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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by teacupnosaucer

  1. I agree with @OutsideMatchInside... (as I often do LOL). If you are not tracking your food, that is a good starting point, then look at ways to increase your protein. If you can't eat much, everything you put into your mouth should have value to you in terms of protein and nutrients. You have a limited amount of space in your stomach and times to eat in your day, so use them well! Eating too little (and of the wrong foods) is no more beneficial to weight loss than eating too much at times. Are you seeing someone with regards to your depression? It's hard to accomplish ANYTHING when depression is looming over you. If you can get that under control, the rest will follow. You may need counselling or talk therapy, or to take anti-depressants, or of course a combination! Treating your depression is just as important as treating a physical ailment. It is damn near impossible to exercise when you're depressed, but if you can get just well enough to get out there, exercise helps with the depression! (Trust me, I've been there!) Since you have pain and mobility issues, you may need to see an exercise therapist to help you find ways to exercise that work with your body. Exercise is essential to your overall health and yes, weight loss and maintenance. You may not be able to hit the gym or join a marathon, but you can find ways to be active that work with your body and your limitations. You may need help to get there and that is okay! Weight loss generally lasts for 18 months, so at 7.5 months it's likely you haven't stopped, however to bump yourself out of the stall you will have to make some changes. Doing that with depression is hard, though... so address the depression first!
  2. teacupnosaucer

    Hair Loss Question for Post-op Low BMI'ers

    I'm four weeks out. Definitely losing more hair than I would normally, but it's not distressing or noticeable other than in the shower when I wash my hair and wind up with five or six hairs stuck to my fingers. But I haven't had any complications and am doing very well hitting my protein goals.
  3. teacupnosaucer

    Meditations/antidepressants/anxiety meds

    I took my meds the morning of surgery (on advice of pre-op clinic), then was back on my meds the day I got home from surgery. I take Wellbutrin and Concerta. I didn't crush either of them. (Couldn't crush or split the concerta if I tried!)
  4. teacupnosaucer

    Yogurt and Pre-Op Diet Questions

    Yep I've heard of people being allowed to have yogurt on their pre-op diet. I wasn't, but others were depending on their calorie and nutrient needs pre surgery. You're still going to be fasting after midnight or whatever the day before surgery, I'm sure. You can always call to clarify with your clinic team, but if your surgeon says yogurt is okay, then trust them
  5. teacupnosaucer

    Getting sleeved with a baby

    I breastfed one child until two years old (and I only weaned because I was forced to due to medical reasons) and the other was using formula by two months old... So I've been in both positions. I don't think it's a matter of "just wean LOL" because I know how special breastfeeding can be, but I also don't think it's a matter of "breastfeeding should take priority over everything ever." Some mothers prioritize breastfeeding in their lives and others do not. There's nothing wrong with either mom or either choice as long as baby is fed and mom feels comfortable with her decision. I definitely think that if you're going to regret stopping nursing early, or if stopping nursing is going to cause hardship in your home, then delay the surgery until you ARE comfortable weaning, whenever that may be. Breastfeeding aside, though, I would STILL recommend postponing the surgery for any mom of a baby under one. I just think trying to care for an infant while recovering from a major surgery such as this one sounds like gruelling punishment for everyone involved. For those pre-ops saying "moms care for babies after c-sections though" I'd like to note that there are many c-section veterans who went into bariatric surgery thinking it would be the same or no worse than their c-section and discovered the opposite. Not saying caring for a newborn after a c-section is any easy feat (C-section moms are warriors!) but this surgery knocks you out HARD... Even if you don't have any complications, you're barely getting any calories for energy, you're on some heavy duty painkillers, and you have to put a lot of mental effort and time into making sure you're eating and drinking enough. I just can't imagine doing that when you're also caring for a baby around the clock. You're practically a newborn yourself sipping soup every two hours and struggling to poop LOL. So yeah... unless you've got a seriously urgent or compelling reason to have this surgery right away, (your insurance is running out, if you reject this date you won't get another one for five years, etc...) I'd wait until baby is a little older. But at the very least, be realistic and know that breastfeeding likely isn't going to happen post-op and that you're going to need way more support for yourself and that baby than you probably realize now. Your surgeon should know you're breastfeeding, as well. That's important medical info!
  6. teacupnosaucer

    Getting sleeved with a baby

    I think SOME of that is similar, but no definitely not the same. The pain and fatigue are there, but after a c-section you can eat and drink! There is no way you can adequately breastfeed a child on 600 calories a day and struggling to get in even 20 oz of water. You are already at serious risk of dehydration post-op... there's no way you can produce milk at the same time! I think it's an either/or. Surgery OR breastfeeding. Both is completely unrealistic. And what you choose is up to your priorities as a mom. Neither choice is the wrong one, it's just what works for you and your baby. Postpone the surgery or wean the baby a little earlier than you'd planned. Either way, life goes on. As for the pain and fatigue and lifting restrictions... speaking as a post-op mom of a toddler, you will need ROUND THE CLOCK help for at least the first couple weeks. "Oh my husband only works 9-5 but is home otherwise and my mom is staying with me for two days post-op" ain't gonna cut it. Even after the pain and fatigue get more manageable, you can't lift that baby in or out of the crib, or in and out of the carseat. I had an arrangement that my husband stayed home from work the first week when I was at my worst, then when he went back, he would go in a little later so he could get the baby out of the crib in the morning. Then my mom would come over to either get her into the car for us to do errands or to put her in and out of her crib for naps. She'd go home when my husband came back from work. Then my husband would put the baby to bed at night. It's honestly been pretty tough. I don't regret having my surgery at all, but my kiddo is almost 2 and walking. I don't know if I'd be able to handle the pressures of a significantly younger baby who is still feeding through the night and needs to be carried everywhere. Not unless I had my mother or husband there 24/7 for those 6 weeks you have the lifting restrictions. You've got a decision ahead of you, mama.
  7. I'm a month post-op and I've been really enjoying the clothes so far! Can't wait to have even more choices! My longer term "looking forward to it" goal is to join my husband's company soccer team. It seems like a lot of fun but I need to get into pretty decent shape to do that kind of running! I'm planning on doing Couch to 5K to prepare.
  8. teacupnosaucer

