeel upset, i actually feel kind of silly now that i got upset over that!!:Banane41: :nanahump: I go and see my doctor again this friday so i dont really know what will go on there, maybe another fill? anyways thanks again and ill keep pple posted on progress nd and all that other stuff!!!
  23. phili

    Melbourne Get Together

    :clap2: i have no kids , im free to meet up anytime after work! so im easy!!!:clap2: just let me know when and ill be there!!:kiss2:
  24. :help: Hi there, i was hoping some of you may be able to help me before i ring up my doctor and sound like a paranoid whinger! A week ago i got my first fill, now i dont know how much i got put in because he didnt tell me and i forgot to ask. now a few days later i am experiencing throwing up ( only once so far but feeling a second one coming on as i am writing this) and feel all weak and flustered. :cry Im also worried to eat now aswell as that was the case the first time when i threw up.I am still drinking water though. does anyone know what it may be. im not over eating and im not doing anything abnormal than what i have been since i had the band put in about 5 weeks ago!! :help:
  25. :clap2: Thanks for the advice you guys!! i do feel bit betta now, my mum reckons its probably because i dont eat when my tummy says its hungry.Also when i do eat i always make sure that my food is chewd real well and wait 30 seconds to 1 minute between each fork/spoon full.I have never been a regular 3 meals a day girl, sometimes i would only have 2 meals a day sometimes just 1 meal a day. I have never really been a big eater so now eating 3 meals a day is something i gotta get used to since i got to do it everyday! before i had the band i could go all day without eating and feel fine but now with the band, if i dont eat my tummy plays up!! So now i know to eat when hungry or my tummy aches!!thanks again for everyones advice!! I love this site!!:clap2:

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