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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by keekahari

  1. keekahari


    Hello Ms. Mindi... :welcome: You'll have a great time with this group. They are helpful, knowledgable and very supportive... :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Hope to see you at the next meeting. :welcomeB:
  2. keekahari

    What R We Eating

    Unfortunately I am not banded yet...:eek: I just went for my initial eval with the surgeon last Wednesday. Yes, I know, I am the black sheep around here. :frusty: But one day, I will get me a spine.. and develop the courage to fight these bad habits...:fencing:
  3. keekahari

    Getting Closer

    STOCKY, Contrats to you too... :clap2: :clap2: Wow, how u lose them pounds girl.. I need to do the STOCKY program :boxing: Yeahhhh, I will pray for a speedy answer!!!
  4. keekahari

    Getting Closer

    YEAHHHH KAREN... Way to goo. I am soooo happy for YOU! :wow2: Yeahhh :wow2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :wow2: yeahhhh
  5. keekahari

    Happy Birthday Connie

    BUEN CUPLEANOS!!!:eek: :grouphug: :happybday: :happybday:
  6. keekahari

    What R We Eating

    OMG... that sounds absolutely delicious!!!!:first:
  7. keekahari

    What R We Eating

    Okay so today wansnt good either... B- 2 Bagels with butter L- 2 Bagels with cream cheese and two diet pepsi's D- I will attempt a shake.. but lord knows what I hit the kitchen, ITS ON!!! s- 6pak oreo cookies notice a pattern... BAD BAD BAD....:help:
  8. keekahari

    What R We Eating

    PuddinPie, U go gurl.. Ya meals are GRREat.
  9. keekahari

    What R We Eating

    Sat B Nothing L bowl of cocoa krispies and cup of fried rice D nothing Sunday B Nothing L 2.5 slices of pizza from Sams Club D three piece dinner from KFC, with baked beans and mac and cheese two diet pepsi's Monday B 6 pack oreo cookies L Dang had that darn buffet again... It is sooo good. :hungry: Okay, no more buffet this week!!! not so good on the water, but getting better...:heh:
  10. keekahari


    I'm here... Sorry lil late.. but I did update bout my Dr. Visit..
  11. keekahari

    Who Wants to Walk

    So where is the walk for tomorrow? I would be down for an early walk.. Get up ya'll :notagree :notagree :notagree Left, Left, Left Right Left...:horn:
  12. keekahari

    What R We Eating

    Thursday B- EAS Low Carb shake L- Indian buffet (just about everything they had) D- none, still full from lunch. Friday B- Egg/Cheese Croissant, french toast sticks, OJ L- Indian buffet (okay, maybe a lil less this time) D- Finger foods (lil appetizers)
  13. keekahari


    Hello ladies.. Sorry I didnt get a chance to update earlier. I have bee WAY TOO DARN BUSY with work stuff. Anyways... My appt. with Dr. M went well. I am a good candidate (knew that already as big as my azz is :bananajump: I really like the Doc, even though he's married... and he told me about her a couple of timess (I must have been giving him the eye ) But what I was most disappointed about is I was hoping he was gonna tell me that either one, the lap band or the RNY, was best for me and he didnt. He said that is really up to the patient.... well , what if the patient cant decide??? So, I guess my lil high that I was on was deflated a bit. But was still happy I went to see him. He seemed very caring and his stats sounded good. He put me down for the Lap Band and told me if I change my mind just to call him so they can update my info. :decision: I guess I do know that I want the band, I just need to start changing my eating habits/ exercise. The doc said that if I dont excercise, I wont lose weight, even with the band. So, I guess I gotta get my stuff together. He said I only have to lose 10-15 before surgery... ONLY...ha.:frusty: I also go my binder... and my supa dupa folder, that I had been using to organize myself before my appt. I talk to the ins. lady at the office and she said that after my Feb appt with my PCP, to send in my paperwork and they will get me going. So, I am hoping that I can have a surgery early may.:cheer2: Okay, gotta get back to work.... Yes ms. Theresita, I will post my food in a lil bit... although it wasnt good...AGAIN or should I sain IGAIN...:whip:
  14. keekahari

    What R We Eating

    2/1/06 B- Advange Edge Carb Control Shake L- Hot Dog (okay, I am having a bun too) D- Havent really thought about it yet. Snack... okay so today if my Hubbys B-day and I decided that I would bake him a cake... so I am having some yellow cake and white icing... but just a little.
  15. keekahari

