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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NeenBand

  1. NeenBand

    When Will This Pain Go Away?

    Thank you! That makes so much sense. I appreciate all your help. *hugs*
  2. NeenBand

    OMG I didn't die! Thank you Jesus!

    Thankee! reading now.
  3. NeenBand

    EBAY LISTING:Pay for surgery

    Is it the same woman? Dutch, I thought the thread was deleted. After some careful questioning I think we realized the quality of the poster. For someone who has no money, that ebay person sure likes to buy stuff.
  4. NeenBand

    When Will This Pain Go Away?

    Well, I called the on-call doctor. She said there is no medication for the spasms in my throat. She called in a stronger acid reducer. But she sai some people just can't tolerate the band and it has to come out.
  5. NeenBand

    When Will This Pain Go Away?

    You did Alexra? I'm glad I'm not alone . I really started to feel I was a freak and something was seriously wrong with my banding or me. I want to go to the meeting this wends. The pain is so distracting, but I'm going to try.
  6. NeenBand

    When Will This Pain Go Away?

    Thanks desertmom. You were in this kind of pain too?? I can start on soft foods tomorrow, and yes, I find when my stomach is empty it is worse, and it's also worse in the evenings. A heating pad put on my sternum, between my breasts seems to help a little too. I defo hope the doc can give me meds and this can go away. I'd also like them to check out to make sure the band is not too tight.
  7. NeenBand

    When Will This Pain Go Away?

    Hi Kathy, I checked your posts and they only went to January. I figured out what this is, it's esophageal spasms. I could feel my entire "pipe" throbbing and squeezing tonight. It's so painful though, and getting worse every day. Will I have to have my band out I wonder???
  8. NeenBand

    When Will This Pain Go Away?

    Thanks to both of you. I do hope my body get's use to it too. It feels like my stomach is a wild horse that does not like being lassoed. And yes, the pain is worse at night. I had a 10 cc band put in, so I don't think it could get smaller, correct? No fill, I'm still on full liquids at this point. I am actually afraid of when I am spposed to eat food.
  9. NeenBand

    Spasms at the port area?

    I get these too. I'm12 days out of surgery. In fact, if I have to laugh I hold that area or it just feels weird.
  10. NeenBand

    Burning in throat

    Hope all is well. Pre-band I had gastritis and GERD and hot dogs would always do a number on me.
  11. Saw the surgeon yesterday about the throbbing and squeezing in my band area and he said it would take time for my body to get used to it. In the mean time my esophagus is really having a hard time. It's painful. I hope this goes away soon. :cry
  12. NeenBand

    Good Lord..My Esophagus Hurts

    Saw the surgeon yesterday about the throbbing and squeezing in my band area and he said it would take time for my body to get used to it. In the mean time my esophagus is really having a hard time. It's painful. I hope this goes away soon. :cry
  13. NeenBand


    I love coffee and tea, but I'm one of those people who had gastritis coming into this. It really does a number on the gastritis, so does tomatos for me. But I have to have a cup now and again. I love it.
  14. NeenBand

    Bread and Cake?

    Oh boy...I love me some cupcakes, cousin. I can imagine the bites must have to be tiny, tiny, tiny.
  15. NeenBand

    Looks Like Band Removal For Me

    Karen, I'm so sorry. I have also never heard of that condition. Do they know what caused it? Will it go back to normal after the band is gone? Congrats ona huge weight loss though, that is a positive out of allof this.
  16. Yes, more questions from me. I was also wondering if liquids can stretch the pouch. I sure feel too full. I am on full liquids still (8 days post op) and was hungry and had 3/4 c cream of broccoli Soup. A little too much I think.
  17. NeenBand

    Fish-oil supplements for LapBanders?

    What Fiveholts said. Udo's is the unfiltered kind. If your going to take it, take the best to get all the benefits. All supplements and Vitamins are not the same high quality.
  18. NeenBand

    Terrified of Lifestyle changes

    I understand your fear of what may come. My aunt dropped dead, and I mean dropped dead of a heart attack at 50 coming off the dance floor at a Christmas party. Both my parents are diabetic as were my grandparents. My grandfather had his foot amputated. THANK GOD I did this before my sugars got high. They are still normal. But my good and bad cholestral is 250 and 260's. I had this surgery to save my life, or I would not have taken the risk and the huge lifestyle change. It wasn't about nice clothes for me. Yesterday in my surgeon's office a woman was being wheeled out in a wheel chair. She had to be about 600 lbs and she had one leg amputated at the knee. I don't want that kind of life and I can't lose weight and keep it off on my own. Hunger always wins out in the end for me. And my addiction to food. This band is a tool to help me with my addiction like rehab is for a drug addict or AA for an alcoholic. Just trying to give you my reasons for doing it. But as we said, if you really think you can do it on your own, re-think it. You may or may not, only you know you.
  19. NeenBand

    Pain in Band Area: Yup It's me Again...

    Yes warm does help. I love bread too, used to make it home-made. Would you believe last night I dreamt I was at a buffet and I started putting bread into my mouth and eating it like I used to. I realized it as soon as it went down (in the dream).
  20. Yes, yes..it's Leener and her eleventeen thousand questions. Sorry to be such a pest but you folks are veterens and I bounce them off you first before calling the doc. I woke up last night with pain where my band is, at the bottom of my esophagus. It's been like this since surgery. It feels like a throbbing-squeezing and it hurts. I had to get up and take liquid tylenol. I have to take the stuff every 5 hours all day too. I wonder if this is normal for 9 days post op?? Is this just swelling and the stomach's response to being lassoed? ANyone else experience this? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
  21. NeenBand

    Activity Question

    Hey all. Every month I give my mom a massage (I was a certified massage therapist) and she called to ask when I might be able to resume them. I know no lifting for a few weeks. I'd be using my body, pushing and pulling but not lifting.
  22. NeenBand

    Activity Question

    LOL Jonathan. I know, I wish there was another therapist in the family so I could get them too! I'm hoping with weight loss, I will feel well enough to go back to my career. I loved it.
  23. NeenBand

    Terrified of Lifestyle changes

    I totally agree with Jonathan. I was trying to say the same thing, but less eloquently.
  24. NeenBand

    Activity Question

    Bumpity bump bump
  25. NeenBand

    Pain in Band Area: Yup It's me Again...

    Thanks for explaining that to me Kathy. :-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
