Not only does it impede the healing process, it can also add to the risk of blood clots. I think I am more afraid of blood clots and leaks than I am anything else. I've been smoking a pack a day for a long time. My doctor told me to quit and I just did. It really does get easier. I figured if I can't quit smoking FINALLY then how am I going to be able to make the lifestyle changes I need to make. I'm a month with no ciggies (of course I'm eating everything in sight). When I think about smoking now I think about how much money I'm saving. $8.00 bucks a pack where I live, that is $240 per month - that's a car payment!!!!! Plus, my hair and clothes don't smell and I will hopefully have an easy recovery, no stroke, no clots, no healing issues and money to buy new clothes!!!!
Good luck all!