    What R We Eating

    You're right LSasha, today is a new day.... I want to thank the ladies from TOPS last night. I was really having a crappy day yesterday and my food choices reflected it! :faint: I appreciate the talks and encouragement. Teresita, I promise to try to eat more healthy things, else nest time I will let you spank me next time... :xena_banana: But today is a new day and I will try again to fight this food battle. :boxing: I will also try to post my food journal daily... :typing: Thank to all of u wonderful supporters.:rockon:
  16. keekahari


    no, I had no veggies I know, I am sooo weak :hail: I went to the nutritionist today and we tried to work on some thangs. She also suggested I join overeaters anyonomous.. or how ever u spell it. Has any one ever been a member? Give me the skinny if u have. Then my day was horrible... the traffic here is CRAzZZZY. I hate the WW bridge!!! I was suppose to hit the gym and what happen... I get to the gym parking lot and I cant find my pool shoes, so cant get in the Water, and then I cant find my socks so no working out, then while I was looking for this stuff, I drop my keys in the car and the alarm starts going off LOUDLY... Security came over asking me for info and stuff cuz they thought I was trying to steal the car... okay how embarrasing. So anyways, after that I was just angry, embarrassed, and pissed, so I to my happy butt home and had me two house specials (drinks) I dont even want to know how many calories were in there... So, how wuz ur day...:faint: :faint:
  17. keekahari


    oh yeah... went to the darn doc yesterday.. I gain 4 pounds.... Somebody please wire my jaw SHUT.... :cake:
  18. keekahari


    I am down to go... I need all the working out I can get. When I say I am gonna go by myself, sometime I just go home and :cake: So, if you want to hit the gym... U know I am there. Ms. T, I really enjoyed the walk this weekend. I was about exhausted when I got home... but that Sexi Steeler kept me going... Yeahh my man is going to the superbowllllll. Ms Stocky, Boxing is great.. get that work out gurl.. :boxing:
  19. Hey there, Not sure if anyone has seen the lap band procedure done before, but here is a link to Brigham and Womans Hospital, where they show the procedure being done. Its about an hour long and the best one I've seen yet. I think it was recorded back in July. enjoy! http://www.or-live.com/BrighamandWomens/1372/
  20. keekahari

    Diet pills

    Thank you ladies for all your suggestions and advice. I want my pcp to perscribe something, cuz I want my notes to show that I've made some effort. I've been working out the past couple of weeks like crazy, but I just keep stuffing my mouth, even when I say I'm not gonna do it. So, I could lose around 15-20 before I become under 40 bmi. I would love to at least see the scale going the other way before surgery, even if its only 5lbs :faint: Hopefully, the diet pill will help, but ultimately, I need to try to control my binge eating. The root of all my problems :angry
  21. keekahari

    National Body Challenge

    :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: A BIG hand of applause for those that came out to the gym yesterday. Getting there was half the battle, but you all got ur sweat on! Teresea, Yeah baby... I was happy to see you and Ms. Linda cycling it out... definately burning up the calories.:cheer2: LSasha... dont stop get it get it... U did excellent. That eliptical machine aint no joke and you were just jammin on there. Way to go ladies... Also, way to go to all who got their work out on yesterday. Your on ur way to a Slimmer U!
  22. keekahari

    Casual Corner- women

    Hello Ladies, I know someone mentioned the sale at casual corner/casual corner women a while back, but I just came back from the one at Springfield mall and WHAT DEALS I FOUND. All the stores are closing. Most of them will close the end of the month, but springfield mall, landmark mall (and maybe others) are closing Monday, so they are at 75-90% off. Just letting u know! Kee:eek:
  23. keekahari

    National Body Challenge

    :director: Work it! Work it! You're sore now, but u'll be looking good later!!!! Yeah babyyyy, u can DO it!
  24. keekahari


    Yeah, that is a lil intimidating.. but it was a hellafied work out. I felt like jello when I left there. I dont think I will be going back much though to work out... 10 per visit is kinda hefty for my pockets. I will be there for the support meeting though.
  25. keekahari


    J&L, where are you gyming at? I know just getting there is the hardest part... Yesterday I did okay... I walked on an incline on the treadmill for 30 minutes, then I did a 30 min toning classs... Now I am all sore.

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