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About Deactivatedfatgal

  • Rank
    Bariatric Guru
  • Birthday 09/23/1991

About Me

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    Carpe Diem
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  1. Deactivatedfatgal

    My first surgery ever!

    The only pain I felt was from my incisions . The GREAT News is it didn’t last long. At. All.
  2. Deactivatedfatgal

    I’m back

    Absolutely! I am more than glad to offer any advice I can to others . It’s an amazing journey .
  3. Deactivatedfatgal

    I’m back

    You guys, I’m back!!! Took a much needed break from the forums after leaving my abusive ex . I was battling severe depression around April-May & some stemmed from obsessing over my hypochondria . I’m glad to say that almost a year out from VSG(MARCH 13) it’s still the best DECISION I have ever MADE . I eat what I enjoy in smaller portions and I have maintained my weight loss and continue to lose. I have not reached my goal weight of 120 but I’m down nearly 70 pounds. I have had ZERO COMPLICATIONS. god bless you all
  4. Deactivatedfatgal

    Vsg & domestic abuse

    Thank you guys, he did leave home and I'm moving soon into a new apartment, I kind of have been building myself up to do this. My back is hurting really bad but I have real big bruise on left arm, I took photos because he is threatening to take my child because I'm not "healthy". He's the reason for mental anguish! Years of enabling and never encouraging me to get healthy. We are done. I refuse to be another number. I will take take some time away from social sites, but thank you all for being kind throughout these past three months. We are strangers but I feel like I know you all, with love, V
  5. I don't even know where to start. My body hurts so bad right now. I was grabbed by the back of my neck and thrown on bed & my arm is badly bruised. I'm filing for divorce after nearly 10 years together since age 17. He looked at me and told me "you don't look all that good anymore". I'm just done. Part of my mental issues have been this dying relationship, I needed to let I go.
  6. Deactivatedfatgal

    Long term vsg implications

    So a few days ago when I posted about vbg , I had come across a detailed medical journal about partial gastrectomies and the article stated that 30 percent of people who undergo any gastrectomy will experience gastopresis
  7. I have not weighed myself in like a week. Gunna do it tonight. wonder if any new episodes of my 600 pd life are on tonight? 

    1. MSinger


      No new episodes tonight, but there is a block of old ones that I've never seen before playing tonight :)

    2. lindabalseca


      i just started watching them too

  8. Deactivatedfatgal

    vsg staple line leak

    I get very tired easily and weak when I don't have enough protein! I had surgery march 13, this morning I was convinced I was going to er because I was lightheaded , no shaky and I realized I hadn't eaten or drank any water, super scary! But it's important to get fluids and protein in to sustain energy and prevent body from starvation mode & muscle loss.
  9. Deactivatedfatgal

    Surgery Consultation Upcoming

    Good luck to you & I wish you must success. To have to endure all that during "the best years" is heartbreaking. I believe you will be happy with your decision. Keep us posted, can't wait to follow your journey.
  10. Deactivatedfatgal

    Young, fun, and morbidly obese

    Let me say this, if you have exhausted all options & feel hopeless go for it! I'm 25 and though I go through bouts of "regret" when I see myself in the mirror and the progress, my confidence going up & feeling better. I know I'm glad that I didn't wait till 30-40 . I want to live the remainder of my 20s active and healthy. Much like you nothing worked for me. I would lose 40 , eat a burger and gain 3 pds. I couldn't yoyo anymore, this was my last chance. At 25 I could feel my body breaking down from all the weight it was carrying.
  11. Deactivatedfatgal

    Sick and Tired

    Some people have no filter. Just let it roll off & keep pushing fwd. when a person is 250 pounds it's **** talking and when a person gets thin they must be gravely ill. Damned if you do damned if you don't.
  12. Deactivatedfatgal


    Good luck
  13. Deactivatedfatgal

    Depression and regret after WLS

    Thank you! Hopefully I won't be on it for long but I haven't had one panic attack or anxiety today so I am happy about that.
  14. Deactivatedfatgal

    Depression and regret after WLS

    I was placed on zolfot yesterday. My dr said it's a huge life adjustment and your body produces some hormone in the gut so any surgery to the abdomen can bring about depression and etc.
  15. What a beautiful day! Heading to the beach. Have a blessed weekend everybody. 

    1. Newme17


      Enjoy the beach!

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