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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NeenBand

  1. NeenBand

    Terrified of PBing

    Thanks for the tips. I am also concerned with finding out which foods I can't olerate. Seems PBing is a hellofva way to find out! SOmeone said they have a "two minute rule". That they take a bite and if all is well after two minutes, they continue on.
  2. NeenBand

    30 months and my band has slipped!

    I'm being banded on Monday. Reading this stuff is so discouraging because it makes one think it's not "if" you slip, but "when" you slip. Do US doctors truly have a handle on how to put in the band, or is the device just not perfected yet?
  3. NeenBand

    LeenerBup's Weird and Funny Links

    Heh, me too Amy. Here is Electronik Supersonik. From Molvania, a land that remained untouched by modern dental advancements. Coming from the country of Molvania, this master of the 'electronic beats of love' has appeared--"Zlad!" Performing a combination that can only be decribed as "a melodic fusion combining hot disco rhythms with cold war rhetoric," Zladko "Zlad" Vladcik has just released his most ambitious project yet! At the center of his genius lies this new techno-ballad masterpiece only understood when heard and seen. Welcome to what is: ELECTRONIK SUPERSONIK!!!!! Pay special attention to the lyrics http://www.molvania.com/molvania/images/Elektronik_Supersonik.mpg
  4. NeenBand

    LeenerBup's Weird and Funny Links

    rofl I actually have that in my link archive! hehehehee I know people like that too. :-p
  5. NeenBand

    LeenerBup's Weird and Funny Links

    LOL!!! Makes you want to wash them out with soap.
  6. NeenBand

    Fun thread: bonehead docs

    Yea I know. Like we don't know we are fat and need to lose weight. "You know doc, I woke up this morning, looked in the mirror and had a suspicion I might be 100lbs overweight, but said..naa, that's impossible. Thanks for clearing that up!" If we could lose the weight we wouldn't be fat.
  7. NeenBand

    Terrified of PBing

    Thanks Julie for both the visual of a small bite and the well wishing.
  8. NeenBand

    Should I break up with him?

    ****girl Power!!***
  9. NeenBand

    Fun thread: bonehead docs

    1st Bonehead Doc Award: Silver Medal Why are you depressed? Your so pretty. (I was suffering from depression at the time and on anti-depressants) 2nd Bonehead Doc Award: Gold Medal Your gallbladder can't have caused your pancreatitis, it's on the other side of the body. (gallstones are a leading cause of this problem) 3rd Bonehead Doctor Award: Bronze Medal Your not sick. You don't have CFS or FMS. Just get on with your life. (a surgeon discussing my Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue)
  10. NeenBand

    Terrified of PBing

    Thanks Alexra, I won't be able to make it tonight. I'm not feeling well today. I have FMS & CFS and there are good days and bad days, and you never know when they will hit. I really wanted to hear the Emotional Eating topic too. :phanvan
  11. NeenBand


    I hope your on antidepressants for the social phobia, it can really help. I have had that all my life, although no one would ever guess by the way I look and the fact that I am a very good actress. Can't judge a book by it's cover, that's for sure. However, you can expect people to inquire further about you if your asking for charity. I'll be honest to say, (and even though I will come across as a hard ass) I have to wonder about your motives because any offers of concrete advice and offers of help OTHER THAN money in this thread you have ignored.
  12. NeenBand


    Paula, the coffee is the culprit. Coffee will spike your insulin and then crash you down 1-2 hours after you drink it. If you have sugar in it or flavored creamers it will be even worse. I get the same thing with it.
  13. I'm really nervous. Reading about the erosions, slips and PB's have made me nervous as there seems to be more on the forum lately. It makes me wonder if ANYONE can keep this thing in their body for any length of time. :phanvan
  14. NeenBand

    The Doubts...the Jitters.

    I'm really nervous. Reading about the erosions, slips and PB's have made me nervous as there seems to be more on the forum lately. It makes me wonder if ANYONE can keep this thing in their body for any length of time. :phanvan
  15. NeenBand

    Should I break up with him?

    Good for you Mags!! Wow. Let the loser get his sex somewhere else. Very strong female power move! Awesome.
  16. NeenBand


    Doty, that was a very generous off of help from you. I don't live far from Newark, NJ and there is a hotbed of state agencies there. In fact SSI main building is there. along with other state and local charities and programs. Shakeerah, SSI always turns you down for disability and hope people give up, which you did. What you need to do is go get a disability lawyer in your area , they are in the phone book. They don't charge you anything unless you win. Andif you get the lawyer and keep at it, you will win your SSDI
  17. NeenBand


    Hey fellow hypos, ever pass out (or almost) in public before? And don't you hate the cold sweats? When I have an "episode" it wipes me out for the entire day. It take me 24 hours to recover from it. Havng hypoglycemai has made me afraid not to have sugar or food around just in case. I keep candies in my coat pockets.
  18. NeenBand

    Shocking Information (HRT - production)

    Way to go, Sunni :clap2:
  19. NeenBand

    5 Month Post-Op Psycholgical Adjustment Issues

    Thank you for being so candid about what your going through. Maybe your experiencing some of what I am. Weight has insulated me from living a full life. It kept me from meeting people, doing things, fulfilling dreams. Or it was a convienient excuse. Now in my early forties, when the weight comes off me, I think actually I know I will experience a mouring for all that time I have lost. The "what if's " and "could have beens" and choices I might have made. I've missed out on so much being fat, I really have. I think when I am at a good weight I will start longing for life more and get an itch to dive into it more. One of my dreams, and one in which I was actively persuing until I became so fat was an acting career. Unless you have a hide like an elephant, being fat in the acting business is hell, and I don't have a tough hide. If I get back into it to fulfill that dream, it will mean changes in my life, especially my relationship as all I do really is stay home on the computer (and play PC games too) . That road not taken is contemplated and then the changes that will come if you take that road can be daunting and uncomfortable.
  20. NeenBand

    Should I break up with him?

    You SHOULD be offended by that. Anyone who thinks I'm not delicious enough inside and out for others to admire is not worth my time. One thing I had to learn in life is that people will treat you only as bad as you allow them to.
  21. NeenBand

    Should I break up with him?

    Totally agree, VQueen.
  22. NeenBand

    Look what lives in our back yard!

    Oh my god...your dog is SO CUTE! What a face and personality! made me laugh. You have wild turkeys in your yard? What a beautiful thing. I wish I lived that close to nature. I live next to the NJ Parkway. Literally.
  23. NeenBand

    Should I break up with him?

    Definitely red flags all over. I hate to be so blunt and crass, but to me it sounds like your a "booty call" for this guy. Not a lot of respect, commitment or romance going on (and this is early on!) Take it from someone who knows, selfish partners get even more selfish as time goes on unless they want to change, and the chances of that (them changing) are slim. Find someone who likes to treat women better.
  24. NeenBand

    Shocking Information (HRT - production)

    Exactly Penni. Hats off to you. I'm not going to debate aggressive posts to those here of opposing views. It's a waste of energy and I don't engage it. Folks, if the information doesn't call to you then move on and leave people to their own moral and ethical convictions. `nuff said.
  25. I spent some time in Europe and what struck me is that they walk everywhere, or ride bikes. Their communities are such where that is the norm. They are not like us in that they drive everywhere and we drive miles and miles to run our errands, etc. Also, they linger over their food. They sit, relax and eat slowly. They don't bolt it down like we do as if it's something to get over with to get on with other things. It's a a way to relax and socialize over there. They also buy fresher food. They don't hit a huge supermarket once every few weeks and load up on food in the house. they go to the market almost daily and buy in small quantities, and fresher local foods.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