    Insulin resistance and weight loss

    I have PCOS and insulin resistance as well. Even before I started changing my diet, I found introducing an exercise routine helped my insulin levels A LOT. Doing aquafit and then lap swimming 3x per week made a huge change. It didn't help me lose much weight (about 7lbs, then another ten once I got my diet in check), but if you're already dieting then maybe the exercise will help! Here's an article about it: https://www.diabetesdaily.com/blog/2014/09/exercise-fight-insulin-resistance-with-the-most-powerful-weapon/
  9. I definitely find I get "hungry feelings" at non-mealtimes when I'm not being diligent enough about taking my acid reducing meds.
  10. teacupnosaucer

    When can you swim/bath tub

    I went once my incisions were healed and the scabs were falling off. 4 weeks out. I probably started a little earlier than was ideal but I couldn't stand waiting to get back into the pool again! I need my laps for my mental health. Your surgeon will have a timeline they prefer to stick to. I hear between 4 and 6 weeks generally, depending on the surgeon.
  11. My suggestion? Find something new to "like". I'm not in any position to comment on the strength of addiction to cigarettes because I've never been there, but your reason for risking serious ulcers is... kind of lacking in urgency LOL. I "liked" drinking six cans of Pepsi a day and eating out five times a week, but those likes no longer fit into my new lifestyle and making the most of my surgery and my health. Now I like going swing dancing and I like doing laps in the pool and following them up with a soak in the hot tub, and I like watching hockey with my family and I like going to see vintage movies at our historical movie theatre in town. Give yourself permission to change! One day those things you "like" won't seem nearly so important anymore. I couldn't even imagine my life without my beloved Pepsi and now I barely give a crap. And if it's less "I like it" and more "I'm addicted to it still but don't want to use that word", then people in this thread have some great suggestions on how to kick the habit. No shame in asking for help! But if you're looking for permission to start smoking again, AGAINST your surgeon (who is the medical expert)'s advice... I don't know that you're gonna get it from anyone else but fellow smokers in denial!
  12. teacupnosaucer

    Can't Stand Water

    OMG you had surgery! it feels like two days ago you were still a month out! how are you doing!?!?!??!?! /thread hijack
  13. teacupnosaucer

    Can't Stand Water

    Unsweetened iced herbal or fruit tea is my go-to. Davids Tea is a chain here in Canada that does all kinds of amazing loose leaf teas. They're not always calorie free, but I'll take 5-10 calories a serving if it means I'm getting my fluids in. I found water started tasting good again at around three weeks post-op. I've never liked those artificial "water enhancers", I find they taste nasty and I feel like I'm doing no better for myself than drinking diet pop other than the carbonation factor. The suggestion of Trulemon is a good one too, I love those. You could also infuse your own water with berries or cucumber.
  14. teacupnosaucer

    Delete Photo

    Is there a way for us to delete photos ourselves or must we request a mod do it for us? I accidentally uploaded the same photo twice.
  15. teacupnosaucer

    2.5 Weeks Post

    From the album: After

    April 9th, just after starting soft foods. 182.8lbs, wearing a size 14 skirt and size L t-shirt.
  16. teacupnosaucer


    I love these pics! I want to join a team sport too!
  17. teacupnosaucer


    You look amazing!
  18. teacupnosaucer

    1 Month Post

    From the album: After

    April 23rd. One month and one day (by calendar) post op. 178.1lbs, wearing a size 14 jeans and an L t-shirt.
  19. teacupnosaucer

    4 Weeks Post

    From the album: After

    April 20th. One month (by weeks) post op! 179.6lbs, wearing a size 14 jeans and a size 8 Lulu jacket (and size 12 tank)
  20. teacupnosaucer

    2.5 Weeks Post

    From the album: After

    April 9th, just after starting soft foods. 182.8lbs, wearing a size 14 skirt and size L t-shirt.
  21. teacupnosaucer

    Any Canadians get the sleeve

    I got the sleeve here in Alberta! My surgeon was Dr Gill and my procedure was at South Health Centre in Calgary.
  22. teacupnosaucer

    Pre-op Weight Loss

    In our program we were only expected to not gain... just so long as we made the lifestyle changes that was all that was expected of us.
  23. I specifically avoided weighing myself the first week for this reason. You're so pumped full of IV fluids you can't possibly expect to weigh the same or less than you did going in. Stay off the scale!
  24. teacupnosaucer

    Any Regrets?

    I didn't lose my hunger either! But strangely my "cravings" have been absent so far. But I definitely get hungry at my meal/snack times.
  25. teacupnosaucer

    How often so you weigh in?

    I weigh myself every morning, which is also what I did pre-surgery. But I'm the kind of person that doesn't go **** bonkers and eat a bucket of fried chicken out of despair if I go up half a pound overnight or don't lose three days in a row. If I ever get to that point I'll make my husband take away my scale...

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